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How to win

By sulayman kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 11 months ago 19 min read

you should stop chasing butterflies

plant a garden so they come to you this

applies to most things in your life

and speaking of friends stop hanging out

with losers unless you want to be one

yourself you are the average of The Five

People You spend most of your time with

so choose them carefully you can't

change the people around you but you can

change the people around you don't worry

about having a lot of friends you really

only need one or two

stop taking advice from people less

successful than you unless you're

listening to learn what not to do the

knowledge they don't teach in schools is

the source of money for those who are


try to never be the smartest person in a

room this rule applies to everything in

life unless you're a teacher or trying

to con the people in the room

a sinking ship can save no one if you

want to live a life that matters start

with yourself

stop pointing fingers and assume blame

for everything that happens in your life

this moves responsibility onto yourself

now get better

be as brutally honest as you can be at

least with yourself and try with others

every lie you tell incurs a debt to the

truth the more you lie the more in debt

you'll be and your life will come to


your life is boring because you are

boring stop waiting for other people to

come into your life and fix your reality

nobody is coming to save you so you have

to save yourself

you solve boredom by being curious find

a way to monetize the things that you

can't wait to do in your spare time and

the world becomes your playground

if you're lacking purpose know that the

purpose is to grow growing allows you to

understand see enjoy and explore even


and speaking of purpose take care of

yourself once you figure yourself out

take care of your inner circle once

that's done expand into your local

community now you have a purpose go

execute it

Define a big goal for your life make it

explicit it'll serve as your North Star

write it down in detail on a piece of

paper and look at it every once in a

while to remind yourself why you're

doing all of this people who write down

goals are 40 more likely to achieve them

once you figure yourself out stay in

your lane and leave them be they'll talk

they'll try to distract you you're not

competing with them you're competing

with poverty and who you were yesterday

seek progress not perfection

the worst position to find yourself in

is no time and no money the person who

has time can always choose to trade it

for money once you have money you can

begin choosing to trade it for time

learn this Arbitrage and you'll win at


better is greater than more is greater

than new shiny objects are all around

you these are the Trap Society sets for

you to get you to stop what you're doing

there are no shortcuts to any place

worth going focus on doing what you do

and do it consistently better it takes

ten thousand hours to master anything

see where this road leads before you

move on to a new one

as long as you live remember the only

free cheese is in the mouse trap

success boils down to just doing the

obvious thing for uncommonly long

periods of time

be careful of unearned money or

knowledge there's usually a price to pay

you should win at life no matter if you

get lucky or not no reason to play the

lotto the lottery is like a special tax

for people who can't do math

every day do one thing that gets you

closer to your big goal venture out into

the unknown remember boats are safe in

the harbor but that's not what boats are


do not quit everyone who ever wanted

life simply didn't give up know that it

might take a while it might be hard but

as long as you keep putting one foot in

front of the other you will eventually

get there problems are life's way of

seeing if you're ready to level up

you must work in the dark for your light

to shine no matter how hard or difficult

life gets remember that even the longest

night eventually turns in today keep in

mind that when you'll look back the

nights are long but the years are short

measure in decades not days you'll be

paid based on your ability to see into

the future employees can only see one

week in advance managers a couple of

months and CEOs a few years

if life is a simulation

self-confidence is a cheat code believe

in yourself and others will do as well

we trust and invest our time effort and

money into people and the way they

present themselves take care of yourself

shower often get a haircut clean clothes

and make sure you smell nice don't make

it easy on them

never assume the answer is no before you

ask let them be the ones to tell you no

more often than not you'll be surprised

by how wrong you were to assume the

worst no doesn't change your reality

very much so every time you ask you're

getting a free role and a positive

answer even if they do say no then you

get to ask what would have made them say

yes their feedback will help you grow

stop acting richer than you are stop

trying to impress people impress

yourself stop buying products marketed

to you flexing is just showing others

how much money you can afford to waste

it's actually a waste of time you're

playing the long game where if you win

you get the life you always wanted

let them hate nobody throws stones at a

tree that doesn't have ripe fruit on it

stop expecting them to see what you see

stop expecting them to act the way you

would act stop expecting you from other


they won't be able to see the world the

way you see it when you talk growth with

people who don't want to grow to them it

sounds like bragging they'll resent you

for trying to move up from where they

are because your progress makes them

realize that they are less in comparison

a man with no aspirations sees dreams as

arrogance even so accept people as they

are but place them where they belong

if your dog starts barking at you

somebody else is feeding it

this isn't really about dogs

others will only see your decision not

the choices you had they will only see

the outcome not the effort overnight

success usually takes seven years to


stop chasing people yes sex is fun but

making your dreams come true is the

ultimate release you can't even imagine

what it's like to wake up without the

stress of having to survive

stop buying video games and weed instead

hop on a plane Chase experiences versus

not escaping from reality be careful of

anything that can cause addiction or

long-term damage it's not worth it move

away and do not look back

the only real test of intelligence is if

you get what you want out of life ask

