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How to Transform Your Life

3 Tips to Help You on Your Journey

By Osana WasutPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

In January of 2013, my life took a shift and nothing would ever be the same again. At that time, I was severely depressed, with suicidal thoughts, and I thought my life was completely over by the age of 22.

On a night I will never forget, that I call the dark night of my soul, I had an awakening to who I was here to become, and I knew from that moment forward that I needed to work towards that vision, no matter what it took.

So that is what I did, for many years, I worked on myself, to improve myself, I poured myself into personal growth and becoming all that I was meant to be.

Looking back, its been the best thing that ever happened to me, and the most rewarding experience of my life, so its no surprise that I would turn around and want to help others on their own transformation.

When people ask me what I do, its a hard thing to answer, because I don't have a typical career or job like they do. I try to explain that I am a life transformation coach, but that is vague and doesn't really even scratch the surface to what I do.

Basically in short, what I do is I help people on this thing we call life, to transform themselves quicker than if they were to do it alone. I encourage and support them on their journey to a transformed life, and hold them accountable and believe in them, even if they don't yet believe in themselves.

This is huge, because on the journey to living your dream life you will experience doubters, haters, and critics. People who simply don't understand what you are trying to accomplish, and will make little to no effort to understand, and likely just say something like you are dreaming too big, or that you need to be more realistic... and to me that's rather boring...


So in today's post, I wanted to share with you just a few ideas that can help you on your own transformation journey, because I think humans are really starting to take their lives seriously, and personal growth is only going to keep increasing day by day.

1. Start cultivating a growth mindset

I believe that mindset is very important in transforming your life, if you have a fixed mindset you believe that you are the way you are and that's that. But if you have a growth mindset, you know that you can learn anything you want, you can become better, you are not fixed, but you can grow into the person you want to become. Having the right mindset is so important, and its worth it to take some time out from the gym and eating healthy to lose the weight, just to learn about how to cultivate a growth mindset.

2. Become your own cheerleader

The thing is, some days will be easy where you feel like you can do anything, and then other days you will feel like you cant. The key here is to become your own cheerleader, your own best friend, so even on the days that you want to quit, or give up, you wont, because your cheerleader inside will be there cheering you on. Celebrate the wins, even the small ones. Pat yourself on the back and tell yourself you did enough. Even if you fail at reaching a goal, that's okay, that's actually a good thing as long as you grow and learn from it, and frankly if you are succeeding at every goal you set, you might not be dreaming big enough, so here is your permission to dream even bigger!

3. Don't let the small minds of others stomp on your parade.

Be careful with who you tell your dreams and goals to, because not everyone will understand. What I learned on my journey was to keep my dreams to just a small handful of people, because most others would try to discourage me and put me down. The thing is, when you have a dream or vision for your life, you might want to shout it from the rooftops and tell all your friends and family, but take caution, because not everyone sees the same vision you do, and their doubt and disbelief might (not necessarily) but might discourage you from going after them, so just keep this in mind and only tell your dreams to people who are going to encourage, support and believe in you.

So there is just a few things I wanted to share with you today, and if you are interested in learning more, I have created a full eight week course that will help you on your transformation journey where I share everything I have learned from the countless books, seminars, podcasts, and workshops I have learned from on my journey.

Which you can find my courses here.

Also like I mentioned, I am a life transformation coach so if thats something you are interested in, please check out my website for more information.

Thank you for reading, I hope this helps, and if you want to read some of my other posts on here, please check out my profile, as I love to write and help others on this journey we call "life."

Until next time, keep on shining that brilliant light of yours!

With Love and Light,

Lindsay @ World Dreamerz

self help

About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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