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Girl who felt guilty

Even though it's not her fault

By Tehreem nadeemPublished 11 months ago 3 min read

In a quaint village nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a thoughtful and gentle-hearted girl named Maya. With her big, expressive eyes and a smile that radiated warmth, she possessed a rare kindness that touched the lives of those around her.

One sunny afternoon, Maya joined her friends for a game of tag in the village square. Laughter filled the air as they darted and weaved through the bustling streets, their voices echoing with joy. Maya, however, was not as nimble as her friends, and her foot caught on a cobblestone, causing her to stumble and knock over a stack of fruit crates.

The crates tumbled and rolled, their contents scattering across the ground. Oranges, apples, and pears lay strewn about, their vibrant colors contrasting against the cobblestones. The vendor, an elderly man with a kind smile, rushed over to assess the damage.

Maya's face flushed with embarrassment as she tried to help gather the fallen fruits. "I'm so sorry," she stammered, her voice filled with guilt. "It was all my fault. I should have been more careful."

The elderly vendor, however, simply smiled and patted Maya's hand reassuringly. "Oh, dear child, accidents happen. It was not your fault at all. Cobblestones can be tricky. Let us clean this mess together."

Maya's friends joined in, gathering the fruits and stacking the crates back into place. The vendor's words offered solace to Maya, but she couldn't shake off the feeling of guilt that lingered in her heart. Her kind nature led her to assume responsibility, even when it wasn't warranted.

Days turned into weeks, and Maya's guilt remained a constant presence. She went out of her way to help others, trying to make up for what she believed to be her mistakes. She carried an unnecessary burden, unable to see that accidents were simply a part of life.

One day, as Maya walked through the village square, she witnessed a small boy accidentally knock over a cart of flowers. The flowers spilled onto the ground, petals scattering in the wind. The boy's face turned red with embarrassment, mirroring the exact expression Maya had worn when she had stumbled.

Unable to resist her empathetic nature, Maya rushed to the boy's side. She smiled gently and said, "It's alright. Accidents happen. Let's clean this up together."

As they worked side by side, the boy's guilt slowly dissolved, replaced by a sense of comfort and understanding. Maya's words reminded him that he was not alone in his mishap, and that compassion could bring solace even in moments of perceived fault.

Inspired by the boy's relieved expression, Maya began to reevaluate her own perspective. She realized that guilt, though a natural response, could sometimes cloud one's judgment and prevent growth. She resolved to be kind to herself and let go of the burdens she carried unnecessarily.

Over time, Maya learned to differentiate between genuine responsibility and misplaced guilt. She recognized that accidents were an inherent part of life and that true kindness extended beyond taking blame for situations beyond her control.

As the years passed, Maya continued to radiate love and empathy. She used her experiences to guide others, teaching them the importance of self-compassion and understanding. Maya's ability to recognize the power of forgiveness, both for oneself and others, became a beacon of light within her community.

And so, Maya's journey taught her that feeling guilty, even when it wasn't her fault at all, was an opportunity for growth and compassion. She became an embodiment of forgiveness, reminding others that mistakes were not a reflection of character, but rather stepping stones toward becoming the best versions of themselves.

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About the Creator

Tehreem nadeem

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