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Happy People Plan Actions

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
“Happy people plan actions, they don’t plan results.” - Dennis Waitley

I think a vast majority of us, who are over the age of 30, could reflect on some memories of our past, and easily identify many moments, occasions, and events, that brought us great happiness. They are likely more apparent in our mind, if the life we currently lead isn't bringing us great satisfaction, fulfillment, success, and enjoyment. It's the type of situation we wish we could just go back in time, back to when life was good, where we encountered less stress, less pressure, and more fun. It's actually quite easy to start believing that the best times of our life are behind us. Perhaps we regret not having lived more in the moment, whilst we had the chance? Both life and time can be cruel, as it starts to feel like happiness feels more and more hard to come by, as we continue to age. Life becomes all about paying bills, managing our finances, working our butt off at a job we hate, for years on end, providing for our family, and remaining committed to our partner and relationship. Gone are the days we used to head out nightclubbing, drinking, and partying with our friends on the weekend, living at home with the parents rent free, and having next to no commitments to worry about. It's not to say we don't have moments of happiness nowadays, but it just doesn't seem to be on the same level, as we feel starved of that satisfaction, fulfillment, and true enjoyment we once had. The reason behind this loss of happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment, is because we have allowed ourselves to become stale and stagnant, simply having just accepted the circumstances and situation we are in, as being life. It's normality to society, and we've allowed it to become normality for us too, when really, life is trying to push us to grow and develop. It's the reason why so many people are unhappy, and even depressed, in life, all around the world, as we speak.

Brief moments of satisfaction and enjoyment unfortunately don't result in overall happiness and fulfillment in life. A lot of us foolishly believe in such things as buying that new phone on the market, or buying designer clothes, or taking out a loan to buy a flashy looking car, that they will deliver us the happiness we are searching for. That warm, fuzzy feeling that we have inside us soon dies though. It's because true happiness isn't found in greed, possession, or selfishness. True happiness can only be discovered off the back of action, specifically three actions in fact. These three actions are serving others, expressing gratitude, and pursuing our goals. Without these actions, happiness may be possible to an extent, but satisfaction and fulfillment remain absent, meaning it isn't true happiness, and likely it doesn't last. We should always be aiming to help, support, encourage, uplift, inspire, be kind, be compassionate, and give to others, rather than trying to please others, like so many of us are guilty of doing. In witnessing others succeed, thrive, grow, and even just smile, off the back of our generosity, service, and support, that feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment is incomparable. We should always be focusing on what blessings we have in life already, and be grateful, thankful, and appreciative, for these blessings, not be possessed by greed in constantly wanting more and more in life. If we can't be happy and satisfied in what we have now, we will never be happy and satisfied.

As with our goals, happiness in life also needs to be earned. Life rewards those who work hard, and are truly passionate about the work they do. When we set goals, then embrace the journey, overcome the failures, rejections, and adversities, and we then remain patient, and perseverant, our goals can be achieved. Once we accomplish our goals, we realize that happiness, we are proud of what we have endured and overcome, and that's what gives us that immense satisfaction and fulfillment. Goals can't be achieved without a journey, nor can a journey be trekked without actions, and actions aren't effective without a plan. Happy people plan actions. They constantly focus on what can create the happiness and success, rather than focusing on just the goal itself. They constantly make changes, they are constantly proactive, and they are constantly looking at ways to improve. Whether those actions are about how they can better help and serve others, or whether those actions are about holding themselves accountable to gratitude, such as keeping a gratitude journal, or whether those actions are about creating a pathway to achieving their goals, they are constantly planning, and they are constantly taking action. They are wise enough to know that focusing on what they desire isn't what's going to deliver them success and happiness, it's about focusing on what they need to do to get there. Happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment, come from having an action plan, and then remaining accountable and committed to those actions, it's as simple as that. So that begs the question, are you planning for success, happiness, satisfaction, and fulfillment, in life, along with then taking action? If not, what are you waiting for?

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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