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How to Be a Badass in Life

Five tips to live like the extraordinary person you are!

By Osana WasutPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

I often feel like I play too small in life like I am hiding my true potential under a bush or something, and I am rather afraid of letting my light shine in all its glory. I used to think it was okay, and that it was a good thing to hide my light, to play small, in order to not intimidate or frighten others away.

That was until I heard this quote from a very wise man, Nelson Mandela who said:

"As we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give others the permission to do the same."

And then a while later, I heard this quote:

"Let your light shine so brightly so that others can find their way out of the dark."

At that point, I knew that I couldn't and shouldn't play small anymore and hide my light. I would shine brightly and if others didn't like my light, they would simply drift away.

But playing big in life, and being a "badass" isn't always easy, especially because most won't understand why you have changed so much, and you suddenly aren't taking their shit anymore, they might judge or criticize you, and you need to become bulletproof against rejection, and basically become unf***withable. (Thanks to Vishen Lakhiani for this insight.)

So below, I will share five tips on what helped me along my journey of becoming a badass, and hopefully, they will help you too!

1. Stop caring what other people think.

This one is hard, because it's our innate desire to be accepted, to be wanted, and by doing so, we naturally care what others think about us. For myself, I struggled with this one a lot because I was a people pleaser, and I wanted to make everyone happy. I also hated the thought of others talking negatively and judging me behind my back until I realized through my own personal growth that their thoughts, opinions, and judgments were just a reflection of themselves. It had nothing to do with me. SO when I stopped caring what others thought of me, it was like a whole new World opened up for me, and I saw the possibilities like never before. No longer was I worried about what others were going to think if I suddenly packed my bags and moved halfway around the world because it didn't matter, this was my life and I was going to live it how I wanted to.

2. Learn to be unf***withable.

This is a term I first heard from the founder of Mindvalley (where I study a great deal) Vishen Lakhiani, and he talks and writes about this a lot. But basically, it means that you are so at peace with yourself that it doesn't matter what others think. You become unf***withable when you get rejected and it doesn't bother you, or you don't get that job you wanted, and you are okay with it, or your family member judges you for something ridiculous, and you just let it slide off your back. Being unf***withable is a phenomenally powerful way to live life, and when you master this, you are a true badass!

3. Be patient, yet persistent.

Know that anything you set out to do in life is going to take time, nothing happens overnight, and whether it's your dream to start your own company, write a book, or travel the World, or maybe all of these like me, it's going to take time to get there. So having patience is important, but being persistent every single day, and working on yourself no matter what obstacles stand in your way, will get you there no matter how long it takes. I see so many people give up before they even try because it will "take too long" and this is always interesting to me, because the time will pass by anyway, and you can either be on the path towards your dreams or not. But ask yourself how long are you willing to work towards your dream life? The answer should always be, "as long as it takes."

4. Stop telling your business to everyone.

This was a huge moment for me when I realized others were just asking about my life so that they could go and gossip to others about it. I started to be very careful with what I would tell people, and instead, it was on a need to know basis. Before I told someone what I was up to, or my goals and dreams in life, I would think instead, is this going to end well for me? More often than not, I noticed whenever I would tell someone a dream of mine, I was faced with either judgment, or even just a lack of belief, and they would be like "oh well that's nice, good luck," but because I can read someone like a book, I knew they didn't believe in me, and that in my early journey would bring me down a notch and I'd think hmmmm maybe I can't do that after all. So I quit telling people my business unless they are part of my close friend group which is like three people.

5. Last but not least is to believe in yourself.

This is obvious, but it's probably the most important thing of all, because like I said, not everyone is going to believe in you and your dreams, and cheer you on from the sidelines. In fact, most people won't. It's a hard truth to swallow honestly, and I cried many tears over the lack of belief people had in me at the very beginning of my journey. But through that, I rose up and believed in myself before anyone else did. It's a lonely journey at times to follow your heart and pursue your dreams, but I guarantee it will be worth it when you are living the life of your wildest dreams, financially free, helping and inspiring millions. It will be worth the late nights, and critics trying to bring you down. "When you know you are made for greatness, the facts don't matter."

SO believing in yourself is crucial, because if you don't believe in yourself that emanates from you and no one else will believe in your either, and then you give up. So trust me on this one, if you want to be a badass in life, believe in yourself no matter what others say to you. Oh and remember that just because they can't see your vision, doesn't mean it's not valid, hold your dreams and vision in life close to your heart, you don't need to validate yourself to anyone now that you are a badass!

That's all for now folks! I do hope you enjoyed this post, and I look forward to writing the ones to come in the future. I finally realized my passion for writing, and it always has been a part of my dream life. Traveling the world, financially free, living near the beach, writing every day and enjoying my coffee while I inspire others to go after their own dreams. It's a beautiful dream, and each day I move closer to that inevitable reality!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed. If you did, please feel free to leave me a tip, as it helps me get closer to my dream life!


With Love and Light

Lindsay @ World Dreamerz

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About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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