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Importance of positive talking

Positiveness rules!

By The Breatharian BloggerPublished 3 years ago Updated 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you find yourself feeling demotivated most of the time as negative ideas invade your mind? If you answered yes, take a moment to breathe deeply and show yourself some love. We spend a lot of time with ourselves, and what we feed our brains at that time is really important since your internal dialogue has a significant impact on your efficiency and performance.

Positive self-talk is extremely important in these cases. It's authentic, strong, and effective. It improves your physical and emotional wellbeing to have good talks in your thoughts and to treat yourself with kindness. It instils hope and optimism in you, urging you to put your concerns aside and put your best step forward.

Positive self-talk is a sure-fire technique to boost your self-esteem. Because it originates from a place of self-love and optimism, it's an instant uplifter. When you convince yourself with conviction that you can conquer anything, you will undoubtedly get fresh confidence, allowing you to perform at your best.

If you're prone to feeling nervous and sad, a change in how you talk to yourself could be all you need. Your mental health is important, and becoming aware of your thoughts and self-talk is an important aspect of maintaining it. It's impossible to wake up feeling good about yourself when you've been bombarded with all kinds of negativity. The most important thing you have to do is to control your emotions and thought process. This will also be beneficial for your mental wellbeing.

Furthermore, when you confront negative ideas and opt to feed your brain with positive thoughts instead, you will notice that you are a lot calmer and can approach situations more pragmatically. This improves your motivation as well as your overall performance.

Words are powerful in this situation because they influence your behavior. You must become conscious of how you speak to yourself in order to eliminate negative self-talk. Identify the words that cause you to lose your confidence and self-esteem. Examine whether you're too harsh on yourself. The first step in breaking that tendency is to become more aware of your thoughts and words.

Furthermore, negative and self-deprecating ideas tend to become larger with time, eventually becoming your default thought pattern. Try this: whenever a negative idea enters your head, question it and replace it with a good and uplifting one. Make this a habit until it becomes second nature.

Despite our best efforts to be kind to ourselves, there are times when those around us do not allow us to do so. Toxic individuals exist, and they range from being snarky and making disparaging remarks to simply being depressing. Identify those who have a negative impact on your mental health and set boundaries to keep them out. Surround yourself with positive individuals who can provide you with encouragement and motivation.

Positive self-talk entails more than just repeating positive affirmations. It's a lot more complicated than that. It's all about believing in yourself because once you do, nothing will be able to stop you from achieving success and happiness. Believe in your talents, and you'll see a change in your thoughts, words, and actions over time.

Positive self-talk has the potential to transform your life. So, the next time you see yourself being too harsh on yourself, stop right away and learn to see the bright side of things since hope is sometimes all we need. If you want to be successful in life, you must surround yourself with positive thoughts the majority of the time. Only in that way can you achieve your goals and acquire happiness. Always be prepared for the ups and downs of life and counter them with positive thinking!

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About the Creator

The Breatharian Blogger

Here to inspire you on your journey. ✊🏾

Connect with me on IG @jromeshaw

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