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How To Reinvent Yourself

Sometimes in life, you will be stuck in a hopeless tangle. This situation can be dealt with by reinventing yourself.

By Yogyata GuptaPublished 4 years ago 6 min read

In everyone’s life, there comes a point when you feel stuck, and it is just like being a prisoner of your own quagmire. You feel that no matter what you do, nothing will ever change for the better and you will be stuck in a hopeless tangle. This situation can be dealt by reinventing yourself.

What is the real meaning of reinventing yourself? See, when we achieve something, usually people think that this is the end like you won the trophy and your work is done. But this is not what you aimed for, if you feel like you are done, you will stop stretching yourself, that means no growth. Reinventing actually leaves an end open, which allows you to explore yourself.

But the question arises how it will be done? Is it not difficult to change yourself? Yes, of course, it is. But there is a famous saying by Kessia Mirellys,”to double your gain, you have to triple your effort.” Let’s discuss 5 key points to reinvent yourself:

Change your perspective:

  • When things are not faring well, the very first thing which you need to do is to focus on the good. Don’t get so lost in your struggles that you forget to see the positive aspect of many things.
  • The first thing you can do is to make a diary and write your thoughts in it, like what you feel, just let it out. It will help you to let go of your emotions and help you to feel euphoric.
  • Let’s say if you are a student and you are weak in mathematics, but for an overall good result, you need to do well in that too. The very first thought which comes into your mind is, I am weak in mathematics, I can only score average marks but it is impossible to score well.
  • Always remember, things seem impossible until they are done! If there is 1% probability of anything to be done, then focus and work for that 1%.What you choose to focus on magnifies, so focus on the good.

Revise your routine:

  • People who wake up early are likely to be more productive. If you wake up no later than 6:30 am every day, you will realize that you have a lot of time to do activities that will make you a better person.
  • It will not happen overnight, remember that triple effort I mentioned earlier? Be patient and prioritize your task by making a to-do list which will help you to prioritize your tasks.
  • Write your whole routine, the time of getting up, and then what you will have for breakfast which should be healthy, your today’s goals, what you will do to entertain yourself and exercise a bit.
  • Be true to yourself, it is okay if you fail at first, some things will stick and some will not. To follow a new routine is not easy, but never lose hope, tomorrow will be different than today if you are determined.

Take your time:

  • When you feel stuck, you blame yourself and the situations which will eventually make you feel bad. You just want to get out of it very quickly.
  • First, try to know yourself better, have a conversation with yourself, what you want. Try to love yourself, then you will be able to reinvent yourself into what you love, not just what others love.
  • For instance, when you want to get in better shape, you make constant efforts. First, you make a decision for a change, then you take a gym membership, then change your routine, lifestyle.
  • Your constant efforts and small steps will bring you closer to your aim if you believe in yourself.Take it slow but you have to persevere through disheartening obstacles.
  • Don’t push yourself to get out of this situation.There is no fixed time of reinventing, you can take months or years, it depends on the situations and peace of your mind.

Surround yourself with positivity

  • There is a very famous saying by Karen Salmansohn, “ Sometimes it's better to end something and try to start something new than imprison yourself in hoping for the impossible.”
  • This quote is the reflective idea of breaking the shackles of people’s negativity and either focus on healthy relationships which help you to grow as a person.
  • Noone loves this fact when I share it with them, but when you attach yourself to positive people, they will make you better as a person. We cannot control others, but we can control ourselves by deciding the type of person we allow in our life.
  • No matter how badly we want someone to change and to do better, only they can make the decision to make any alteration in their lives. The only thing you can do to learn how to cut ties with toxic people.
  • You already know who breaks you down and who lifts you up, then what is so difficult in choosing positive people? The one who is toxic might feel bad, but what about your sleepless nights?
  • It is simple, distance yourself by canceling plans with them, take longer to respond to their calls or texts. You can tell them directly too, but sometimes the other one is not ready to listen.
  • Don’t be self-destructive, and surround yourself with people who celebrate your success and don’t mock your failures.

Accept failure

  • In this journey, you will fail many times. Let’s say you wrote your routine but you were unable to follow it. Don’t get upset, take a piece of paper, and start with two columns.
  • In the first column write down everything that contributed to your failure and in the second column, write down things that you could do better. Now fold the paper very neatly, read it aloud once again, and then throw it in the garbage. Believe me, you will feel better, don’t knock it until you have tried it.
  • That piece of paper has all the mistakes which you have acknowledged because you wrote what you could do better too, that means you are accepting your failure.
  • The one thing which you need to keep in mind is, you have aimed to reinvent yourself, only accepting failure will not work, you need to avoid those mistakes again.
  • Always remember, you are further today from yesterday, keep moving. So take a moment and ask yourself, what you can learn from your current circumstances that would work as a stepping stone to your happiness, success, and peace.
  • Stop comparing yourself to others, you are not okay but you will be okay if you are determined, celebrate small achievements in this journey which will keep your hope alive.

In this journey of reinventing yourself, remember that you are your greatest teacher, don’t let any disheartening obstacles stop you. You can find a mentor to help yourself, and if you are unable to find an actual then you can always learn from the words of wisdom in books, articles, or tweets. This is a lengthy process, it is normal to freak out at times if you want to go out then spend some quality time with your friends, just don’t make it a habit.

Make a time to reconnect or revisit your vision when you go to bed, it will keep you motivated. You will be a better person and you will be proud of yourself, have faith in yourself throughout this journey.


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