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Goal Setting & Time Management

Goal Setting & Time Management

By Muhammad AbrarPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Goal Setting & Time Management

Goal-setting is an effective tool for self-improvement. We often set goals without planning how we're going to accomplish them, but setting goals gives us direction and purpose. Goals help us visualize our future and give us something tangible to work towards. And once you've set a goal, it's easier than ever to stay focused on it!

Time management is a skill set that enables us to get things done. If you want to achieve success, you'll need to develop good time management skills. By using the right tools, you can become much more productive. Time is money! That's true for anything - whether you're running a business or building a career. And you know that successful people don't spend their time doing things they hate. They spend their time doing what they love.You may need to write down your passions and desires; then ask yourself if you truly enjoy those activities. If not, you need to find something that you DO enjoy doing. After you've discovered where your passions lie, set small goals along the way. By setting SMART goals - specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and timely - you'll stay focused and you'll reach your ultimate goal faster than if you were just going in blind. But if you work hard today, you'll reap rewards tomorrow...

When you have a plan, you're able to make decisions more rationally. You know what steps you need to take, and you won't miss anything along the way. Learning to manage your time effectively takes practice. There's no substitute for practice, and if you're willing to put in the effort, you'll find yourself getting better at managing time over time.

Goal setting:

Setting goals gives the owner or user a clear direction of where they want their business to go. Goals set the foundation for what you need to do to make that happen. By setting goals, you give yourself a focus and purpose, which helps you stay motivated to get things done. Once you have set goals, write them down somewhere visible (on paper, whiteboard, etc.)

Time management:

Time management is an extremely important aspect of business ownership. Being organized and disciplined with time is necessary if you ever hope to achieve success as a self-employed entrepreneur. You should know how much time you spend working each week, whether or not you are making enough money, and how long it takes you to complete various tasks. The goal here is to learn about your time management skills and understand what works well and what may need improvement.


The first step towards achieving any goal is to identify what it is that you want and then narrow your focus. You'll likely find it easier to accomplish something small rather than trying to tackle everything at once. Once you've identified what's important to you, break it down into smaller, attainable goals. If you're looking to start a new business, for example, you might decide to invest in starting a blog first instead of taking out loans to open an online store. Then when you're ready to take the next step in growing your business, you'll already have some experience under your belt. You need to focus on what it is that you want to do. How much time, money, and effort should be put into something before you decide to commit yourself to it? Before you get started, make sure you have thought about this issue. If not, then maybe you shouldn't be doing it at all. You might be wasting your time and money without even knowing it.

Organize yourself:

This is something that many people struggle with. And it’s not just about having a good system; it’s actually about making sure that the routine you have set up works for you. If you have a habit of being late, make sure you don’t let it happen again. If you get stressed out easily and tend to procrastinate, then try to avoid doing any tasks that you find stressful. You might want to start working at home earlier than usual to help you de-stress before going to work. If you need to leave early, make it known ahead of time (it’ll save you some hassle).

Make plans:

Planning helps to keep things organized and gives you a sense of direction. But if you aren’t careful, planning can lead to over-commitment and unrealistic expectations. Try to plan only what you can realistically accomplish in a given timeframe rather than a whole week or month at once.

Be realistic:

When you plan, think about how much time you will spend on each task, and whether you would be able to complete them all. Don’t forget to factor in breaks and downtime. If you end up feeling overwhelmed, it may be time to reassess. If you feel like you can’t stick to your plan, do whatever you can to cut back on the amount of time you spend on that particular task. Instead, pick a different task to focus on until you feel ready to return to your original goal.

Stay focused:

With a busy schedule and lots of responsibilities to juggle, it can sometimes be hard to stay focused. If you find yourself getting distracted, take a step back and look at the big picture. Ask yourself where you could improve your productivity and focus. You may want to remove additional distractions around the house—or even move somewhere quieter. When you permit yourself to unplug, you’ll have less trouble staying on track.

Balance work and play:

If you find yourself always working, try taking some time off now and again to enjoy life. Take a walk outside, go to the park, or watch a movie together with your partner. Permit yourself to engage in activities that relax, recharge, and rejuvenate you.


Try to assign priorities to tasks based on their importance and urgency. Try to tackle the most urgent items first. By prioritizing your workload, you won’t be wasting time trying to accomplish tasks that aren’t relevant. Use a method such as “The Eisenhower Matrix” to help you determine which tasks should be completed immediately, which ones should wait a bit longer, and which ones can be put off entirely.

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About the Creator

Muhammad Abrar

Writing is a distraction for me. It takes me to places unknown that fulfill my need for intellectual stimulus, emotional release, and a soothing of the breaks and bruises of the day.

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