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If Your "Office For The Day" Is A Tropical Beach, You're Doing It Wrong

In fact, you may actually be an utter failure and not even know it

By Rick MartinezPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by hitesh choudhary from Pexels

"I'm not a psychologist. I can't tell you why it happened," she said through gritted teeth, her voice shaking with anger and desperation. "All I know is that one day I woke up, and the world didn't make any sense to me anymore."

She paused for a moment, so she could take in those last words before continuing on. She looked out the office window as if expecting someone to come bursting in with an explanation or way out that would explain everything. When no one came, she sighed deeply and continued her story:

"Things were just fine when I started dating this guy a year ago… and then six months ago there was some trouble at work…and now I'm hammered with daily deadlines" Her speech slowed down until eventually, she couldn't speak anymore.

"It's like life is one long string of burdens."

Jennifer's story could be your story. It could be your friend's story or your co-worker's story. It's not that unique.


It's been a long week.

It's always a long week.

You're feeling stressed and overwhelmed by life in the US. Maybe you work too many hours, perhaps your relationships aren't what they used to be, or perhaps it's just life in general that is getting to you. Whatever it is, I'm sure we can all agree that life would be better with less stress.

Am I right?

In an article published on Medium recently, the author discusses her recent vacation to Belize. After her first 24 hours there, she says that she may never go back to the US due to how wonderful life was without any pressure or deadlines. She goes into detail about how life felt like "a slow-motion movie," which made her feel more at ease than a life in the USA.

I found myself really curious about what she was going to say next.

As I read her story, I felt drawn into her words; maybe moving to a tropical island and feeling free? If I left my life as a freelance writer and business owner behind me, took care of everything before leaving, and moved on an island, then life would be better because there's no pressure or deadlines?

Could escape be that simple?

Then I realized the fallacy of this whole line of thought and questioning: It wasn't where you live but our state of mind about it.

"The soul is stronger than its surroundings." - William James

It dawned on me - what kind of life is this type of person living without any responsibilities or goals outside of spending time with themself? Are they really feeling free from stress simply because they chose different geography? While life might be stressful here in America, and many folks work like dogs, doesn't it ultimately boil down to the fact that we have control over this?



You do.

You see, if the author, and you, and me, can take off to a tropical island and still get stuff done and have less stress…then what's stopping them, you, me, us, from doing it now. Right now. Where you're at today in Any-City, USA.

It is easy to get caught up in life and feel as if we are always racing. Whether it be towards the end of our days or just trying to make a deadline at work, there is always something pushing us along. But how often do you stop and think about where life would be better? Where would life be more straightforward? Some people go so far as to move their whole family overseas in pursuit of this dream. However, they may not realize that it isn't a matter of location but rather mindset.

Life is life.

Life is life wherever you are.

Maybe life does get more stressful here in America, but we have the power to control it. We can always make changes and find what works for us. Maybe that means setting priorities or finding a better work-life balance; perhaps it's cutting back on obligations or saying no to commitments that don't fit into your life anymore. Either way, freedom isn't having fewer deadlines or living without stress - freedom is being able to live life how YOU want.

And running away to a tropical island is not the same as freedom.

It's running away.

It's weakness.

It's cowardice.

Plain and simple.

You don't need me to give you another bland list of "Top 10 Hacks" to find work-life balance. Or another damn article about "How To Say No More" or some new age guru quote about self-awareness.

You already know what's stealing your soul, yet you allow it.


Let me finish by asking this: If our mindset about life makes such an extreme difference, why do so many people "escape" instead of actually making a change? Why not take action right now if they really feel like freedom would be possible with just a minor tweak?

I'm not saying life is perfect here, or anywhere for that matter.

I am just trying to point out that life has a way of making us crazy if we let it. Running away isn't always the best option because life - no matter where you are or what you're doing - will still be life. And freedom is something we have control over rather than waiting for some tropical island to give to us.

Make the change.


Now I'm curious. What thoughts do YOU have about this topic? Share them in the comments.

self help

About the Creator

Rick Martinez

I help CEOs & entrepreneurs write & publish books that give them authority & legacy | Bestselling author | Former CEO turned ghostwriter |

California born, Texas raised.

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