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Boost up your testorone

By sulayman kone

By Sulayman KonePublished 12 months ago 13 min read

these are some of the supplements i used

daily to triple my testosterone vitamin

d i use ten thousand ius a day five

thousand in the morning five thousand at

night cod liver all i took a tablet in

the morning a tablet at night just a

quick word from our sponsor me because

nobody sponsors me the testosterone

booster master pack is out now boys i'm

doing 10 final 50 off codes with code

tribe go check it out now you also get

added to the private whatsapp and to my

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pounds with the offer back to the video

no guide

to boosting testosterone naturally first

of all what is low testosterone what

does it feel like what does it look like

if you are tired irritable have low

confidence you find it very easy to gain

fat even when your diet seems to be

quite good and you find it hard to gain


you have a low sex drive no morning wood

or reduced morning wood and all symptoms

are low testosterone so about 10 months

ago i was starting to plateau in the gym

i wasn't making any progress in regards

to adding muscle i had a low sex drive i

really wasn't looking at women anymore

and wanting to sleep with them wasn't

that interested and i was having a lot

of brain fog so i couldn't really get

anything done i wasn't being very

disciplined and i thought okay i feel

pretty rubbish i don't know what this is

all about turns out i was massively over

training i was training nearly every day

of the week

i wasn't eating the right foods and i

was working a nine-to-five job that had

me sitting on my ass all day without

getting enough sun so i basically tanked

my own testosterone scores which led me

to investigating well how do you

actually boost this naturally because a

lot of things pointed to trt

testosterone replacement therapy

definitely an option

not a bad thing if you get it done the

right way i felt i was too young for

that i wanted to see how i could boost

my test naturally so that's what sort of

put me on this mission leads me to where

i am now as the ceo of testosterone

normal test levels range from 300

nanograms per deciliter to 1 100

nanograms per deciliter now the problem

is that someone with 300 nanograms per

deciliter testosterone is going to feel

very very different to somebody with 1

100 like

miles and miles apart now

the problem with this is is that a

doctor would call both of those schools

normal so i think it's very important

that you get this tested and you have a

look at what it is because you might

have had tests in the past your doctor

might have said yeah your test levels

are completely normal and you're

actually totally out of whack now 50

years ago

normal testosterone levels would look

like 700 nanograms per deciliter up to 1

600 that's how much testosterone has

been dropping that is one of the biggest

problems that men face today is just due

to our new lifestyles and our lack of

activity the foods that we're eating our

testosterone is dipping year on year so

that's why we have to use these test

boosting protocols whereas when we were

back hunting and gathering we probably

wouldn't have needed to now my own

testosterone level is 956 nanogram per

deciliter and i've also had before a

390. i can tell you they are they are

miles and miles apart actually had quite

bad anxiety i wasn't very confident i

wasn't able to do to do anything i was

actually getting a little bit worried

about even going to the shop so like

doing a simple thing like buying milk so

that's very very odd to call that a

normal score which is quite worrying but

now you boys know

blood work should you test your levels

if you want to know for certain what

your testosterone is if you're getting

some of the symptoms of low testosterone

then you obviously need to check your

levels to be 100 sure you might feel a

certain way but you still need to check

and then obviously you should check

again once you've used this protocol or

you've used another protocol whatever

you've used to see if your testosterone

levels have actually increased so if

you've got access to the funds you

definitely should cost roughly 40 to 70

pounds just put in free and total

testosterone blood work in the uk or

anywhere in the world and there should

be one where they send you a vial you

just prick your own finger you put the

blood in the pot you send it back you do

the test in the morning and send it back

in like one or two days so that's very

very effective just make sure you get

free and total testosterone levels

tested not just total

and also you could test vitamin d

eastern and cortisol levels for an

in-depth look at your health estrogen

it's a female sex hormone great to have

a look at and same with cortisol if you

find you're very very stressed high

cortisol levels tank testosterone so

it's another one worth having a look at

so let's say you've had your blood work

done and this is the reason you need

free and total testosterone tested this

is what your blood work looks like when

it's tested for testosterone so free

test is not bound it's available it can

be used anabolically can be used to

create muscle albumin bound test is also

available it's actually a protein that

allows the release of testosterone when

your body needs it so you've got a

roughly 40 percent

of your

total testosterone is testosterone that

