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From Struggle to Triumph in 2022!

In response to Coffee Challenge: Why I want to be a better me in 2022

By Erin MixonPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

I’ve always wanted to be a writer ever since I was a little girl.

Yet for whatever reason, it never happened for me, until now.

If I could speculate as to the reasons why I would say there are multiple reasons.

The main reason would probably be that life got in the way. First of all, society conditioned me to believe that I couldn’t just write full time.

I would have to work a nine to five to sustain myself financially while I just wrote on the side as a hobby.

Then hopefully I’d be able to write a book during the downtime and things would just magically come together.

The problem was, I never seemed to have any downtime. The nine-to-five was so all-consuming along with the other demands of life.

When I did get some downtime, I just wanted to rest, relax, and de-stress.

If I did sit down to write, I would doodle a little something, but it was like the inspiration wouldn’t flow. I was too put upon and stressed out I guess.

Now, I’m aware that this method has worked for many, but I’m not made like that. For me, I can’t be creative when I’m stressed and overwhelmed.

The Transition

Fast forward to 2017 and I finally started a blog.

I love my blog!

My blog is my baby. I literally created her from the ground up — everything from the design, the copy, and the content!

The whole process was a true labor of love!

Every piece of content I wrote for my blog came from the depths of my soul.

In spite of how much I poured into it, for three whole years, I saw no consistent traffic and made absolutely no money from my blog.

2021 started out the same — status quo — nothing much happening.

Then something amazing happened at the midpoint of 2021…breakthrough!

In 2021, for the first time, my blog started to get consistent views! Plus, I also have made some money from my blog!

Now, I must admit, it’s not much money, and the traffic is not through the roof, but it’s consistent. This means the world to me.

There are so many times I could have given up and thrown in the towel, but I stayed with it, and now it’s finally paying off!

This is also the year that I started on Medium.

My journey on Medium has amazed me!! It’s a pure delight to be blessed with a platform that allows me to connect with fellow writers and readers that appreciate my content.

Finding Purpose in My Work

I can’t wait to see what 2022 brings.

I am big on the significance of numbers, and I am big into angel numbers. I know that 222 is a message of having faith and trust on the journey of manifesting the desires for our lives.

I wrote about my spiritual awakening not too long ago.

In the process, I learned a lot about myself and my life, and through the turmoil and trauma of the entire experience, I came into the understanding of my purpose for being here.

Now I know that my purpose is to help others with the process of learning how to navigate their spiritual process while also uplifting the collective consciousness.

My Hopes for 2022

After years of stagnancy and seeing nothing happening in terms of my writing career, I’m just elated to now see things coming together.

In previous years I felt like I survived, but I wasn’t thriving.

In 2022, I want to go from just surviving to thriving — from existing to living.

I’m so grateful for the breakthroughs and forward movement I’ve seen thus far…

More so though, in 2022, I want to see things rev up times 10!

In 2022, I want more!

I don’t want to settle when I know the creator has so much more for me to do, be, and experience!

In 2022, I want more opportunities to help my fellow humans, to educate others about their spiritual journey, and to uplift the collective consciousness.

I want to go to the next level as far as my writing is concerned.

I want to continue to grow my following and reach new heights here on Medium, and I even want to write a book.

I also want to find other ways to help and educate people.

Nowadays, there are so many ways to reach people via technology.

This could be done through books(on and off-line), social media platforms, youtube, podcasts, online courses, speaking engagements, and let’s not forget our beloved Medium and similar platforms…and the list goes on!

And I’m open to all of these possibilities!

Why You Should Get Excited

If you dare to believe, 2022 can truly be your best year thus far!

Your faith and knowing that you can achieve amazing things in your life is so key right now.

And with the significance of angel number 222, this is even more evidence of the potential for greatness in 2022.

I encourage all of you to get clear about what you want to manifest for your life.

Write it down and read over it daily.

Then say aloud that you will accomplish these things daily.

And then start taking action in that direction.

I promise if you have faith, don’t doubt, and don’t give up, you will begin to see amazing things happen in your life!

Now go forth and be great!

It’s time to go from struggle to triumph!

Comment down below if you’re ready to go from struggle to triumph!


About the Creator

Erin Mixon

I am a blogger and inspirational writer.

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