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From Victim to Victor


By Eman HassanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

It was a hot summer day when I walked into my high school for the first time. I was nervous, excited, and full of hope for the future. I had always been a bright student, top of my class, and my dream was to become a doctor someday. But my dreams were short-lived as soon as I started my freshman year.

I was the only girl of color in my class, and I quickly became the target of bullies.I was called names, ridiculed, and humiliated in front of my peers. I tried to ignore it at first, but it only got worse. My tormentors would follow me around school, calling my names and pushing me around. I felt trapped and helpless.

To make matters worse, even some of my teachers began to treat me differently. They would overlook me when handing out assignments or call on me less often in class. It was as if they had already made up their minds about me before I even had a chance to prove myself. I felt like giving up.

My parents were supportive but didn't know what to do. They encouraged me to keep trying, but I felt like I was all alone. I didn't want to burden my family with my problems, so I kept it all inside. It was a heavy burden to bear, and I often found myself crying myself to sleep at night.

One day, I stumbled upon an old book in my school library. It was about a young girl who had faced similar challenges but refused to give up. I was inspired by the girl's courage and resilience. I realized that I too could be strong and fight back.

I began to take small steps towards standing up for myself. I started by talking back to my bullies and calling them out on their behavior. It was scary at first, but I felt a sense of empowerment that I had never felt before. I began to feel like I was in control of my life again.

As I started to stand up for myself, I also began to reach out to others who were going through similar experiences. I started a club at school where students could talk about bullying and share their experiences. I became a leader in my school, and my peers began to look up to me.

My grades began to improve, and I was even offered an internship at a local hospital. I was thrilled at the opportunity to gain hands-on experience in the medical field. My hard work paid off, and I was even offered a full scholarship to medical school.

My journey from victim to victor was not an easy one, but it was worth it. I realized that I was not alone, and that there were people who believed in me. I learned that it's okay to ask for help and that sometimes the greatest strength comes from admitting our weaknesses.

I continued to excel in my studies and was determined to become a successful doctor. I immersed myself in my studies and my passion for medical only grew stronger with time. I was grateful for the opportunities that came My way, but I never forgot the struggles.I had to overcome to get where I was.I also continued to mentor and support others who were struggling with bullying. I shared my story with anyone who would listen and inspired countless others to never give up on their dreams. I realized that my experiences had given me a unique perspective and a voice to help others.

One day, I received an unexpected phone call. It was from an organization that recognized my efforts in fighting bullying and empowering young girls. They invited me to speak at a national conference and share my story with thousands of people.

I was nervous but excited at the opportunity. I prepared tirelessly for my speech, hoping to inspire and motivate others to never give up on their dreams. The day of the conference arrived, and I stepped onto the stage, facing a sea of faces looking up at me.

I began by sharing my story, of the struggles I had faced and how i had overcome them. I spoke passionately about the importance of standing up for oneself and for others who were being bullied. I urged the audience to never let anyone discourage them from pursuing their dreams.

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    EHWritten by Eman Hassan

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