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3 Things A Girl Should Know How To Do Before Leaving Home

Things Which Every Girl Should Know

By Karen AnkhPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
3 Things A Girl Should Know How To Do Before Leaving Home
Photo by Alex Nemo Hanse on Unsplash

Growing into womanhood was never easy for any female throughout the history of women but there are 3 things every girl should know how to do before leaving home that can make the transition fairly easy.

"If you want to survive out here, you've got to know where your towel is." - Douglas Adams - Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy

You may already have your own bag of magic tricks to help you navigate the intricate balance of being a woman anywhere in the universe if you've already left the comfort of the parental nest and settled into your new territory.

You might even already relate to the importance of the following the golden rule of being aware of what is happening around you at all times. However, if you're still a nestling getting ready to fly the coop the following 3 tips will make the flight relatively safer.

"All Skin Teeth Is Not Laugh."

My Grandmother always spoke in parables when imparting life advice and growing up I could never figure out exactly what she meant until I had left home and started hitch-hiking through the universe.

Being an introvert was most likely my best asset because it allowed me the privilege of observing but it didn't prepare me for the fact that some travelers in the galaxy will smile sweetly at you while secretly plotting your demise.

Here's the truth, you see what you might perceive as a gesture of friendship isn't always necessarily the case. The cold hard fact is there are predators lying in wait to annihilate your existence for something you may or may not even be aware of.

It could be the way you look, speak, something you own, or someone you're close to which can easily make you a target. Let's face facts it could also be because of something you do intentionally or not. Regardless of what the inciting reason is, you'll have someone who is hypocritically smiling at you and they will eventually reveal whatever their true intentions are no matter how long it takes.

Remember trust is earned and it's fine to be open to new people and experiences. However, giving your trust to anyone too soon can lead to situations that drastically change the direction of your life in ways you aren't necessarily equipped mentally or financially to deal with.

Unless you're absolutely sure what or who you're placing your trust in, only share information about yourself or anything important to you with those who have earned your trust over time. Even then it's wise to closely guard anything you would prefer to remain private.

The bottom line is, cover yourself at all costs and protect your personal interests even when you encounter the most mesmerizing smile in a difficult place.

"Love Yourself First.

By Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself.


About the Creator

Karen Ankh

Beautiful Ontario, Canada is the place I'm lucky enough to call home and I enjoy sharing my life lessons with you as an easy stepping stone if it's useful on your journey.

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