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How to Forget the Past?

Stop being kind to yourself, and learn to love yourself

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How to Forget the Past? from elayer for all

Everyone had a lot of sleepless nights. Those nights when we all were so worried about something that had happened in our past that we let it dictate our future. We've all been there at times due to some situations.

Agree, We are not alone. You are not alone.

Most people can't let go of the past because they don't think, enjoy, or are even involved completely in their present and they don't appreciate their presence. Reframing our relationship with our past requires us to stop thinking of how things should be and accept them for what they are.


Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.

When we get to remember those times, we get stunned, because we can’t resolve the past. Whether it’s something small, like making a terrible first impression or saying something you wish you hadn't, to something big, like having to change your career path differently which you never thought of. Harping on negative experiences is painful and, when we hold on to that pain, we can’t move on to something more positive.

Well, let it go and leave the past behind.

Let the past to stay in the past only

What happened has happened, you start to remember the past it will come into your picture. It is like if you writing an exam, you make a revision to get remember what you read. Thinking and remembering about the past is like again revision, so in this situation, you will never forget the past.

Always it's the right time to forget the past. To wash away what happened last.

Don't start comparing current things to past things, be normal, be casual and be as it is. most of the times things won't reoccur themselves, we make those to happen in one or another way. For example, in the past, if you have halted your friend's cake unknowingly, it's by accident. For this People may start scaring about cakes even in their birthday cake too. For this you have to behave normally near the cake, staying away from the cake is not a good idea or solution. Whatever it may be you have to fight against it. It's just a cake right, okay be cool, Stay normal there, if you want even you can make jokes like "Can I halt this cake once again?". They will believe you are not worrying about the past, it happens, not a big problem.

What if you start worrying when you see the cake, they will talk about you and your incidents, it makes you uncomfortable and fear more.

You can't change the past, No matter how much it hurts and small

Makeup, it may need a little work before it can truly rest and you can move forward. Try not to be frustrated with yourself if you can't stop thinking about the past. It's a normal and healthy thing that your brain does in order to get your attention.

Do learn from the past and improve

The negative experiences that had in past are actually be used for learning and making future experiences better. No matter how painful those are. Choose the right time to reflect on the experience and look at those as a way of learning, treating it as a just good example of how not to be.

There are good strategies in Machine Learning: A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.

This means a set of experiences are given to it, to learn, to evolve, to enrich itself from experience. It might fail many times but it will learn it as wrong and it will not try to do that further. After that, it will increase its performance by not doing wrong.

Start questioning yourself why it happened, what if done like this it might have been like this.

When you blame others, you give up your power to change.

Control and forgive a participant

Sometimes too good to be compared with accepting the truth. The problem is, blaming others prevents you from going further. Most often, the only complaint is to point someone's past.

Recognize what about the situation that made them to do it and upset. So control your anger and try to forgive a participant if possible. Figure out how to calm yourself down in a healthy way. It's doesn't make sense if it not at all a big thing and you are blaming one or more for it.

It's easy to blame others for your situation. It's much more productive to search your own past and find what caused your faults.

Speak up, because the day you don't speak up for the things that matter to you is the day your freedom truly ends.

Speak out of your mind

Feel free to get the pain out that you are feeling from your inner self.

Whatever it may be, Whomever it may be, Whether it is about a person who has hurt you or whom you have harmed, discussing with a friend or writing it down, expressing your feelings, whatever it is, helps you sort out what to do.

Speaking may have more chances to solve every matter.

More importantly, it’s good for your health.

Expressing yourself is like refreshing yourself.

Take your own time to fix it

With respect to time, Make your mind clear with what you are dealing with and what you already dealt with. Prepare your comfort zone and start removing your situations by distancing yourself from or discussing what actually happened to, the people, places, and things that remind you of the past. Somewhat it helps your mind to keep away from those people or things.

When you return, you’ll have a perspective on the past.

Forget and Forgive

Kindly forgive those who wronged you, also including yourself.

If you’ve been hurt by someone, the last thing that you may want to do is forgive them. Try to help yourself to forgive someone, like embracing the past while moving on, making a new agreement with yourself, not going to sleep angry, and being kind and generous.

You are not a slave of the past, you are master of the future and present

While you’re at it, forgive yourself. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Instead of kicking yourself for your past mistakes, cut yourself some slack and focus on the lessons that you’ve learned.

Once you’re not carrying that anger and resentment, you’ll be able to move on.

Take look at your surrounding

See what people are doing, how they are dealing with something, and how they are struggling in daily life. Everyone has wrongdoing in their past. Now no one reminds them and even they do not care whatever it. Negotiate with them if you have doubts.

There are more than enough ways to meet new people, such as attending local meetups and conferences, visiting parks, zoos. Don’t be inside a box, try to explore out of the box. Get yourself ready there and find a new friend or place or thing and start moving whatever makes you feel free and good to move forward.

Time doesn't stop, it passes and we are spent

Cynosure to Present

In search of something else we almost lose our present.

In thinking of the past, we almost lose our present.

One of the most effective ways to let go of the past is to explore, enjoy and enrich the present. Instead of revising the past and getting stuck with bad memory and negativity, keep yourself active and enjoy the present moment.

You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading the completed chapter.

We can try our hardest, However hard we try. We'll always miss out on something in life.

So, Let's just enjoy the moment, wherever you are.

Just live the moments with family, place, friends...

  • Be fair enough to the people
  • Pay attention to something else
  • Start Build new memories
  • Forget the past, but not the lessons
  • Start sharing your untold stories or words
  • Spell louder that fears you more
  • Read story and motivations
  • Spend time with pets and birds, living things
  • Travel and visit known or unknown places
  • Meet people, at least start saying hello
  • Listen to people's stories: maybe more horrible than yours
  • Try to Forgive, Confess, Request, Beg and solve for a moment.

The Best Way to Forget the Past is to Build new Memories.

Memories are like a box full of sweets, once opened you will not be able to eat just one piece.


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

Follow ElayerForAll on Vocal Media, Medium and Quora to read stories, lesson and articles.

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    Elayer For AllWritten by Elayer For All

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