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Haters gonna hate: Why do People hate you?

Have you ever wondered why people hate you for no reasons?

By Marc BopePublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Many of us strive relentlessly to prove something to those who dislike us. We are stressed running away from our so-called ‘haters.’ Everyone has haters; People hate you because you are different. There is nothing wrong with you, but there is definitely something interesting about your haters. let's find out.

We live in a planet satiated with diversity where beauty has become drastically complex, and intelligence has become questionable. Diversity has caused us to dislike each other and disconnect from each other. Those who have dared to reason beyond their limitations have discovered that planet Earth is merely a canvas and our diversity form an art. The beauty of this art is seen through the lens of its creator. Instead of questioning the purpose of this art, first, we should seek to experience the voluptuousness of this art. Many of us have missed the opportunity to experience the beauty of this great art of diversity because we are striving to create circles and accommodate people like us and those we are fond of but disliking those who are different compared to us.

Perspective determines how we engage with each other. A distorted perspective can cause someone to hate you. People treat you based on how they see you and what they think of you. How they see you and think of you will result in how they feel about you.

Society, Politics and Religion norms have shaped how we engage with other human beings. For example, some norms and ideologies empower us to connect with those who have similar beliefs as us. Or connecting with people of similar denomination or church organisation as us. Or same race or same political views as us. Moreover, society encourages us to build our little bubbles to accommodate those who think like us, see things like us and feel like us. We then segregate those who don’t tick the boxes. Just because they aren’t like us, it does not mean they are against us.

You don’t need to live life long to realise that there is nothing wrong with you. Your haters hate you because of their distorted perceptions of you. So stop beating yourself up, a lot of the time what your haters see in you is a reflection of what is in them. When someone points a finger at you, remember there is a thumb that is pointing back at them. Because only a thief can bust another thief.

Hate comes with a reason. There are a million reasons why people hate other people, and five basic human senses drive these million reasons: Sight, Touch, Hearing, Smell, and Taste. Sensory modalities might be slightly relevant to this subject, but these broadly recognized senses create what the Philosophy Of Perception calls as ‘Perceptual data’ to our brains. The brain relies heavily on data provided by organ senses. Two of the most common malfunctioning organ senses are sight and hearing. How we see, hear and hear about other people has lots to do with how we feel and treat them.

A distorted perceptual view of you causes them to hate you. Their sense of sight might be reporting wrong information about you to their brains; much more like a hallucination. In fact, Neuroscientists believe that people hallucinate all the time and it has become normal enough to call it a reality; suppose your haters’ reality about you is distorted. Before you point a finger, what does your perceptual view report back to you about that particular person? Could it be just hallucination?

Sometimes, people place labels on you to hate you. Because this label gives them a reason to hate you. If they put a hateful label in front of your name, then they have a reason to hate you. For example, if they add: Racist Marc or Hoe Britney or …… James. Any word or name in front your name becomes your identity to them. Your haters have done the same to you. Your haters view you from the standpoint of their beliefs. If you don’t fit in their puzzles, they will then label you and place you back on the shelves.

People can hate you by proxy, meaning, they hate you by the labels placed on you. Notice when someone hates you, they often try to get other people to hate you too, and they would tell everybody about you. A label on you is like a Billboard placed on top of your head and this Billboard will irritate, exasperate and rave people’s emotions toward you. Some might hate you because of what someone else said about you. Some hate you because their friends hate you. The world has become so hateful because many of us hate people we don’t even know. We hate people based on someone’s distorted perspective or opinion on a broadcast or a news channel.

Ladies and Gentlemen, It’s not our responsibilities to change other people’s view or emotions about us; instead it’s their duty to drop scales off their eyes. There is a lot more to life than trying to change someone’s mind about you. The truth about you is what you know about you, therefore don’t let someone’s hallucination drop you off your throne. Stay truthful to yourself and confident in yourself. Those who hate you don’t know you as you know yourself. Haters are hallucinators.


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