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How To Ikigai Your Way To Life Transformation: Japanese Miracle

And no, its not about the money you crave.

By Rahul AnandPublished 4 years ago 5 min read


For most of us, struggling to find life purpose is a reality. It’s a never-ending quest, filled with twists and turns life offers. A few follow an unrealistic passion, only to end up exhausted when the dreams are unfulfilled, while others surrender themselves to the monotony of life.

Either way, you are bound to be deprived of true joy and any real meaning to life.

Apart from living a fulfilling life, studies suggest, people having a sense of purpose in life are at lower heart disease risk. The reason being, they lead a healthier life. The people with purpose are motivated and jubilant, shielding themselves from anxiety and stress.

Here comes Ikigai meaning:

A wonderful Japanese concept for finding true purpose in life. Iki- life and gai- worth.

You may find several books on this subject and the recent one I read is of Tim Tamashiro.

“About Tim Tamashiro: Tim Tamashiro is an explorer, jazz singer, storyteller, and former CBC Radio host. His Ikigai is to delight people so that we can share meaningful moments together. His life’s experiences include work as a record rep. for MCA Records, performing for Queen Elizabeth II, and sailing aboard an icebreaker in Canada’s Northwest Passage.”

source *

If anything, the above man seems to be a rock star.

Ok, back to the secret.

Okinawa island in Japan gets credit for the origin of Ikigai. Okinawa island is home to the largest centenarians population in the world. Some serious shit going on there. Anyway, since this is interesting and intriguing both, Dan Buettner and his team did a study on the world’s “Blue Zones” communities whose elders are redefining aging.

*Dan Buettner is Nat Geo writer and explorer.

What are the Okinawans doing? I twitch an ankle or get a sprain after each run while these guys are killing it. The only blue zone I have are the marks of intense exercise.

The world today as we see is home to stress, depression, and illness. Wondering how this small island beats all odds to defy aging.

Is Ikigai an answer to your life problems and longevity?

The Okinawans suggest how potent the method is. It’s indeed a simple yet amazing concept. Once you finish reading, you would be amazed at the simplicity of the concept, yet how elusive it is to you.

You are automated to live and perform in a certain way. You are not robots but programmed human beings with emotions, gloriously living a life with no purpose only to end up exhausted and frustrated.

Ikigai is a simple prescription for living a meaningful life.

  • Do what you love
  • Do what you’re good at
  • Do what the world needs
  • Do what you can be rewarded for

Wondering now as to how simple yet tantalizingly difficult these are. I’d say simple as we all believe that things we love to do are what we do best. Somehow we don’t follow our calling and passion. We are entrenched in a vicious circle of life.

Why difficult?

Do you know what you love to do or what you are good at?

Can you put a finger to something and say it with the conviction that this is what you are good at and love to do?

Maybe, maybe not.

Your thought right now is a better judge of this.

The key to Ikigai is to know what you love and what you want to do. Your Ikigai will bring you fulfillment and happiness and once you know yours, it becomes your superpower.

Half Ikigai- Full Ikigai

Half Ikigai focuses on you: What you love and what are you good at?

Full Ikigai shows you the full cycle: learning how doing what you love, and what you’re good at, provides for the world, and flows rewards back to you.

Sooner you commit to your half Ikigai, you begin to reap benefits. It provides you a clear understanding of yourself and you can begin your work.

Eventually, you tend to understand that it is more fun when shared with the world. Things start happening. You’ll be on the path to realizing your complete Ikigai.

I don’t know my Ikigai. What is it?

Stay curious and introspect.

Only when you are honest and curious about things you tend to understand what your Ikigai is. It can be singing, drums, comedy, negotiating, or coding.

Curiosity keeps us active. The problem persists as people have stopped being curious. It’s just that this simple way to stay relevant today has escaped thoughts of many.

Ever wondered how?

This small sentence has lost relevance through our daily chores and routine. We are burdened with responsibilities, binding us with a programmed routine. Our sense of wonder is just lost.

We would be sitting in the dark if somebody wasn’t curious about light. We would be writing letters if someone wasn’t curious about the telephone.

Internet- the world-changing phenomenon.

Everything came out of curiosity and intuition. People struggle to find what excites them or what they are meant to do.

Something that makes you lose the sense of time, yet you accomplish effortlessly is your true Ikigai.

Find one thing today that is an expression of your Ikigai.

What you truly love? What you truly want to do?

These two will ensure you embark on this beautiful journey. The rest will follow and you will complete your Ikigai.

Start with a part-time Ikigai or a side hustle that you want. Do it for the sheer pleasure and love for this thing. Money comes later. Know yourself first. Money is the outcome and result of your efforts.

What to do about this now?

The day you wake up to a purpose or calling will define your life. Stop looking forward to weekends for your happiness. Look forward to living instead.

Do what you love

You’ll find much peace working 15 hours for a thing you love, rather than your mundane 9-hour job. Start with a list of everything you love doing and gradually build on it.

Do what you are good at

It would be an ideal scenario, had we been given the ability to do any work we love. The practical aspect of this is not a viable option. We all have an inherent aptitude for different skills. With the list of things you love, highlight the ones you are good at with utmost honesty.

Do what the world needs

Ok, so you have the list of things you love and are good at. Now, find the things that the world may need. Once you find something that can cater to a substantial number of people, you are good to go.

Do what you can be rewarded for

So, you have what you love, are good at, and the world needs. The final step is to convert it into a paid gig or a full-time profession. If the first three aspects fall in place, you are eventually looking at something you can be rewarded for.

Knowing yourself and your Ikigai ensures you won’t lose ground and steam. It ensures your commitment and dedication.

Find yours and let me know how it’s changing things for you.

Below are the few reads which you should go for:

How to Ikigai- Tim Tamashiro

Ikigai The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life- Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles

There are multiple Ikigai audiobooks available online.

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About the Creator

Rahul Anand


Since you made it here, I trust you plan to stay on.

Let's just say:

Reading and writing fanatic from the rare species who prefer rest in peace to RIP.

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