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How to Earn 50 Dollars a day from the Internet

It's not that hard, just follow the guide

By YazidPublished 2 years ago 19 min read
How to Earn 50 Dollars a day from the Internet
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

To earn 50 dollars a day from the internet requires making a tight plan that represents the first principles on which success is built and setting the goal accurately represents the most important elements that must be in any tight plan, and it seems that your goal from reading this article is that you want to earn $50 a day from the internet.

Very good, allow me to congratulate you because firstly you know exactly what you want, and you have a clear goal which is to earn 50 dollars a day and secondly because you are in the right place, which will enable you to achieve your goal.

In this article, I will present to you a strategy that is guaranteed to succeed to earn 50 dollars a day. I will present this strategy to you in an easy, simple, and practical way as well and I will put in your hands all the sources, information, and ideas you need to implement it and start your path to earn 50 dollars a day.

This strategy offers more than a profit of 50 dollars a day, where you can invest enough effort and time and with some innovation and creativity and much more than that.

What is your profit strategy to earn 50 dollars a day from the internet?

The “earn 50 dollars a day from the internet” strategy that we will talk about today depends on two main parts:

  • Youtube
  • Affiliate Marketing

I will present these two elements separately, to make you clearly understand the nature of each component, and then we will talk about combining these two components into a clear and easy-to-implement strategy to earn 50 dollars a day from the internet.

The first part: YouTube as a marketing power and a source for visitors and to earn 50 dollars a day

We all know that YouTube is the second-largest site in the world of the web in terms of popularity, importance, and the number of visitors as well, and YouTube is not just an ordinary video site that users come to for fun only, but it is a search engine. Yes, a search engine, and it is the second-largest search engine in the world of the web, after Google, which represents its rightful father.

Internet users come to YouTube to get information, opinions, and comparisons about the products they plan to buy, and they often return to YouTube to learn about the possibilities and how to use these products more efficiently.

From here comes your role as an aspirant to earn $50 per day, which is supposed to be working on providing information, opinions, and comparisons about the products or services that your target audience seeks.

Here you will use the power of YouTube as a great source of getting visitors, and you will work to attract a certain category of YouTube users, by providing the content they need.

Don’t worry, we will talk later about everything about actually starting to profit, read on and you will find that everything will gradually become clear.

The second part: Affiliate Marketing as a source of profit to earn 50 dollars a day

We agreed a while ago that YouTube will represent the part through which you will get visitors, or is the marketing power in this strategy.

As for affiliate marketing, here represents the part through which you will get the material profit, which is the profit channel, through which the profits will be calculated.

Affiliate marketing that we are talking about here is simply a marketing program that is provided by many stores and websites that sell something, and it is also available through intermediary companies that work to bring marketers with those who need marketing in one place.

This marketing program consists of the business owners sharing part of the profits with the marketers (you will be one of these marketers), and the marketers in turn make the sales process for the business.

The profitable part that you will get is most often an agreed percentage, but this percentage varies according to the marketing program of each store or company, and it usually ranges between 2 to 5 percent of the selling price of the product.

It is worth noting that the sites or networks that have an affiliate marketing program use unique links for each marketer, and through these links, these networks can track the sales process and know the marketer through whom the sale was made, and then calculate his commission.

To better illustrate the idea of commission marketing for those who are not familiar with it, we must take an example:

I think everyone here knows Amazon, the most famous store in the world, Amazon also has one of the most famous and important affiliate programs.

You, as a marketer, go to the Amazon affiliate program subscription page, register your data, and then create an account.

You choose a product and market it through the unique link in your account, which contains a code or number that indicates your account.

The sale is made through your unique link, the commission is calculated in your account, this is simple commission marketing.

Now that you understand the idea of affiliate marketing as well as the power of YouTube marketing, let’s connect the two.

Steps to earn 50 dollars a day from YouTube and Affiliate Marketing

In this part, we will discuss in detail the steps that you need to take to actually start earning $50 per day. It is worth mentioning here that I will provide you with links to some of the previous articles in the winners, which deal with certain points in detail.

1. Determine the target audience and then the idea of the channel

In fact, there are many sites and stores that offer an affiliate program, and there are also millions of YouTube users who are looking for opinions and ratings on all kinds of products.

This, of course, requires you to choose a specific segment to make it your target audience, and thus make your YouTube channel serve this audience.

I will give you a set of points here, which will help you define your audience, and thus the idea of your YouTube channel:

At the moment there are affiliate programs that cover almost everything, so whatever your target audience is on YouTube, you can with some thought profit from it through the affiliate program.

You can rely on defining your target audience based on your personal interests, passions, and field of knowledge.

