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How To Reboot Your Life

.....and create the life you deserve...

By Lara Livingstone Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Top Story - September 2022

Don't you love a new month - I do!

It's like a monthly reset to all your goals and dreams. As it is September it marks the final quarter of the year and it's got me in my feelings. I began the year with so many hopes and dreams.

All the usual suspects like lose weight, get fit fell by the wayside pretty quickly, replaced by last nights and infrequent walks. My healthy eating I'm glad to say has stayed on track and along with that triumph, I've been blessed with better skin and more energy.

As for the rest of my non-achievements, I'm left wondering, where did the year go. What do I need to do, to make the most of the last few months of this year? With all these thoughts uppermost on my mind, I thought what better time for me and you (if you're willing to join me) to take stock and reboot or reset our lives.

Here are the 5 habits I'm sticking to, to help me craft the life I want and deserve.

Habit 1 - I'm committing to getting up an hour earlier than usual. I am at my most creative and productive first thing in the morning. Instead of using this time for myself, I end up giving it away to others - answering overnight emails/requests, instead of using the time to set up my day in a productive way.

I've always been a 100% kind of girl so if I say yes, I always make my contributions count, which is great. But I'm increasingly finding a lack of commitment being extended back to me.

I'll be using my extra for me, to meditate and ground myself for the day ahead. I'll also be extending myself to the grace of being more grateful for the priviledge of working for myself.

Habit 2 - I'm going to be more choosey about who I have around me. Positive energy is everything to me. When you're being creative, trying to reshape the direction life its more difficult and sometimes impossible to do it, when you have people around you who doubt your talent/abilities or who simply aren't supportive of your dreams.

Habit 3 - Self sabotage is so 2021 - I've realised just before I get to achieve a major goal, I get cold feet and at my worst I've actually stopped myself from succeeding, by failing to complete an action or follow through with purpose.

I've found the best way to own this fear is by journaling, It's as if seeing your thoughts and fears etched out in black and white, is all you need to release the urge to self sabotage.

Reading back your own words, is a testimony to how you were feeling, what you thought and how you moved through any worries or uncertainities.

Habit 4 - Stop procrastinating - what's the point in having a to-do list if you won't follow it or use it to hold yourself accountable for performing the tasks you need to achieve. Procrastination genius is fear. Once you face that fear d on, all things are possible.

Habit 5 - Believe in yourself as if the world would end without it being true. We are more than willing to wholeheartedly believe in others and encourage them, but we forget to invest emotionally as heavily into ourselves. I will be pouring joy into myself. I hope you will all be doing the same, as we all forge ahead to the end of 2022.

And before you ask how can we change the habits we have and introduce new productive one, when we're running out of time. Time waits for no one. The true measure of time is what you do with it, however, short that really matters. So tell me - how will you use yours ?


About the Creator

Lara Livingstone

Time waits for no one and no one understands that better than me, as a digital creator and blogger. If you want to maximize your time, & keep up to date with all the latest travel/life news - check out my articles, products, and reviews

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Comments (11)

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    Positive energy is everything to me. Yep, me too.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    I am at my most creative and productive first thing in the morning. So am I. My brain is ready to unleash my inspiration in the morning.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    I'm glad to say has stayed on track and along with that triumph, I've been blessed with better skin and more energy. Beautiful, stay on course.

  • Annelise Lords 2 years ago

    I began the year with so many hopes and dreams. A good way to start.

  • S - Gold2 years ago

    Thank you for sharing, great write up!

  • Looks great

  • CEA2 years ago

    Love your advice, it's great!

  • I guess I read this twice. Keep up the great work. Good afternoon.

  • Annie Edwards 2 years ago

    Excellent advice!! ♥️

  • Informative post. I hope this article will be helpful to many people. Thanks for sharing such valuable advice.

  • Dylan 2 years ago

    Fantastic! I enjoyed every sentence. You had a few spelling errors, but we all do when we really get into our writing. I agree with your goals and I set similar ones, keep up the good work and we’ll change our lives for the better!

Lara Livingstone Written by Lara Livingstone

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