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How 2023 Taught Me Lessons

This year, I want things to be different. I want to challenge myself, take risks, and make a difference.

By Amarieana HicksPublished 5 months ago 6 min read
How 2023 Taught Me Lessons
Photo by on Unsplash

As 2023 ends and 2024 begins, I've started thinking about ways to improve and take my writing more seriously.

I only started writing on Vocal this month, but I've known about it for many years. I was always too afraid to enter contests and put myself out there. I thought I would fail, and I did.

I remember one night I was talking to my fiancé when I saw that Vocal had a challenge going on called "Whodunit." I only had 24 hours left to enter the contest. Still, my fiancé urged me to do it as he admires my writing and knows I have a love relationship for everything horror-related.

I was scared, of course, but I got to work. I stayed up all night working on my story, hoping I would win not just for the money we desperately needed at the time but for validation that others saw my true potential the way he did.

Days leading up to the final results, I told myself that no matter the outcome, I wouldn't give up and would look at this as a learning experience.

Well, that day finally came, and to say I was nervous would be an understatement. I found myself checking Vocal and my email every hour of the day, waiting impatiently.

Finally, the results were in...

I eagerly scrolled through the list of winners, hoping to see my story.

But nope, nothing. I didn't even make it in the 10 runners-up. I was disappointed, to say the least, but as I promised myself before, I kept my head held high and continued to push myself.

This year, I want things to be different. I want to challenge myself, take risks, and make a difference.

The only thing holding me back from my success was not doing any of those things.

I spent months going back and forth on what I should write about. Should I write about true crime? No. Should I write about scary stories? That never works out. What about poems? Not really my thing.

I drove myself crazy coming up with all these new ideas that I always fail to go through with. It got to a point where I even considered not writing on Vocal at all.

I knew I didn't want to quit, but it was becoming overwhelming. Something had to change. I loved writing and wanted to enjoy it.

That's when I got an idea!

I love watching movies and reading books as much as I love writing. So what if I combined them?

I could watch my favorite movies and shows or read my favorite books and write about them. I could also explore new genres and different authors.

I was so fond of this idea I even started making a list of movies and shows I wanted to watch.

Now that I resolved that problem, I knew there was another issue I needed to tackle.

Increasing my productivity and efficiency.

While I would love to say that I write the whole time and get a lot done during my writing sessions, that would be a lie.

Oftentimes, I find myself scrolling through Instagram reels or playing with my toddler.

Soon before I know it, it's bedtime, and I've only written a few paragraphs.

This year, I want things to be different...

I plan to write 5 days a week for at least 8 hours a day, even if I don't publish a story daily. To me, this is about challenging myself.

What I find even more challenging is putting myself out there. I'd like to think that I'm a writer because I'm not much of a talker. I usually quietly publish my articles and then leave.

I want to make a change. I want to support fellow writers on Vocal by reading at least one story a day and sharing it. If I enjoyed their content, I want to express how it made me feel in the comment section without feeling shy. I also want to connect with people who have the same interests as I do.

I don't just want to do these things; I know that I need to do these things to show my love and support for other writers.

Joining Vocal has been an enormous eye-opener for me in so many ways. It's pushed me to do things that I never thought I would.

If you had asked me a couple of years ago to write a story and enter it into a contest, I would have immediately said, "Heck no!" I am not the most creative person when it comes to writing stories. Even though I can write a good plot for a story. I get too distracted with all the details or don't add enough. I also lose interest in things too fast and am on to the next.

So, as you can see, I'm not the best at writing stories, but as I stated before, Vocal has pushed me to come out of my comfort zone, and I am so glad for 5 reasons.

If I were to leave an impact on Vocal, I would want it to be these 5 things:

Number one, to never give up. I could've easily called it quits after my first story didn't make it in the contest or didn't get many reads. Instead, I stayed strong and pushed myself to write another story.

To those who have given up or are thinking about giving up, don't. I know it's easier said than done, but part of the reason most people give up is because of self-doubt. Well, I'm here to tell you that you can do it! You are a creative human who can come up with many new ideas. You just have to focus and touch into your true self. Write what you're passionate about, and don't let the anxiety or self-doubt lie to you.

Number two, you losing or winning does not define your worth. Whether you've won every contest, lost every contest, or won an award for the world's best author or not, it doesn't define you.

Who you are as a writer is not who you are as a person. You are not a bad writer just because you aren't recognized for your fantastic work. You are not a mid-writer just because you got second place.

Everyone writes differently, and everyone is creative in their own way. This is why every piece of writing is a masterpiece to me. It takes time and dedication to create a story, and that is what matters most. It's not about the awards, reads, hearts, or shares. It's about the passion you put into your writing.

Number three, always be happy for others' success, even if you want what they have. Envying someone to have something or everything you wished for is human nature. It's okay to feel like, why not me? This doesn't mean you shouldn't cheer others on or congratulate them on their wins. This will show what a kind-hearted person you are, your professionalism, and your sportsmanship.

Number four, good stories take time. Unless you have a deadline to meet, take your time with your story. All good stories require time. I am very guilty of rushing through what could've been a good story. Do you think you're rushing the plot?

One sign that you might be rushing the plot is that your story goes from one scene to another with little to no information or details in between.

I get it! It's easy to feel eager to tell your story or even just want to get over it if it's long. However, your audience is more likely to respect your story if it's not rushed and beautifully told. So relax and remind yourself that the story will take time, and that's okay because the best stories do.

Number five, always write for you, never for others. It doesn't matter if you're doing a writing job or a personal blog. As I said before, always write what you're passionate about. Trust me, this will take you far in your writing career and make it much easier on yourself in the long run.

Overall, 2023 has taught me many lessons as a writer. I've made minor and big mistakes, but with them, it made my goals for 2024 possible. This is why I am thankful for the good and the bad times. They allow me to reevaluate and come back stronger. So goodbye 2023, as I am leaving you behind and entering 2024 with new goals and aspirations. I wish you well xxx


About the Creator

Amarieana Hicks

Growing up, I always had a passion for many things and writing was one of them. When I turned 16, I decided to start my writing career and I haven't looked back since.

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    Amarieana HicksWritten by Amarieana Hicks

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