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how to contour nose naturally

how to contour nose naturally

By muhmmad yaqoobPublished 12 months ago 5 min read

now if you have this problem where the

foundation never stays put on your nose

it moves it lifts it looks dry it looks

patchy then i'm going to show you this

fabulous hack followed in theater makeup

but even if you try to move your

foundation it's not going to move so if

you're ready let's begin

first step is to take care of that skin

on your nose to keep that skin looking

healthy and smooth you can either

exfoliate twice a week or even better

use a resurfacing pad like this one from

elmis this comes as individual pads so

all you do is pick one to exfoliate your

nose you gently rub around your nose to

remove all that gunk dirt and all the

dry skin that's sitting on the top layer

of your skin a good drugstore

alternative is the tyres blemish

clearing pads i'm going to link both

these in the description box right below

this artists now if you turn to your side

you will see that the most protruding

part of your face is your nose which

means the sun is constantly hitting your

nose creating sun damage

so you definitely need a sunscreen and

the one that i use is elta md this is

the only one that i use this is my

favorite so i'm going to apply it not

just on my nose but all over my face and

make sure to apply a generous amount

now comes the makeup part and i always

start with a primer i'm going to be

using the cover fx gripping primer today

but i'm not going to use it on my nose

some people like to use an eyeshadow

primer on the nose i try to avoid that

as well for the simple reason that the

skin on your nose is smoother than the

other parts of your face now if you're

going to apply anything creamy on your

nose even if it's a gripping primer or

an eyeshadow primer and then you apply a

foundation over it the chances of it

slipping off is high so i'm going to be

showing you a theater trick as i

mentioned earlier but before that let's

apply the foundation all over the face

excluding the nose for foundation i'm

going to be using the milani conceal and

perfect two in one foundation and this

is in the shade six which is sand beige

and to apply it i'm just going to be

using a damp sponge this has to be one

of my favorite drugstore foundations it

gives you full coverage and it looks

flawless and it lasts throughout the day

while you're at it don't forget to bring

it all the way down to your neck unless

you can very closely match your

foundation shade to your neck shade then

you can avoid it if you don't have any

uneven skin tone or discoloration on

your neck but otherwise i would

recommend bringing it down to your neck

now let's tackle the nose i'm taking a

dry sponge

and here's the magic trick i'm using

some hairspray this is the garnier 24

hour stronghold hairspray and here's the

do's and don'ts spray it directly on the

sponge and not on your skin and then

very lightly stamp this on your nose in

fact in theater makeup sometimes they

use this all over the face i would not

recommend it because the chemicals used

in hairspray are completely different

from what they use in face praise you

see how sticky that sponge is that's

exactly what it did to your nose it

creates that very sticky surface so

whatever you apply over that will stay

put and it's not going to move

now for the foundation itself i'm going

to be using the same sponge that i used

all over my face and there's some

residue left on the sponge now that's

what i'm going to be using on my nose

without adding any extra product to the

sponge because remember more product

more chances of it lifting or moving so

all you need is minimal just to match up

your nose with the rest of your face and

by stamping it in you're not moving

anything underneath so you're just

placing it on top of that hairspray so

it's going to adhere immediately

i'm going to let this settle down while

i use some concealer on the rest of the

face and the one that i'm going to be

using is the milani concealer in the

shade 145 i'm using it to conceal my

dark circles and some dark patches

around my mouth and again using the same

sponge that i used for the foundation

i'm going to blend everything out before

this concealer starts to crease i'm

going to lightly set it with some loose

powder the one that i'll be using is the

minerals mineral veil first i'm going to

set in areas where i use the concealer

to prevent it from creasing and then

using a large powder brush i'm going to

set the rest of the face very lightly

but i'm going to avoid using it on my

nose before i use the powder on my nose

i'm going to seal it one more time with

the hairspray again using a very light

amount i'm going to stamp it on my nose

and that is going to completely lock

that foundation it's going to seal the

deal and it will not allow that

foundation to move or lift or dry up and

now you can continue on with your

regular makeup so i'm going to be using

some powder to set my nose as well now

instead of a hairspray can you do the

same with a setting spray yes of course

but if you have extremely oily skin or

that foundation never stays put on your

nose no matter which setting spray you

use it's not going to keep it in place a

hairspray on the other hand is the

strongest it'll hold it in place like no

other to add some structure and

definition i'm going to be using the one

size by patrick starr

made for shade bronze and sculpt trio

palette this is in the shade medium dark

and you can sculpt your nose as usual

nothing's going to move now everything

is set and sealed what i'm showing you

today is an age-old formula in the past

there were no setting sprays so people

used hair sprays as setting sprays but

we now have setting sprays and the

chemical consistency and setting sprays

is completely different from waters and

hair sprays so never use a hairspray

directly on your face as a setting spray

off camera i'm going to finish the rest

of my face i'm just going to add some

mascara and a light lipstick and now to

set the entire face i'm going to be

using the super setter by benefit

cosmetics this is a face setting spray

that's pretty much it my friends and now

no matter how much you try to move that

foundation on your nose it's not going

to move it's not going to lift and it's

not going to crease so next time you

wonder how the theater artists or the

actors and movies keep their makeup put

throughout the day it might just be the

hairspray i hope you enjoyed this artists

please don't forget to thumbs up and

subscribe if you're new here do check

out the description box for all the good

stuff including my social media links

and links to all the products that i use

today i love you guys so much and i will

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