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I am 16 and I earn 66,923$ in 2020

The story of Umer Qureshi from India!

By kunal pardeshiPublished 3 years ago 9 min read

I am Umer and I am 16 years old from India before we move on to my professional journey I want you all to think of the child from your society who is fat and people in your society teases him with different terms like 'elephant ' people think that he cannot do anything in his life.

And I am the same kid.

But today I am a digital marketing coach and an Internal marketer. And I earn enough to handle my own expenses as well as my family's expenses

My journey was not smooth as it sounds! I was born in a family in Delhi [India] and I have one con that was not accepted by society. It is that I am fat and the same con always humiliates me.

Whenever I used to walk out of my house, everyone criticized me for my fat body. They said I cannot do anything and used to tease me "Look, the elephant is walking". I cannot bear it! I cannot bear the harassment of society, so I avoided walking out of the home! I was so badly haunted by these people. That I didn't walk out of home for six to seven months and of course, I went into depression. I used to think that if I walk out, I cannot handle the body shame and criticism.

Due to such humiliation, I stopped socializing.

And it was not the end! My own family members were criticizing and humiliating me. This demotivated Me too much. I always wanted an opportunity to prove myself so, I used to hunt the opportunities whenever I could grab them. I just wanted an opportunity to gain my lost respect.

Many people don't know that at the age of 12, I used to go to the Cybercafes near my house and ask them for a job and the reason behind it was that I thought that if people came to know that I can operate computers very well then they might think that I am some cool guy. Yeah, I know it was a childish thought, but I was 12! (what can you expect from 12 years old child?). I thought that if I got a job in a cyber cafe, then I would learn new things and I would be able to show off like my friends! I tried several cybercafes! But everyone rejected me.

So now let's start with the actual story, it was 2016 and the internet in India was booming. At the same time, me with my brothers and sister planned to gift a new mobile phone to our mother.  It was EID and our relatives gave us some money. We got enough money to buy a brand new android phone for our mother! After we bought the phone,  my brother and sister were not as interested as I was! one day I was watching a video of my favorite creators on YouTube and one video popped up in the suggestion tab that said: "how to earn money online"!

So another thought popped in my mind that if I earn some money, then I may gain the respect of my parents and my Society. After watching that video, I discovered that I can earn money online and there are several ways. And the first way I  discovered and found interesting was YouTube.

At that time the YouTube was on Boom due to Jio Revolution in India. So I started a channel on YouTube, and what do you think? What were the results?

Exactly! I failed and I failed so badly that I created three new channels but got no results. The Reason behind it! I was not consistent and my family never supported me on youtube.  My style of recording YouTube videos was very unique! I used to take the mobile and go to the corner of the room or in the washroom and start recording the audio by taking the mobile as close as possible to my mouth. (of course, because I don't want to get beaten by my parents)

So if it was 2017, and I realized that I have failed tremendously. So, I went back to the same video and tried another way and that was affiliate marketing!

And today, I can proudly say that I was an unsuccessful YouTuber!

coming back to the story...

By 2017, I started affiliate marketing and I did it with all the free mediums! And as usual, I didn't get the results. I started doubting myself. My mind was filled with questions like is there something wrong with me? is it my mistake that I am not capable to get successful? These questions lead me to gain more knowledge because I used these questions as fuel!

So I started gaining more knowledge and I realized that if I want to get successful in this online business, I need to invest some money, on 13, April 2018 at that night I asked my father for money. My father asked me, "why do I need money?"

I said, " father, I don't know exactly what I'm going to do but I need some money" and surprisingly my father give me the money! At that time I realized that my father was supportive. It was around 1300 rupees (14-15$), and I bought that the tools necessary for my online affiliate business and I gave it a hundred percent, but then too I failed. Soon it was my birthday and I saw another opportunity of acquiring funds so I asked my father for money (again!) and he was ready. I knew that I can celebrate my birthday every year but opportunities don't visit us every year!  So I Cancel my birthday party and used that money in business and guess what I failed again!

After these many failures, I realized that people invest in school i.e formal education. And what we get in return, not much as we invest. So why can't I invest in my online learning? End of the day It is also knowledge. I used to sleep in school because I used to hustle at night.

So the next day I checked several courses and I came across a worthy course and I loved it. I really wanted to buy it, but how can I manage the money? The amount was too big for a child like me, so when my parents were sleeping I pulled my fathers' wallet out of the cupboard and use his credit card for payment! Of course, I deleted the payment deduction message from his phone to get rid of traces.

I completed that course, and I learned lots of things, really lots of things. I work a lot and my first earning was $1 It was 70 rupees at that time! I was very happy that I earned 70 rupees with my own efforts!

But couldn't show it to my parents, Because that amount was in the wallet of the application. (It might be a small amount for you but for a 15 years kid from India that a great start!)

As I learned more about affiliate marketing, I started meeting industry experts.

I made my mentor to Sourav Bhatnagar who is a very successful entrepreneur in India. He had a residential workshop and I wanted to attend it and it was out of my city and really far away from my city but  I was really willing to attend it and this time  I could not swipe the card because I didn't want to receive a tight slap from my father.

I could not resist myself and I approached my father and said "father, I need 10,000 rupees (around 140 dollars) to attend a workshop" and he agreed because deep down he too knew that I was doing something good!

But the problem came when my mother came to know about it. My mother's first reaction was she gifted me a slap on my cheeks and it was the end of this topic, my trip was canceled.

I cried a lot that day but at the end of the day, I was a kid.

Small Umer

After a few days, my mentor took another residential workshop and it was in Delhi. Yes, my hometown and I felt very lucky, I didn't want to miss it, the price was same and I really wanted to go there. So, instead of asking my parents, I asked one of my friend who lend me the money. I am very grateful of him!

I went to the event and my parents didn't knew it. I attained the workshop and gained the knowledge and return back to home. Now i wanted to clear my dept!

My efforts and hustling for several months got me some results. It generated me 25,000 rupees (350$). Of which I returned 10000 rupees to my friend and the remaining 15,000 to my parents.

Again, I am very grateful to that friend who helped me this much. Whatever I am today he had played a very important role!

After I showed the results to my parents, they started respecting me. I got one point clear in my mind that if I want respect, I need to earn a lot of money. The relation between respect and money was very well fit in my mind. I enhance my sk

ills at such an advanced level that in 2020. I generate a revenue of 50 lakh rupees (66,923$).

I started an online mentorship program and established my own University. Umer Qureshi University. In my University, there are 5,000 students. It is very better than every school for formal education. Students in a university are earning learning and sharing and helping others to earn.

My only advice to you people is to stop fearing the people and Bullies. Never let anyone's criticism demotivate you. The relatives who used to call me a giant elephant, Etc. Now, just know one name, Umer Qureshi! You can also achieve a huge success like me just be unstoppable!

If This story motivates you then share it with your friends who are fat and really need it!


This is story of Indian affliate marketer from india,I wrote this artical in 1st person dialog so you can read it better. Umer explained this story on Josh Talks Hindi (A Platform where entrepreneurs share their journey in the Hindi language).

If you like this story and want me to bring more stories then feel free to share and donate.


About the Creator

kunal pardeshi

I am a 19 years old hustler who loves to write!

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