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Grow A Bigger Butt

3 Exercises That Will Grow Your Glutes

By Chandi PeardonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Grow A Bigger Butt
Photo by Benjamin Klaver on Unsplash

The Days Of Small Cheeks Are Over

They say trends come and go right? Well, the same is true when it comes to societal standards of "beauty" (brb while I throw up in a bucket). Decades have come and go and so have the way we view what is beautiful with the female body. From smoker-skinny, to curvy, to embracing smaller chest sizes, to fitness physique, if it is current then it is liked.

But one thing is for sure, a toned peach is something we all obsess over. Whether at the gym, grocery store, or out to eat their is no denying that we get a little envious when a woman with perfectly round cheeks crosses our path. The problem is that more and more people are sitting and not standing. When we choose to sit for long periods of time our hip muscles become weak.

These three exercises will not only help to strengthen your hip flexors, but it will help to maximize your glutes. A bigger bum that you (and everybody else) will love.

Weighted Hip Raises

Hip raises make for a great exercise because they target your glutes and hamstrings. They also double as a core workout because they require you to engage your abdominal and lower-back muscles. You can also perform this exercise with

To perform this exercise right it is important to follow these key guidelines

  • Your feet must be flat on the floor. Make sure you are pushing with your heels.
  • Raise your hips so your spine is aligned in a straight line from your shoulders to your knees.
  • When your hips are raised, pause for 5 seconds making sure you are squeezing your glutes. Release and squeeze your glutes on the way down.

*If you feel this exercise in your hamstring it is a sign that your glutes are weak. Do this exercise multiple times a week to strengthen your glutes.

Straight-Leg Barbell Deadlift

By Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

The deadlift is a great exercise that not only engages your glutes but also helps to target your hamstrings. This is going to result in the "brazilian lift" that many women are looking for.

Proper form is crucial when performing this movement because it works the muscles in your lower back. If not done properly you can injure your lower back. Key takeaways from this exercise are to remember to;

  • Keep your knees slightly bent. You should never lock your knees when in an upright position.
  • Set your feet hip-width apart
  • Your back should not round when bending over. Instead, it should stay naturally arched as your body begins to lower.
  • Rotate at the hips. This is not a squat, so your knees should slightly bend as you rotate your hips.
  • Squeeze your glutes on the way up and on the way down.

*You can perform this same movement with dumbbells.

Bulgarian Split Squats

By Matthew Sichkaruk on Unsplash

Bulgarian split squats are an overall great leg workout. Not only do they target your glutes, but you are engaging those hard-to-target muscles located in your quads and hamstrings.

You can perform this exercise with a single dumbbell, two dumbbells, or a single weighted plate. It is important to make sure that your planted foot, the toes, are directly parallel to your knee. This helps to prevent your knee from driving over your toes, which is something you do not want to happen.

Keep your glutes squeezed on the way up and down. Your knees should not lock when you ascend upwards.

Perform these exercises at least 3 times a week between 8-12 repetitions for maximum results.

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About the Creator

Chandi Peardon

Creative Writer.

My inspiration? Personal trauma, mental illness, and love.

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