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Fresh Start in 2021

Korinna's Goals for 2021

By Korinna HazelPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
A picture of John Marston and Tater because I don't have any other pictures to share.

2020 was a hectic year for all of us. A lot of changes came, and some of us weren’t as lucky as others. Fortunately, there’s a new year before us, and we have to be the change we want to see, as my mother used to always say.

For now, I want to focus on my own changes. I want to grow myself, and evolve into a stronger person than I am now. We all know the obvious “New Year Resolutions” everyone writes and never completes, like “Lose weight,” or “Travel to wherever,” but I want to dive deeper than what I want and into what I need.

My goals for 2021 start with my social anxiety. Starting a new job or learning how to drive always made my noses bleed with how anxious I became, but I’ve gotten through all that. I want to be able to call people without losing myself, or becoming a ball of “No, NO!” I need to develop my personal skills and stop disliking making new friends. So I think my first resolution is to make at least one good friend and call businesses without a second thought.

I think that is the only important resolution for me, so here’s the others I just hope to do. I do want to lose weight. I actually used to be brutally thin in highschool, due to a laziness of refusing to cook food. Then I met my boyfriend, who’s amazing cook of a mother started fattening me up. Here we are, three years later, and I’m up 30 pounds. I want to even out my stomach and strengthen my legs, and maybe get down to 130 pounds, healthy for my height.

I also want to get flexible, because I am probably the least flexible person I’ve ever met. I can’t touch even my own toes! It doesn’t help that I’m chubbier now, but I know I really want to start doing at home yoga with the spiders on my floor. Again, mostly leg attention because I tore both of my menisci less than a year ago, and I still occasionally hurt my knees if I move wrong. So I want to work on my body for sure.

Writing has always been a passion of mine as well, and I have written, or well, started writing, tons of books and stories. I also love writing reports and essays, and miss that from my school days. I want to read more, and for sure start publishing more of my stories and personal ideas. Like I am now, which really excites me! I want to draw more as well, and make time for the creativity inside me. Maybe even start making money off my work… Haha. Just kidding. Unless…?


Hmm, and this one I had on my mind in 2020, but stop coloring my hair and let it grow out! I want to see if I can get my hair down to my knees, honestly. At the moment, my hair is barely at my jawline but it’s brown and healthy, and I can’t wait to see how the years affect it! One rule though for me; Absolutely no hair color or dye! I’ve been doing this since I was in 5th grade, so as you can imagine, stopping this is kind of weird.

Lastly, I know one of the important ones is to get more sleep. I crashed my car yesterday because I fell asleep at the wheel, after multiple months of closing at my job, and having to be back 8 hours later. It made me drowsy, and noticeably gave me crippling migraines, and finally my body had had enough and I fell asleep on my way home after a 9-6 shift. Don’t worry, I’m talking to my supervisor and telling them they can’t do this to me anymore. Hopefully if I get more stable shifts, I won’t be afraid to drive.

Oh! And I think I speak for everyone when I say we all want to lose masks. I want Covid-19 to finally disappear and the vaccine to start saving lives, and I want people to start taking this seriously so it can end faster! All you fucks refusing to wear masks are the reason we are all still wearing masks by the way. Don’t get hissy, y’all are terrible people if you’re anti-mask or anti-vaxx. Put it on and in a few months it'll be actually over! Enough about you though, this is about me.

Except I’m done talking so here’s a summary. I really just want to lose weight, get flexible, grow out my hair, read and write and draw more, stop wearing masks, and start sleeping a stable 8 to 9 hours of sleep every night. I’ll update what my job says, but if I want to keep my 40 hours I might just have to deal with it, and start blasting music and slowly kill my brain with caffeine and energy drinks. Have a nice day, all of you good people!


About the Creator

Korinna Hazel

Hi, thanks for stopping by. I like to write stories. You can find me on Instagram @beforethecalamity

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