The audience interested in electronics, smartphones, and cameras is one of the most popular types of audience that you can use affiliate marketing with.

But this does not mean, of course, that you cannot use the affiliate with the audience who is interested in fashion, or interested in cosmetics, or interested in tourism and travel, or interested in programs and applications…etc.

Use the Google Keyword Planner to find out what keyword search rate your target audience is searching for.

You can understand the size of your target audience by searching on YouTube for channels that address the same topic that you intend to address in your channel, and you can also use social networking sites to understand the size of your target audience.

In the end, I recommend reading the articles with the links below, through which you can define the idea of your YouTube channel easily and on a thoughtful basis.

2. Create your YouTube channel to earn 50 dollars a day

Attention should be paid in this step to choosing an appropriate name for the channel that expresses what you will offer, and it must also be taken into account that the name of the channel is easy to memorize and remember.

It is worth noting here that by having a Gmail account, you can create a YouTube channel with ease. Just visit YouTube, and follow the steps, there is nothing easier than creating a channel and uploading videos to it.

3. Start feeding your channel with good videos earn 50 dollars a day

This is the most important step, on which your success in making a profit of $50 per day will depend. The success of our strategy in generating $50 daily profit depends primarily on building bridges of trust between you and your target audience, and you cannot build these trust bridges overnight.

So avoid in any way putting any affiliate links in the beginning, and wait until you build a channel that has followers and viewers who trust it and the content you provide.

Just make videos of the highest quality, whose primary and ultimate goal is to provide value and benefit to your target audience, help them make purchasing decisions, and feed this channel with new videos regularly and periodically to attract more views and subscriptions to your channel.

4. Marketing your channel and attracting views to earn 50 dollars a day

One of the most common reasons that make a lot of beginner YouTubers stop working, and not achieve success, is to get views. Without views, you will not get profits, and therefore all your work will be for free.

To get good views of your YouTube videos, you have to make some effort, it is more than just posting the video and waiting for millions of views to rain down on you from the sky, and here I will try briefly to put the most important points that will help you get millions of views for your videos.

A/ Quality, then quality, then quality

The quality of the videos includes the quality of their photography, preparation, and output, which includes lighting, sound clarity, color consistency, choosing an appropriate background…etc.

Also, the quality of the videos includes the quality of the content in them, which is supposed to be a useful summary, really helps the viewer to make a purchase decision, so you must be well aware of the topic that you are going to talk about.

B/ Technical issues of the channel and videos YouTube

From the beginning, you have to create your YouTube channel correctly, and this includes:

  • Choose an appropriate name that expresses the content.
  • Design professional images for the channel.
  • Complete all channel data such as description, contact information, social media links, or the channel’s blog.
  • Make a modification to the channel link in the official channel name.
  • Work on organizing the channel from the inside correctly (choosing the featured video, making playlists…etc).

The videos that you also publish, you must adjust and upload to YouTube correctly, taking into account all the important technical issues such as:

  • Video title (choose a catchy but expressive title).
  • Description of the video (make it a meaningful description, including the most important words that express the content of the video).
  • Tags (choose tags that represent the content of the video).
  • Video Image (Choose an attractive and expressive image for the content of the video).
  • C / Make the necessary marketing efforts to increase views

    Many YouTube channel owners think that being on YouTube alone is enough to get views, in fact this is not true (maybe it was true 10 years ago, for example).

    Now, in order to win at the YouTube game, which has become fiercely competitive, you must do the necessary marketing efforts, and this includes:

  • Create an official blog for your YouTube channel, provide it with more topics, and link it with the channel.
  • Create pages on social media to market your channel.
  • Running paid advertising campaigns on YouTube.
  • Collaborate with other channel owners.
  • Encouraging viewers to subscribe to the channel and watch more videos.
  • In the three points above, I tried to summarize the most important points that help you get views and the success of your channel, but of course, there are many other details related to marketing your channel.

    5. Participate in the appropriate affiliate programs to earn 50 dollars a day

    You have identified your audience, and accordingly, you have determined the idea of your channel and have already created it, and have put more good videos in it, and this has already made you get a lot of views and subscriptions to your channel, and a trusting relationship has begun between you and your audience.

    What happens in the next step? Yes, I heard you say; “Start making profits”. In this step, you should search for intermediary companies, stores, or networks that have an affiliate system related to your channel.

    One of the typical scenarios, for example, is that you create a channel that talks about smartphone evaluation, in this, case you can rely on affiliate programs for international sites such as Amazon, or eBay, or rely on local affiliate programs such as Jumia.

