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Hope and New Beginnings.

The Perfect Picture.

By Cathy (Christine Acheini) Ben-Ameh Published 4 years ago 3 min read
Dukingfield Park, Greater Manchester. UK. Picture taken by Cathy .

Each one of us reaches a point where we get fed up with whatever situation we find ourselves in and yearn for a change in the direction for 'better'. During such times, letting go and starting over can be the best thing for you to do.

On October 9, 2019 I moved to Ashton Under Lyne, a little town at Tameside of Greater Manchester in the United Kingdom .

I started out on August 17, 2019 following the decision to walk out of an abusive relationship and a slanderous trail that had led to the consequent downward spiral of my life up until that time.

I had no idea where I was going, had no money and no friends nor any self confidence.

I was an empty shell with the unexplained drive to just somehow start all over again and damn the odds of whether or not I died trying.

I knew nobody and had no reason to come to Manchester except that I got a spiritual hunch to head in that direction so like a gypsy, I took off from London and embarked on quite an eventful two months journey in this direction, stopping by at Wakefield, Leeds and Warrington before finally arriving here.

The two months spent on the journey here led me through fighting my inner demons of fear, rejection and a lot of self doubt that came about because of the trauma that accompanied them.

But on the frosty morning that I took a twenty minute or so walk from my little flat at Manchester road to the Dukinfield park, the sight of the pathway after going up the major stairs woke up a surge of hope within me.

The sight of the trees and the shadows they cast on the ground lined by their leaves, and the chairs on the side of the pathway gave me a glimpse of what I had overcome so far, and somehow encouraged me to just "keep going".

So I took the picture and I stare at it a lot even roughly four months after it was taken because it reminds me that hope is a never ending story, a path that if we follow with the right amount of faith and curiosity could lead us to very delightful places indeed.

It is a simple picture taken with my Samsung A40 phone and without any filters applied but, everytime I look at it I can't help but smile in remembrance of all the adventures that have made up my life so far. Sometimes I feel like I am re-enacting "Alice in Wonderland" and someday I may wake up from this really long dream. But days like this picture ensure that somehow life still manages to put a genuine smile on my face .

When I started out on this journey I was afraid and had no clue what the end of it would look like talk less of the bits of it that I have lived through so far.

But instead of wallowing in the bits that tried to drag me down, I focus on the lessons and the amazing people I met along the way.

I am still trying to figure out my place here but more importantly am learning so much about myself that I never knew before and realizing that some of the best levels of self growth and personal development is achieved when we remove ourselves from the familiar and everything we have always known to start afresh.

I have come to find that, is in the place of solitude and quiet that truth is not only exposed but felt and released for the right kind of healing to begin taking place.


About the Creator

Cathy (Christine Acheini) Ben-Ameh


Cathy Ben-Ameh has published two books; "The Impact of Music Streaming on The Music Industry: Case study-Spotify" and "'13- A Chapbook of 13 Short Poems".

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