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How To Be Successful In Life

6 Tips To Achieve It

By Author Tushar ShethPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How To Be Successful In Life
Photo by Austin Schmid on Unsplash

1. Be Authentic

Deviating from your own path usually happens more often than you think because you are not able to stay true to yourself.

Stagnating and not being able to continue growing is something that will inevitably happen if you do not follow in your own footsteps.

You have to be honest about what you want to do and what you're passionate about. How far you want to go and who you want to be in a few years.

Always answer these questions with your opinion in mind and leave criticism and what others may say to you.

Also don't try to pretend to be someone you're not just because you think that if you were a certain way, you would achieve everything you set out to do.

It's one thing to adopt new skills, improve your abilities and in itself, be someone better to get what you want.

Another thing is that you start acting like someone else who goes totally against who you are.

Always stay unique and authentic, don't be afraid to be yourself and express what you want.

There will be people who criticize you all the time regardless of what you say or want, so why pretend or go another way you don't want?

Be happy with yourself and authentic for yourself and your desire to be successful one day.

2. Eliminate Your Doubts

From time to time it is normal that you feel insecure and with that comes one doubt after another about whether what you really want is what you are pursuing or if you will be able to get it.

But although it is normal, the secret to never stopping and having confidence is to eliminate all your doubts at the root.

If you think about them well, surely most arise because of what others say about you. Or that when you see someone who does not achieve something similar to what you want to achieve, you think you will not be able to either.

To eliminate these doubts, I first recommend getting away from the toxic people around you.

For example, conformist people who accept less than they once aspired to are the first to make others begin to have doubts about whether they should continue to strive so hard for a goal.

These types of people are not good for you, and you should get away from them as soon as you can because, if you stay by their side, you will only be able to stop yourself on your way to triumph.

If you already have the doubt planted in you, then counteract its effect by thinking about why you want to keep trying, visualize your dreams and above all, turn a deaf ear to the rest of the people who only criticize you or do not let you move forward.

3. Enjoy The Road

Surely you have ever felt the excitement of discovering new things, improving as a person and your skills to get what you want.

The key to everything in life is motivation, and for it to stay loaded and at its best, seeking success has to be more than just looking for results.

You must live experiences and acquire knowledge not only to succeed, but also to enjoy the path that will lead you to success.

If every time you are trying to get something new, instead of enjoying the trip you only focus on the final result, when you stumble upon the first stone you find, you will fall easily.

The reasons are very simple:

It's very easy for you to lose your motivation by being so focused on delivering the result that you don't stop to fill it up enough.

Encountering that stone is even worse because you didn't stop for a second to see before it and now less, beyond it.

So seeking knowledge is part of enjoying it, learning new things, seeing how you can achieve what you want in various ways and even, perhaps, going beyond what you thought all this time.

Focus on the route and not just the destination. Don't think so much about your goal but about everything you went through before you got there.

4. Use Your Imagination

Are you someone who constantly sees only the negative of things? Well, it's all a matter of how you imagine them.

Before I was a person who always complained about everything, so it was quite difficult for me to stay in one place either for work or studies and when I realized how all that was destroying my dreams, I decided that I should stop it.

The way I did it is very simple, I used my imagination.

When something goes well for us, and we see everything moving in our favour, we are always filled with an energy of motivation and positivity.

But when something goes wrong, then that energy just goes to ground level.

So instead of seeing everything as something you hate or don't like, why don't you start looking at that situation in a more positive way?

Your imagination plays a major role here because it's not a matter of imagining that everything is fine or that you love something that you don't really like about it. It's just reframing the situation.

If you hate your job or your boss, you simply have to see what you can learn from all this, from imagining the situation from a more positive point.

5. Create A Plan

It is good to follow your instincts and sometimes see how far they take you, but going without planning and blindly is like walking in a jungle at night.

I'm not telling you that you should know every step you will do, plan everything you plan to do but knowing or knowing what to do in your next 2 or 3 steps is more than enough.

The main reason why you should have some degree of planning in your life is mostly because of the time and how you will do it.

In terms of days a week, many consider that Monday to Friday are the only days you can really do something meaningful and in that they are wrong.

You can make the most of each day but that also depends on how you plan to do things and at what time.

So in order not to walk in a constant mess and have to do everything in a hurry or at the last minute, make a plan and use a calendar in the process.

For example, I already have planned the next step that I will take when I finish writing this article. One of the goals I have set myself has been to be more organized, following the advice of Mamá Multitasking.

Therefore, in my agenda, I have written for today to create a list of the tasks that I must do tomorrow so that I do not forget anything.

I know what I'm going to do next to this and after that. In itself, I do not have a plan for my whole life, because then I would miss enjoying and living as such what is in the wonder of a new day.

But I'm also prepared for the next step I'll take.

6. Don't Expect Someone Else To Do It For You

I lost count of how many people I have seen and I know that instead of taking action and doing something, they always expect someone else to do it for them, as if that duty were someone else's business.

Your family, friends, partner, partner, everyone has their own problems and goals, so they too are going through a path that requires all their concentration and effort.

So each of them is busy with their own things.

Whether they are or not, you can't expect others to lead you to your goal, to be successful.

It's all up to you, and it's very different to seek support than to have them do it for you. Therefore, beyond not expecting that from others, do not let them do it.

It is a matter of conscience and that you understand that if you do not do it with your effort and fight for your dream, it will not mean anything and that simply will not even be your success.

If it were the case that others can do it for you, where would be the satisfaction that after a long and hard day, you finally achieved it on your own merits?

Start, finish or continue something, everything must be done by yourself and it is not something you should do immediately since no matter how long it takes, the important thing is that you did it on your own.


About the Creator

Author Tushar Sheth

Amazon Books Author Tushar Sheth of "Touch of Love", "Big Weight Loss" & "Boyfriend Compatibilities Secrets" is a prolific Content Writer, Blogger, Google Certified Multilingual Translator, and YouTuber over the past 11 years to till date.

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