    By taking the example of smartphones here; We do not invite readers of the article to create YouTube channels on smartphones, and to profit from commission marketing through one of these sites.

    But you have to understand that these sites contain tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of products, which are divided into specific categories, which you can target any of them or even one type of product.

    On the other hand, there are affiliate programs for almost everything you can think of.

    Therefore, we invite here dear readers of the article to think outside the box and work more focused and attentive to building trust with the target audience, because this is the only way to make them trust you and buy through you.

    Here are some ideas that will help you find stores or websites that are suitable for you and own an affiliate:

  • Ask the audience
  • Ask your audience where they buy their products from, reach out to those stores, and ask if they offer an affiliate program.

  • Do a Google search
  • You are a girl and you own a YouTube channel about beauty and cosmetics… Go to Google, and type this sentence into the search (Best Makeup Affiliate Programs). You will get articles listing the most important stores that sell cosmetics and have an affiliate program.

    This idea may work best with English language channels, but there are a lot of international sites that allow the purchase process for non-English speakers or people outside the US.

  • Learn from competitors
  • With some research, you can access competing YouTube channels that rely on affiliates to make profits, and then reach the stores or companies that they deal with and you also deal with.

    Bottom line: think outside the box and do some research and you’ll get an affiliate program that matches your channel’s content.

    6. Have persistence and always work to improve everything to earn 50 dollars a day

    When we talk about working in the world of the Internet, persistence is the key player to your success, there are millions who try and stop in the middle of the road, but you should not stop.

    Always work on developing your business, try in every new video not to make mistakes that you made before, try something new, try to take advantage of competitors and the opinions of followers.

    Of course, and above all that, you should check out the YouTube analytics tool, understand the data it provides, and thus make better decisions that will help you develop and succeed.

    My friend, there is still a lot of information and ideas I would like to share with you on the $50 Daily Earning Strategy, so stay focused and keep reading (maybe this topic is the key to changing your life for the better).

    Requirements to earn 50 dollars a day from YouTube and Affiliates

    1. Video camera with good specifications

    The quality of the image and sound is one of the key elements of success on YouTube, and if you really want to influence your audience and attract them to your channel, you should pay close attention to the quality of your videos.

    The quality here starts with the camera used to record the video, of course you do not have to buy a camera with super capabilities and an unbearable price.

    But there are plenty of good and affordable options out there for everyone, and you can find them with some internet search to help you reach your goal which is to earn 50 dollars a day from the internet.

    You can also initially borrow a camera from one of your friends, relatives, or even rent it from a photography studio. This, of course, will be temporary, as you will soon have the income that will enable you to buy your camera.

    Note: If you have a good mobile phone, you can rely on it to record videos, and here is a video that explains how to record a professional video from a mobile phone camera.

    2. A good program for designing and editing videos

    You got the right camera and you have the video in its raw form, now you need to get a good software to edit that video and put it in the best possible template.

    3. Some photography and video editing skills

    You’ve got the right tools, now it’s the skills’ turn. You have to have some photography skills, and of course, you have to learn to work with video making and editing software.

    A few photography skills can be satisfied, you do not have to be a professional to perform this type of task, and you can use a friend or partner in this point as well.

    4. You must be a good follower of the market for the products that you will talk about in your channel

    This is a very important point, do you want to talk about something your audience is interested in? So you have to take care of this thing and follow the latest news and developments about it, your followers deserve that, of course.

    You should be aware of as much information as possible about the products that you will rate for the users, and who based on your evaluation will make their decision to buy them or not.

    You must be aware of the advantages and disadvantages of each product you market, and some of the capabilities and uses that many people do not know or use.

    It is preferable, of course, that you have already seen the product that you will be marketing and have used it and tried it yourself. But if you can’t do that, that’s okay, the amount of information you will get through your Internet search will do.

    Important information and points about the strategy to earn 50 dollars a day

    1. Balance audience gain and profit

    If you think that the strategy to earn 50 dollars a day is to simply put an affiliate link to your YouTube audience, and buy through you and you win, then let me fail you.

    This strategy, as I explained above, depends mainly on building bridges of trust between you and your audience, so you should follow these tips to earn 50 dollars a day:

  • Not every video you post should have an affiliate link.
  • Not every video of yours has to be about a product, maybe videos with tips and ideas will get you more loyal followers (don’t just look under your feet).
  • Don’t push your audience to buy a product. Neutrality is required here, because the user will feel a little suspicious if you strongly urge them to buy through you.
  • Be honest in evaluating products. Don’t let your desire to win make you talk about a product in a dishonest or biased way.
  • Solve the problems of your followers through the affiliate program. Your followers are having trouble deciding which products they want to buy, and they want to help you with that. Treat them as someone trying to help them, not as someone who is trying to profit through them.
  • 2. Where do you put your affiliate link?