yourself if you're so smart why aren't

you rich if you're so smart why aren't

you happy smart people are able to

figure these things out so figure it out

once the work is done the lesson learned

trust that the money will follow money

will be up and it will be down but

that's how life is the market doesn't

determine how hard you work so by proxy

if you can outwork them you'll be able

to out earn them

learn to use leverage those who use the

tools at their disposal outperform the

rest learn to use the technology

available in your field your life is

cheap because you think investing in

yourself is expensive if you're finding

this video valuable go to app

right now and get the alox app it'll

blow you away with how practical and

actionable it is you'll see what we mean

once you get it use money to hire other

people for boring repetitive tasks

you'll pay them a fraction of what you

charge for it because the hard part

isn't the work it's bringing in Revenue

never do what others can do for you and

once you do let them do it no point in

hiring a dog if you're going to bark for



rise up early the world is lazy and

unmotivated it's easy to compete with

them if you are up before them an extra

hour of your life is worth more when

you're 30 than when you're 80. it pays

off to cut on sleep when you're young

you don't win by being better you win by

doing the things others don't consider

valuable you already know what you

should be doing the growth you are

looking for is in the work you keep


it's never too late to start but those

who start earlier usually get further

along the way than everyone else that's

why the best time to plant a tree was 20

years ago the second best was yesterday

and the third best is right now

remember that great is just good

repeated over and over again consistency

beats Talent when Talent isn't

consistent you have to rub the lamp

consistently if you want your wish to

come true

in life you have to choose one of two

pains the pain of discipline or the pain

of regret

feel bad because deep down you know you

could be doing better the gap between

reality and expectations creates stress

either bring your reality to the level

of your expectations or bring your

expectations to the level of your

reality make a choice

direction is more important than speed

the same way hard work won't get you

very far if the idea is poor give

yourself the best shot at success find a

good enough idea and work as hard as you

can on hand

it doesn't get easier you just get

better but the trick is to do it every

day and once you see those results

coming in you're hooked

good enough Now is better than perfect

never get yourself moving and adjust

course based on the information you


you might not realize it but between one

percent and two percent the difference

is one hundred percent small changes

lead to Big results you choose who you

are becoming through the choices you

make daily as these small choices

compound over time

once you get burned don't put your hand

back in the fire the lesson you struggle

with will repeat itself until you learn

from it you should never be more stupid

than you need to be

the price for making everyone happy is

making yourself miserable if you're a

friend to everybody you're actually an

enemy to yourself

people want you to do well in life but

not better than them and on that note

pay attention to those who don't clap

when you win most people won't support

you until they notice it's popular to

support you be careful of those who only

show up when you cut the cake

remember that if they talk to you about

someone else behind their back they'll

do the same about you with them lies

travel faster than the truth so keep an

ear out for what people are saying then

look at who they are

judge people based on what they do not

on what they say words only make sense

when we discover the ends they serve

an insincere apology is a second insult

the smartest people realize life is a

strategy game mediocre people sit back

and assume it's a movie

reality is negotiable anything that

anyone has ever done is proof that it's

possible if you only gather all of the

ingredients and follow the same recipe

the truth is nobody gets Rich by being

employed you get rich by owning

something that dramatically increases

value in a short period of time they

told you that it takes money to make

money so that you won't quit your job

some of you aren't broke you're just

pre-rich the truth is money doesn't buy

happiness but it's a very strong

unhappiness repellent

you get rich by taking large amounts of

risk with low amounts of money you stay

Rich by taking low amounts of risk with

large amounts of money

you make yourself rich by selling you

make yourself Wealthy by not having to

sell these are two very different

mindsets so learn the difference

pay all your taxes you don't want to be

disqualified due to a technicality make

your money in the light it's never been

easier to make a lot of money legally

there's no reason to take on the risk of

ever going to jail

avoid emotional altercations nobody

remembers any situation where losing

your temper created a positive outcome

actually it's cheaper to get out of

conflict even if you get out of a loss

if emotions go up decision making goes


keep in mind that once words are spoken

they're no longer only yours people

might forgive you but they will never

forget how you made them feel

learn to be where your feet are there's

nothing like the present but most people

live either in the past or in the future

so they miss out on the most important

parts of life

don't be a slave to the person you used

to be forgive your past and move on

remove the chains of past trauma keeping

you back it takes a strong person to

admit they need help remember the person

with no future will only look to the


don't die with music Still In you find

your gift once you learn to monetize

your gift life opens up almost every

decision can be rewound regrets are


find your voice learn to speak as

yourself you'll be able to escape

competition through authenticity because

nobody can beat you at being you please

remember that undifferentiated products

can only compete on price and that's a

race to the bottom you don't want to be


be courageous the journey starts when

you take the first step not when you

think about taking the first step

it's never the first mistake that ruins

you it's a series of mistakes that

follow it that's why brutal honesty is

so important take your head out of your

behind and look objectively at your life

sometimes you miss the forest because of

the trees

there's no such thing as your truth

truth is reality what you have is your