can actually be used by the body and

then you've got globulin bounty this has

already been used this this goblin

bounty can't be used it's lost its

anabolic effect so when you're looking

at your results what you do to find out

your bioavailable testosterone you do

your free testosterone and then about 38

of your total testosterone and then

you'll find the number in nanograms of

deciliter of your bioavailable

testosterone and this

is what you should be looking at that is

what's actually going to give you that

anabolic effect and give you the

benefits that we're talking about if you

want to get your tests done now you know

how to do it you know what to check for

sleep is huge when it comes to

testosterone and health in general sleep

is one of the best things you can do to

improve your general health your

well-being often if you have a few

nights of low sleep well i know for a

fact that it can reduce testosterone 15

to 20 percent that's just five hours

sleep in a night if you do that for a

few nights through the week you can

literally tank your testosterone levels

make sure you're getting seven plus

hours a night ideally eight or nine now

if you can the aura ring is very very

good for tracking your sleep for

actually finding out how much deep sleep

you're getting how much rem sleep light

sleep if you've got the money for it i

find the o-ring to be very very helpful

and also encourages you to sleep more

because it kind of it gamifies it and it

makes you want to beat your score if you

want to sleep better there's a few very

easy and i'm i'm no expert in sleep but

do a couple of things that certainly

help me a dark cold room if you've got

curtains that let the light through get

one of those eye patches um because it

is going to wake you up maybe when you

don't want to it's going to disturb your

sleep and don't eat or drink two hours

before bed i used to drink loads of

water before bed obviously every night

you get up for a week um we get to go to

the toilet and it's going to disturb

your sleep reduce your screen time up to

bed you don't want to be all hyped up

i find movies actually help me go to

sleep if i stick a movie on the tv i

fall asleep um but the best thing i'd

recommend is reading a book

and one that's actually not that

interesting or a fiction book is usually

the best way to go if i read something

business related that starts giving me

ideas that's the bit of the brain you

want to turn off you want to relax don't

be reading and having new ideas and

being active in your brain so fiction or

a boring book something factual or

slightly interesting that you could read

before bed will help you get to sleep

and then also white noise generators

i've heard these are very very good at

stopping you from waking up in the night

if you're consistently disturbed

throughout your sleep um i used to use a

fan that was on every night it seemed to

help me sleep better but you can get a

white noise generator on your phone you

can use a fan you can do whatever it's

actually very important to set a bedtime

a lot of people would recommend you set

a bedtime and not a wake-up time i

realize that's not possible for a lot of

people because of work but i try not to

follow an alarm for wake-ups i try to

wake up naturally when my body wants me

to when i've had adequate sleep because

it is that important to your

productivity your testosterone your

whole life in general so set a sleep

time i find you get a lot more done if

you sleep earlier because you are then

adding productive hours onto the front

of your day if you sleep late those

hours normally after five six o'clock

where you've done your work and you're

tired they're normally spent on

entertainment and other tasks that

aren't moving you towards your purpose

so although those things are good and

you should definitely enjoy yourself and

relax it's very good to move say your

time from

if you currently go to bed about

midnight if you move that back to 10 but

wake up two hours earlier you've then

added two productive hours onto the

front end of your day which means you

can get two hours more work done whereas

you don't really need those extra two

hours of relaxing getting nothing done

watching tv supplements i haven't used

many for sleep the only things i have

used are pistachios and chamomile tea

and i can say they both work

fantastically pistachios

especially is full of melatonin which is

what helps you sleep you can eat

pistachios before bed they're also very

good healthy fats for testosterone and

the chamomile tea just seems to soothe

me and helps me go to sleep if i do want

something to drink before bed obviously

you don't be drinking coffee cut your

caffeine out midday if you are having

trouble sleeping or getting to sleep

training over training to start with

this is what really destroyed my own

testosterone levels if you're doing some

sort of muay thai and very very

explosive hard cardiovascular workouts

regular times a week which i was i was

doing mma and i was also weight training

uh your body can't take that stress

every time you train it is peaking your

cortisol it's reducing your testosterone

your body is a constant in a constant

state of trauma so you have to really

look after yourself it's very important

that you balance your training with your

rest and your recovery if they are both

equally as important you need to

stimulate muscle growth you need to

allow time to grow so that you can get

bigger stronger faster heal your central