    In this part, I will cover the most important ways and strategies by which you can transfer your viewers on YouTube to the affiliate site that you make profits from.

    A/ In the description of the video

    The traditional place to put the affiliate link is in the description of the video, and it is preferable to indicate before or after it that it is the affiliate link, in order to avoid any suspicion from YouTube that you are deceiving users.

    And you should use a link shortening service, because the affiliate link is often long, and this makes its shape uncomfortable for the user.

    It is worth noting here that YouTube deals sensitively with links that direct the user to other sites, and this is because it does not want its users to move to other sites outside YouTube, and instead wants them to stay there.

    On the other hand, affiliate links in particular are treated more sensitively, because their annoying use is classified as deceiving users, and thus may lead to the deletion of the video.

    B/ Through the cards feature

    The other place you can put the affiliate link in earn 50 dollars a day from the internet is by adding a tag to the video and choosing a link, but you must understand that YouTube does not allow linking in the tags except for sites that are activated.

    So the best and most professional strategy in this case is to create a website, provide it with some good content, activate this website and link it to your YouTube channel.

    Then you can create a landing page for each product you want to market. On this page you can put some good content about the product, and of course put the Call to Action button which is your affiliate link.

    Perhaps this strategy takes time, effort and money, but it is the most efficient strategy for placing the affiliate link, and it is also the surest strategy to preserve your channel from any problems with YouTube.

    C/ Through the reconversion strategy

    In this strategy, you will transfer your video viewers to your affiliate link by writing it to them on the screen, and then they type it in their internet browser.

    In fact, the affiliate link is a long link and contains a lot of letters and it is very difficult for the user to write it, and the solution here is to buy a domain name that is easy to memorize, and put a programming code on the hosting to convert everyone who visits this domain into an affiliate link.

    You may need a professional to help you do this, but it’s a method worth trying, and it puts you in a very safe place with YouTube.

    Note: When you choose a domain name, choose the fewest possible number of numbers and letters, and it does not matter here whether they have a meaning or not, the important thing is its ease and shortness.

    3. What are the most suitable types of videos for affiliate marketing to earn 50 dollars a day?

    A/ videos reviews and ratings

    This is the traditional model of videos that you can use to profit from affiliate marketing, and it simply depends on talking about a product and mentioning its flaws and advantages, and the best places to sell it at the best prices.

    B/ The "best of" list videos

    This type of video works perfectly with affiliate marketing, in which you can, for example, have lists of the best types of cameras, camera lenses, perfumes, kitchen machines, cars, or anything else that your channel idea revolves around, and you have an affiliate program with it.

    C/ "How to" Videos

    This type of video needs some intelligence to find an entrance to enter the affiliate in, but with some simple thinking, you can find many ways and solutions to make the affiliate stage of doing things.

    For example, you have a YouTube channel about cooking. By talking about a recipe, you can recommend a specific type of utensil or dough maker, etc.

    4. What is the profit rate you can expect from each video?

    This is an important question, but I will not be able to answer it for you, because the answer to this question depends on many variable factors that I am not aware of.

    But here I will give you a set of keys and factors based on which you can expect your profits:

    1. The commission rate offered to you by the store you subscribe to: the higher the commission rate, the better.

    2. Video Views: Of course, the more views your video gets, the better chance you have of making a profit.

    3. The price of the product: This is a factor that may work for you or against you, but its real effect appears from experience and its interaction with the rest of the factors.

    But it is worth noting here that the higher the price of the product, the greater its commission, but the conversion rate will be less, because the purchase decision will be more difficult. The opposite is true here.

    4. Conversion rate: It means the percentage of the person who made the purchase compared to the number of people who watched the video. Of course, the conversion rate depends on the price of the product and the following factor.

    5. How much your followers trust you: Of course, the more confident your followers are in your opinions, the more easily they will make the decision to buy, and this is, in my opinion, the most important factor that can affect the level of your profits!

    6. The country from which the visits come: the more visits are from a rich country, and the culture of online buying is widespread in it, the greater the chance of making better profits.

    There may be other factors, but in any case, the experience is the decisive factor, but I think that with some effort, and by applying everything in the article, you will be able to earn 50 dollars a day from the internet.

    at the end of the article; I hope that it is really useful for many young people, and I hope everyone who reads it contributes to reaching someone else he loves, so that he may change the life of this person you love.

    how to

    About the Creator


    Founder at MenDoors | Provide Guides on How to Make Money Online and Enriching the Mind |

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