perspective on reality don't confuse the


if you want to avoid making the same

mistake twice make more decisions based

on your past memories and fewer

decisions based on your current emotions

you don't expand by becoming someone

else you expand by becoming more of


the greater the monster the greater the

hero when you start growing you'll get

Growing Pains new levels new Devils get

ready for some new challenges

the cost of public failure is the ticket

to the life you want to live 73 percent

of people live with the fear of public

embarrassment so they settle for

whatever Society tells them to settle

for you don't need others to believe in

you if you believe in yourself you get

to decide whether to be your greatest

obstacle or your biggest fan

you already know this by now but if you

don't build your own dream someone will

hire you to build theirs

being busy is not a flex it means you

don't have control over your life don't

confuse being busy with being productive

Stop opening new tabs in your mind it

slows down your processing power use

your brain for what it's designed to do

the main purpose of your brain is to

generate ideas not to store them

anything that you can do for a limited

time that has lifelong returns do it

look for these kinds of returns in

everything you do

you don't need more advice you need to

finish your to-do list don't buy new

books finish the ones you bought but

haven't read yet don't start a new

project until you see the fruit of the

first one

learn to use the knowledge of the past

and you'll seem like a genius of the

present knowledge is useless unless you

apply it you can't just read about

push-ups and expect to build muscle

use knowledge as soon as you get it for

its value decreases over time with a

number of people that hold it

if you feel undervalued the first thing

you should do is switch locations

because location changes value the same

bottle of water is 50 Cents at the

supermarket two dollars at a restaurant

and five dollars on a plane you're not

undervalued you're just in the wrong

place sometimes the lifestyle you want

may not be available in your region

whenever you feel stupid about something

that's a signal that you just got

smarter also don't believe everything

you feel feelings are usually different

than reality

although people say they don't know

where to start the reality is there are

too many options that's what's stopping

you from taking action

when we know what to do knowing when to

do it becomes the hard part

the world where you were born no longer

exists so open up your mind and get

ready for the future companies who plan

for the future earn on average 33

percent more than those who just stay

the course

the goal is to be an intellectual

athlete being an end-to-end thinker is a


doing what you want equals Freedom

liking what you do equals happiness

be careful who you choose to follow put

a clown on a throne and the whole

Kingdom becomes a circus

don't mistake an expensive lifestyle for

a happy life the poor man is someone who

always wants more money no matter how

much money they already have it's okay

for others to have more than you as long

as you have more than enough

time doesn't heal anything it just piles

up new memories and distractions

drive for peace not happiness both of

them stem from freedom and the ability

to toy with your own time that is the

greatest measurement of freedom

we are born with the seed of death in us

if you were to die tomorrow would you be

proud of how you lived your life maybe

it's time you start adding more life to

your years life is a balance between the

present and trading with the future

living every day as if it's your last is

horrible productivity advice

you should never have a problem turning

the page of your life life has Seasons

the same way nature does you might be

ready to start a new season live life

without a destination mindset the one

who loves the journey will go further in

life than the one who loves the

destination the biggest life hack is

finding happiness in the process

you win at life when you enjoy the

passing of time instead of trying to

build the perfect business pick the

lifestyle you want and build a business

that supports it you will be much


sometimes more money is just too

expensive if it costs you your peace of

mind and how you sleep at night the cost

is too high you don't need it no matter

what it is

the reward is better when you've earned

it there's Beauty in the struggle

the goal is to no longer have any goals

success is a self-perpetuating game that

you can only win by deciding you've

already won if you're watching this know

that you're already there what you're

playing for now are bonus points

gratitude for what you have replaces the

misery of not having more

now I like sir which of these 100 golden

nuggets sparked an aha moment for you

let us know in the comments and as for

your bonus here's one more thing we want

to add to the list it's not the recipe

that you're missing you're smart enough

to know what needs to be done what you

need is six months of focus of a

productive routine where every morning

before you do anything else you chip

away at your dream write one page a day

write one block of code get it done

consistently 2023 is going to be a very

interesting year it's a year of resets

the world will start feeling the effects

of the recession property prices will

start falling people will be laid off if

you have a safety Nest hold on to it

make sure you survive and use this

period of Market stagnation to build

three years from today your life could

look completely different if for the

next six months you buckle down and get

to work so here's what we want you to do

make a promise that for the next six

months not a day will go by without you

chipping away at your goal look yourself

in the mirror or pull out your phone and

make this promise to yourself come back

to this video as often as you can and we

promise every single time you do

something else will click in your mind

these are by far the most valuable

lessons we've learned in the past decade

and in this video You'll Always Find an

answer to your next phase don't

underestimate estimate what the next six

months can do for your business your

health relationships and more six months

from now you can become a whole

different person and open up your life

completely let's see who's ready for it

if you're ready to accept the six month

challenge write 6m in the comments let's

see how many of you got tired of waiting

and are ready to finally do something

about it show the world What You're Made

Of go get it


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