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How to Attract Anything You Want.

Follow these 10 rules and increase the chance of attracting good things into your life

By The Happy ConsciousPublished 4 years ago 8 min read

What if you could get anything you desired simply by wishing? We’ve all been told that “in order to get something, you have to work for it”. I believe this to be 100% true, but what if you could also want something so bad, so much, that one day you have it in your life, whether that’s your dream partner, a pet, an opportunity coming up for your dream job, more money and financial freedom whilst doing what you love, getting your dream body or the chance to go on a once in a lifetime vacation. Anything you desire is suddenly, one-day, yours. This is the law of attraction.

However! There are rules, hint hint, that’s what it’s called the law of attraction. It means that you become your thoughts.

“Whatever your mind can conceive and believe it can achieve” - Napoleon Hill

This follows into the similar concept of...

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right” - Henry Ford.

The three basic rules (or laws if you will) are: Ask. Believe. Receive.

Throughout recent years, Quantum Physics and Neuroscience has been able to shine some greater light on the subject of the law of attraction through the power of the mind, and more specifically the unconscious, and how this has a great effect on our lives and the Universe. The idea is explored by scientists more and more, which has to lead us to gain a deeper understanding of the significance of the mind and how it plays a huge role in shaping our lives and the world around us.

What you believe, you become, so you create your own reality.

“Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is Physics” - Albert Einstein

Therefore, whatever you emit to the universe (whatever your thoughts are), you attract, or receive back, and it all depends on your vibration. Ergo, positive thoughts are higher vibrations, so you can attract the things you want, or desire, more easily. If you have negative, low, vibrations you attract more negativity into your life.

So, how can we do this you might say, well my friend here are the top 10 tips on how to increase your daily vibrations so you can get what you want (aka, how to manifest what you most desire in life).

1) Be in the present

If you’re thinking about the future and the past, you’re not in the moment and therefore you don’t notice things that are happening right now, just let them pass. If you meditate you know the analogy of letting your thoughts just pass by, like clouds in the sky. If you’re aware of where you are right now it increases your vibrations and attracting becomes easier and quicker (if you haven’t read The Power of Now, I recommend you do so). Accept where you are now.

2) Meditate/ Exercise

So just as I mentioned, the force is strong in this one. It helps you get into the present moment and ground your thoughts and takes away any thoughts you have running through your mind (I recommend Headspace as an app for meditation). Yoga as a form of exercise is also amazing as you practise your breathing and any exercise in general. Although, for me when I go for walks and runs I tend to have a harder time allowing thoughts to disappear (mind you I di invite them sometimes, and during my runs, after a while, they completely disappear as I’m entering runners high). Weight training sessions are amazing though, as you’re only focusing on contracting those muscles.

3) Be Kind & Grateful

Being grateful for what you have again, goes back to being in the present moment. It thus increases your high vibrations to attract what you want. If, however, you’re resistant and jealous, and only focusing on what you don’t have and words such as don’t, can’t and won’t, that is exactly what you’ll be attracting into your life.

Another important note for gratefulness is being kind. If you’re not kind, or not emitting kind thoughts, energy, gestures and vibrations to the universe (to others and yourself!) you will not receive them back because you’re showing the universe that you’re being negative, and what happens?... exactly, you’ll receive negative vibrations instead.

This is why when your day starts off with something wrong or bad that happens, you get angry and irritated by it, more bad things happen to you throughout the day leaving you with a “nothing went right, it as a bad day” day.

4) Be More in Nature

If you’ve ever been outside in nature to camp, been on a hike or jeez even a walk by the ocean, or a trail in the woods, a national park, anywhere that’s outside in NATURE and I mean nature, not just outside in the city. You know what I mean when I say that you feel a sense of peace. It almost gives you a meditation like an effect, because everything else leaves your mind. There’s no technology, no money and no news. You’re just there in nature, grounded and this raises your vibrations exponentially.

5) Be Creative

Yes, creativity actually raises your vibrations. Being creative gets your thoughts out of your head and helps spark that “being present in the moment” analogy which, you guessed it, increases your vibrations. It’s so beneficial, and if you think you’re not creative, I’m here to tell you that you actually are in some way because there’s so much more to being creative than painting, drawing and designing. Journalling is creative, decorating your apartment is creative, fashion is creative, cooking is creative, cleaning and organising is creative. So even you folks who think you’re not creative, you actually have a little creativity inside of you, YAY!

6) Health and Natural Foods From the Earth

Eating raw whole foods, so fruits and vegetables (the ones in processed foods don’t count!). One of the best tips is to look at the ingredients on foods and if you can’t pronunciate the ingredients put the packaging back on that shelf! The human body is not designed to digest processed chemical foods. Why not learn to do that type of food instead by following a recipe, and buy your ingredients to include some creativity in there (home-cooked meals tastes soo much better anyways). Processed foods are also most likely going to make you feel guilty and bloated, give you bad skin and thus make you feel bad, think negative thoughts and send out low vibrations.

7) Use Crystals

As they come from this earth, they emit positive energies and help people with anxiety, stress and depression and much much more. They are fantastic for using when meditating and attracting those high vibrations.

8) Detox from Technology & Negative People & Thoughts

This is something I have mastered before learning the law of attraction and I have been doing this ever since I was little actually, just automatically. Negative people will bring you down, and truth be told, no one has time for that. News is something to get rid of as well. If there’s something important you need to know, people will talk about it, and most definitely post it on social media, so don’t worry, you’ll know. Talking about social media, if you’re following someone that makes you feel bad about yourself (that you compare yourself too) unfollow them. You are in total control of what you choose to engulf and see on there whilst scrolling, so be wise.

9) Don’t worry, Be Happy

Spend time with people that you love, do your hobbies, try new hobbies, watch fun and uplifting movies or series, read books (both fiction and non-fiction so you learn and grow, but also so you can be creative in your mind and let the stories create a story in your own mind). Laughing is emitting positive energies into the universe like no other, and it’s showing that you’re grateful for the moment. Also, celebrate your small successes because it shows gratitude and teaches you to enjoy the journey and being in the present.

10) Listen to Good Positive Music

Now, here I want you to really think and listen to the lyrics which includes good subliminal messages. I love Disney: the text are inspirations, a little motivation, funny and happy, and even the sad ones are for inspirational and motivational purposes! Winning! A lot of music nowadays has negative connotations and lyrics so try to really choose your music through listening to the lyrics and stop adding the ones to your playlist that has bad and negative meanings.


You know, much like Cinderella, she was placed in a very bad situation living with a mean stepmom and two ugly sisters, but because of her kindness and gratefulness, her love for animals and nature, being creative, her always being in the present singing and being happy (despite all the hardships thrown in her way) I believe she was able to attract that opportunity to go to the ball and meet the prince. She looked at that castle day in and day out and manifested it so hard without her realising. She even had a dress ready for crying out loud. That’s high vibrations!

The more dedicated you are in learning and researching upon the law of attraction, and how manifestation works, the more fulfilling and rewarding your life can become. There are no restrictions and the Universe is always on your side, remember, whether that’s bad or good! So, open your mind so you can enjoy the Universe natural abundance.

Let me know how it's going for you.

Good luck!

/Jessica xoxo


About the Creator

The Happy Conscious

I'm a mindset and wellness coach, helping to rewire your mindset through positivity, the law of attraction, eating and moving for your gut & brain so you can live the life you want by manifesting & attracting more abundance in your life.

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