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How to Always See the Good in Everything

Look on the bright side of things!

By Lorna HarveyPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Do you tend to view things negatively all the time? Although you may consider yourself an optimist, you actually lean more toward realism.

In either scenario, you can find that adopting a more upbeat outlook on your circumstances makes life a little bit more enjoyable.

According to a study, optimists gain a variety of advantages in terms of lifestyle and health since they choose to concentrate on the good aspects of a situation.

Being an optimist increases your chances of enjoying better mental and physical health, as well as less stress and increased drive to complete your goals.

How do you raise your level of optimism, then? Everything else is based on the foundation of a positive outlook on life.

How to Have a More Positive Attitude About Life

We are all prone to experiencing instances when we are overly pessimistic about something.

It's possible that you had a bad night of sleep and are now finding it tough to see the bright side of things.

You might be carrying a bad taste in your mouth from anything that happened to you at work.

On the other side, when pessimism permeates everything you do, it is difficult to find the joy that life has to give.

While you don't have to constantly be beaming with happiness, there are things you can do to consciously spread more joy across your life and the globe.

Consider the following:

Give Yourself More Credit Than You Deserve

How often do you doubt your own ability and self-esteem?

Do you accept responsibility for your actions when something positive happens in your life, or do you assume it has nothing to do with you?

Every time something good happens in your life, take a moment to consider your previous thoughts.

Make sure you express gratitude for the part you played in helping that important event succeed.

Insinuating that anyone in your place might have achieved the same accomplishments or asserting that you received a lot of help from others are both ways to diminish oneself.

Instead, accept credit for what you have accomplished and give yourself permission to be happy about it.

Schedule Some Personal Time

We often judge ourselves the most harshly. Unfortunately, as a result, leading an optimistic life can be quite difficult.

If you have a tendency to constantly criticize yourself for your errors, take a moment to analyze how this behavior affects you.

It is never a good idea to ignore the negative things that happen in your life.

Trying to ignore issues by sticking your head in the sand can make finding solutions much more difficult.

On the other side, if you are unable to see the drawbacks of a circumstance, you can keep making the same mistakes.

This does not, however, imply that you should dwell on the negative parts of the circumstance or criticize your own behavior.

Instead, keep in mind that you are a human and that people, like all other beings, are prone to making mistakes.

You don't have to be perfect all the time (that would be unrealistic). Give yourself some grace and make it a point to learn from your errors so that you can do better moving forward.

Surround Yourself With Positive and Upbeat Individuals

Last but not least, one of the best ways to develop optimism is to surround yourself with individuals who already have a good attitude on life.

It might often take a lot of work and training to get to the point where you can start looking at things from a different perspective.

When you are surrounded by positive people, you are more likely to observe their viewpoints and take inspiration from them.

Similarly, by surrounding oneself with pessimistic people, you can pick up on their perspective on life.

By serving as your inspiration for positivity, positive people can aid in your own growth.

Positive people can often be great supporters for you when you're striving to make substantial changes in your life.

When you struggle to take it yourself, they always give you encouragement and praise.

It's Time To Have A More Optimistic Outlook On Life

Focusing as much of your attention as you can on the wonderful things in your life and the things you are good at will help you keep a positive view of life.

In a similar spirit, it can be helpful to minimize flaws or, at the least, to prevent those flaws from dictating one's viewpoint.

Being upbeat necessitates giving optimism more possibilities to manifest itself; it does not call for ignoring the less appealing aspects of life.

If you analyze your limitations and take lessons from prior failures, you will be able to overcome challenges and ultimately accomplish more.

Giving yourself a pat on the back for the things you get right won't help; but, recognizing your accomplishments will.

In the long run, the more you push against your default modes of negativity, the more natural and effortless the experience will feel to you.

Develop a More Positive Attitude

You can start towards a more positive attitude by concentrating on developing more positive habits over time.

You'll ultimately get to the point where you can accept both the good and the bad things about yourself.

By spending more time concentrating on the positive and enjoying all the benefits that come with it, you can develop more optimism.


About the Creator

Lorna Harvey

My love of writing is relatively new but since I started it has become a passion. I hope you enjoy my writing and look forward to your comments.

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