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How Do You Find Self Love?

2 Powerful Ways To Love Yourself Right Now

By Karen AnkhPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How Do You Find Self Love?
Photo by Jeffery Erhunse on Unsplash

It's super easy to go looking for bonds of love in all the wrong places if you're constantly looking outside of yourself. The cold hard facts are, unless you're comfortable with who you are as a person and accept all of what comes with being you, love will always be elusive, and finding that person who is your equal will take much longer.

“It’s what you practice in private that you will be rewarded for in public.” – Tony Robbins

By De'Andre Bush on Unsplash
  • Accept Who You Are Unconditionally
  • Self-love and inner confidence is of the utmost importance regardless of how uncomfortable a position you may find yourself in. Instead of focusing on the things you don't like about your body, career or social position, mentally magnify your personal attributes until they appear greater than your perceived flaws.

    Love yourself even when you've made a mistake because many mistakes are an opportunity to create positive change and are your certificates for growth.

    The truth is, most people aren't even recognizing what you're internally using as a self-narrative for perceived flaws and unless you point out something specific chances are very high they didn't even notice.

    Choose to see yourself in the most positive light and always remember your true worth isn't defined by material objects. Everyone around you is on a journey of personal growth and are experiencing their own unique challenges.

    Take the time to make improvements to your character when necessary and be honest about any weakness that is hindering your progress towards loving everything about yourself.

    Self-reflect and reward yourself for making the necessary changes within your character as you move forward.

    Be completely in love with everything about the being you are before you attempt to find or give love to anyone because the way you see and treat yourself is exactly the way you will allow others to treat you. Here's the deal

    Here's the deal, if you sell yourself short of anything amazing you'll receive bargain price treatment until you accept and upgrade your own value.

    You have to appreciate and understand exactly what you have to offer to yourself before you can share an equal partnership with another person.

    Self-love is your key to finding the greatest love you can ever imagine. It will inspire you to recognize emotionally empty physical encounters while also fueling your inner strength to avoid settling for anything less than what you're truly worth.

    Self-love includes setting personal goals and knowing how to do important things for yourself like making a nutritious meal even if you can afford to eat at the most exquisite restaurants every night, keeping your brain nourished with beneficial information, saving your money and taking time to nurture your mind, body, and spirit.

    By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash
    • "Learn Self Defense."

    Self-love means knowing who you are, and accepting your uniqueness on all levels. However, it also includes learning how to keep yourself safe. While you don't necessarily have to be an expert at fighting off an attacker, studying a few defensive moves will empower you to respond to danger and make quick decisions for your safety.

    It pays to know your legal rights and if you decide to carry any form of weapon learn to use it responsibly to the best of your ability. While you may not want to entertain the possibility of being attacked you can only gain by knowing how to protect yourself should the occasion arise.

    Love yourself enough to take a self-defense class, and practice visualizing your response in dangerous situations. Listen to your intuition when it sends you signals of danger even if you don't immediately recognize a threat.

    Pay close attention to any warnings your body sends and take some time to assess your environment or remove yourself from any threatening situation you're in before it escalates to a dangerous set of circumstances as soon as you're able to.

    The truth is, walking away when you're able to can be one of the most powerful forms of self-defense and self love you can use to protect your integrity or stay safe.


    About the Creator

    Karen Ankh

    Beautiful Ontario, Canada is the place I'm lucky enough to call home and I enjoy sharing my life lessons with you as an easy stepping stone if it's useful on your journey.

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