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got a lotus seed. My little slutty

got a lotus seed. My little slutty

By DALLAS MABIREPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Heheh! It's summer now! All the lotus flowers on the pool are in bloom; It's got a lotus seed. My little slutty cat could not bear the joy in his heart and was ready to steal the lotus seed. With that said, I tiptoed to the neighbor's pond. I looked around the pond. Ouch! Not a single person! My heart can not help but rejoice to think: can really God help me! So God is helping me this "criminal". I rejoiced for a moment and came to a more private place. 'Ah! I swallowed before my voice could be uttered, and you saw something! It's a few boats. I was almost overwhelmed with joy. But I wasn't greedy and chose the smaller boat. I stood majestically on it, shaking my OARS and paddling quickly. At this time, a larger lotus seed caught my eye. I think this is it. I pulled hard with one hand, the other hand kept pinching the stem of the lotus seed, do not know how the lotus seed has emerged white juice, but still can not pinch down. Heh! Demo! Dare to play a big sword in front of Guan Gong is really beyond my power, I thought unconvinced. Finally, I pulled out the killer hand. With a sound of "crack" the lotus canopy broke down. I fell on my back, too, and almost fell into the pond! Look at the fruit I picked my heart is very happy and very proud like the Erlang god fart ---- air and. That way! Maybe it's because of a guilty conscience! I rowed home as fast as I could with a happy smile..... Daaaaaa!For a long time, I have not written what I want to write. Sometimes I feel like I have nothing to share. But sometimes I want to write down my troubles. There are many things, because a mistake is wrong again, we all reflect after the encounter. Constantly thinking about what's the right thing to do. Recently my state of mind has not been very good, so my mood is also very annoying, do anything powerless. Nothing you can do will make a difference. It will only make people misunderstand. Of course, I also saw the human heart, and because I saw the so-called human heart, I still could not face these things. Always feel that it will pass, do not need to pay attention to for the moment. But also because of this, someone has repeatedly climbed up, let me lose trust, feel really good hypocrisy, good nausea. Sometimes when I think about it, I don't need to be nice to someone anymore. Once the best classmate, the best friend, the best family. And now we're doing it again and again. Even if I'm wrong, I don't think we should kiss like this. Then everything around is shaking, even if my heart is struggling, but in the dream to see her countless times, why do you do this, because of the power, you did not listen to the Internet is identifying and translating... Have things ever changed? You don't know, if I get tough, I'll make you feel like I'm feeling right now. Sometimes I wish you could be close to me again, we can recover before, I will forget the previous unpleasant. But why are you still doing this. I want to rip you out and see what color is your heart? Is this what a few years of emotion is all about? Now I hate you so much. I hate you. I don't know what our feelings will be like in the future. Or until the day you die you'll never have anything more to do with each other. The air is filled with the other breath I have for you now. I thought time would improve, but I gave you a lot of time, and you got worse, and I really can't forgive you. Remember, I'm not who I used to be, and I don't expect anything from you anymore.

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