nervous system and make sure that you're

producing testosterone under training if

you never train if you don't go to the

gym if you're sat in your ass all day

your body's not going to produce

testosterone in the levels that you need

it to because it doesn't feel like it

needs testosterone there is no reason

for it to release testosterone into your

body so

that's another reason why you need to

get in the gym start training three

times a week full body is a great place

to start adequate training adequate rest

and recovery compound lifts squats

deadlifts bent over rows these are all

fantastic because they use huge muscle

groups and they stimulate testosterone

production and human growth hormone

production very good at building muscle

mass very good for your body in general

just i would recommend don't lift too

heavy don't ever try and ego lift on the

compound lifts because that can really

hurt you it can slip discs in your back

so make sure you're you're training

quite high reps between 12 and 15 i

would recommend three sets on your

squats and your deadlifts i don't do

anything super heavy it's just not worth

the risk but it is very good for

testosterone the exact programs that i

actually use to build my physique from

when i was boosting my testosterone

through to now where i'm more tailoring

building the shoulders all of that is in

my new program i've added four programs

in there which will take you from

complete beginner who's never been able

to build consistency in the gym to to

expert and they're all 12-inch programs

so they're all in there if you want to

check it out links in the description

excessive cardio i really recommend

doing this if you can avoid it a lot of

people like

middle-aged men they decide they want to

go and jog every single day for hours on

end or they go on their bike rides in

lycra and you look at their physiques

and it's just like what what on earth

are you doing you look

so unhealthy they've still got the

little pot belly they've got skinny

around the arms and the legs they've

lost some weight off the face and they

just look unhealthy and the reason being

they're not adding muscle mass they're

tanking their testosterone levels

through that continued

exertion over

excessive cardio because it builds up

that extra stress without actually

giving your body stimulus to grow muscle

when you grow muscle your body's

metabolism increases it makes it easier

to burn fat so the best way that you can

really lose lose fat is to start gaining

muscle by lifting weights and that's how

you end up looking like hercules rather

than daily bread

a thin david brent he's a little bit

more chunkier these are some of the

supplements i use daily to triple my

testosterone vitamin d i use ten

thousand ius a day five thousand in the

morning five thousand at night cod liver

all i took a tablet in the morning a

tablet at night butter all same with

that tablet in the morning tablet at

night i had four eggs before bed that's

due to the cholesterol so this is a very

nice com combination that will give your

body the building blocks to make

testosterone whilst you sleep so i

recommend you jump on that right now if

you have not already the full stack

everything i took

is in the new course so go check it out

you can use a discount code 49 pounds

it's not a lot got everything i learned

about testosterone and the best foods

you can eat are steak eggs and healthy

fats you want to avoid your processed

foods they often contain high amounts of

trans fats they reduce your testosterone

levels impair your testicular function

canned or plastic foods with bpas

alcohol and weed

alcohol definitely tanks testosterone

levels makes it a lot harder for you to

gain muscle and makes you very very soft

very puffy just a terrible terrible

thing to drink if you want to be in good

shape and have a healthy productive

lifestyle and then weed is not quite as

bad it's not as damaging to the body but

still will reduce your testosterone and

makes you lazy if you smoke it too much


both to be avoided in my opinion or used

in very very strict moderation

and no fat and seem retention everyone

always asks me about this so i thought

i'll give you an answer what i found

from some light research is that no fat

studies show an increased testosterone

up to day seven so the first week of not

jacking off you get an increased

testosterone you think about about 20 25

after that it's diminishing return so

i've heard people say oh they get all

this energy and stuff with the no fat

personally for me if i am not either

having sex or jerking off i am just i'm

just too horny so i i need it personally

like seven days is the longest i've ever

gone about about sex or jacking off so

if i don't i just literally get no work

done i'm too easily distracted uh

thinking about women non-stop so i

actually find it's a lot more productive

for me my testosterone levels are high

anyway i really don't need to to be to

be doing that so and then the semen

retention this seems to have some

positive effects on tests um just don't

blow your load and still have sex when

you're getting that sexual stimulation

your testosterone spike straight away so

if you're doing that and then not

actually releasing it makes sense that

that would have some positive effects on

your testosterone levels there's the

facts boys that's a no guide to

boosting your testosterone naturally

how to

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