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Gary Vaynerchuk Changed My Life

My ultimate role model

By Jordan MendiolaPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Gary Vaynerchuk

To find a role model to me means to entrust that the person will guide you to bring more happiness in your life. In addition to my mom, Russell, Wilson, and David Dobrik, Gary Vaynerchuk is probably my biggest role model. Gary is different. Gary goes against the grain. He believes in himself and doesn’t allow incsecurity to be the reason he doesn’t win.

Ever since I discovered Gary a year ago, I have to say that my life has gotten a lot better. I deal with insecurity much less than I used to. I also prefer to listen to myself and go forward with what my brain and my heart tell me I should do. Not others. There are lots of lessons I have learned along my journey through Gary and here are a few I want to share with you.

1. Work your face off

To achieve what you want in life, especially if you’re an entrepreneur who wants to start his or her own business, then you need to go all in to make it happen. Luck doesn’t play a role in some of the most successful people.

Things don’t just happen out of the blue. Millionaires don’t get where they are simply because it was passed down to them. Sometimes it does, but the majority of the time, they spend 15 or more hours a day working on their craft.

2. Focus on what you want to do

To simply tell you to “work your face off” wouldn’t be fair if I just told you to start a dog treat business while you are an excellent graphic designer. That wouldn’t make much sense. However, if your heart lies in making dog treats at that moment you make a decision, go for it! I’m not here to tell you what you should do, but figure it out and trust your gut.

If you can focus on what it is that makes you happy, you are much more likely to put in the extra hours necessary while still enjoying the process.

3. Become self-aware

Having self awareness is like being your own personal doctor anytime something happens to you and you don’t know why.

Becoming self aware can set you free because you understand yourself better and stop stressing about the unimportant stuff. For instance, you might be feeling really down one day and it could be for a multitude of reasons. Maybe you didn’t get enough sleep, you’re stressing over making your family proud, or your friends are toxic.

Understanding the causes and effects within yourself is an ultimate unlock in life because it gives you control of your life.

4. Have humility

If you fail, you fail. Big whoop. Don’t deny the fact that you just failed. It’s okay because this sets you up not to fail the next time around. Many people walk around with fake facades to come off tough when all they’re doing is masking their insecurities.

I have a ton of respect for anyone who fails in the process of trying something new because it shows their willingness to simply try.

5. Empathy

Most people are too quick to judge others. If someone comes off as an A-hole, it could be because they are dealing with something traumatic. We can’t fix all people, however we can try our best to understand them.

For the entrepreneurial minded ones out there, we need to empathize with the consumer and meet every need possible with our products and services. If we do so, they will understand that we are all on the same team.

“When you actually deploy gratitude and empathy you become numb to negativity which leads to pure offense and speed, which leads to results”. — Gary V

6. Keeping up with the Jones’

The idea of keeping up with everyone else in regards to fashion, automobile, or lifestyle boggles my mind. I used to want to be the kid with the coolest clothes and the newest electronics. But at the end of the day, the ‘stuff’ you have doesn’t go down to the grave with you. Stuff has the power to mask insecurities, but once that is all taken away, what are you left with? How will you act then?

Final Thought

I feel as though deep and sincere understanding of oneself and what they actually want in life matters more than the things they own. Status only matters to you if you are unsure of who you are yet. It may require some soul searching to get there, but once you do it’s nothing but up.

Gary has had an effect on me to where I can accomplish just about anything I set my mind to with little to no fear or insecurity. I have become more open minded through Gary. I have also become more tactical with who and what I spend my time on.

If you haven’t tried listening to Gary, try him out! He, like many other role models, can help change your life.


About the Creator

Jordan Mendiola

Jordan Mendiola is a horizontal construction engineer in the U.S. Army, Mendiola loves hands-on projects and writing inspirational blog posts about health, fitness, life, and investing.

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