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Four tips on how to STOP feeling exhausted every morning.

Exhausted every morning?

By Ian SankanPublished 10 months ago 4 min read

Four tips on how to STOP feeling exhausted every morning.

How often a week do you wake up when the timer goes off instead of using the snooze button? Nothing is worse than getting into bed early and waking up yet feeling worn out. The fatigue you experience in the morning depends on various variables, and you undoubtedly have some bad habits that sap your vitality. We'll explore some strategies you should use to get a good night's sleep so you can wake up earlier.

Let's get going.

1. Stop snoozing

You don't feel much better regarding waking up as a result. It offers you no advantages. You wake up more exhausted each time you use the snooze button. This is due to the 90-minute cycles that make up our sleep. Your wake-up call awakens you amid the night when you sleep for such a brief period, making you seem even more exhausted and lethargic. My suggestion is to utilize the "Sleep Cycle" application. This app awakens you following the conclusion of your sleep cycle. It does this by monitoring your movements throughout the night and only sounds the alarm when it realizes you have concluded the cycle. Compared to waking up during the middle of your REM period, this method of awakening will result in you feeling considerably more energized.

2. Get enough sleep

Our bodies require a specific amount of sleep each day to function effectively. You likely have heard this, but we frequently need more rest. This might sound silly. We have irregular bedtimes, which may be one of the causes of this. We fall asleep at 10 pm one night and 3 am the following day. However, you ought to get up before you go to bed at the same hour every day of the week. By doing this, you train your body to get up spontaneously after each sleep cycle each day.

Additionally, the quantity of sleep each individual needs to feel energized varies. Go to sleep at the same time each night throughout the week to determine the amount of sleep you individually require to wake up feeling rested. Without setting an alarm, get out of bed and jot down how long you slept each night. You must be able to determine the amount of time you require to wake up and have a productive day after the week. You can use this knowledge to determine when you will go to bed and wake up.

3. Rehydrate and get the blood flowing.

It would help to hydrate yourself as soon as possible in the early hours of the day. You'll become naturally dehydrated after six to eight hours without drinking, and dehydration makes you feel tired. I put a glass of drinking water on my bedside daily before bed. In this manner, the water will be ready for me when I awaken. The goal is to restore the water in your mind and body as soon as possible. During the time you were sleeping, you were deprived. People frequently need additional fluids, not more coffee, when they feel fatigued, whether in the early hours or the afternoon. Light Exercise right after you wake up is another crucial action to take. Your energy levels will increase with any Exercise that increases your heart rate and blood flow. Although it may seem illogical, researchers claim that regularly burning energy through Exercise gives your body energy rather than making you exhausted. Even if you feel too exhausted to do anything, stand up and move around the room. After a few minutes, you'll notice you have more energy than before. It is not necessary to perform an intense activity. There is no requirement to run a marathon before breakfast. I often do some expanding, followed by burpees and jumping jacks.

4. Avoid screens before bed.

Your computer, smartphone, and TV screens produce artificial blue light. Artificial light in the late hours is problematic because it confuses your body into believing it is daytime. The body naturally creates melatonin, the sleeping hormone, as the day grows darker outside. Since artificial light prevents the body from producing melatonin, it can seriously disrupt sleep because your body cannot tell your cells that it is time for bed. Because of this, you should avoid gazing at screens for at least two hours before night. Because you need to get up early, if you're viewing the clip on your mobile device at two am2 am, well, next, you should put this advice into practice and swap your phone for a good novel. There is an answer to the blue light issue for people like you who need a computer or cell phone before night. Installing the Twilight and F.lux applications on your PC and phone is a good idea. They make the display more orange, which blocks most artificial blue light. The most excellent part is that neither is charged. However, you will only use devices after night if committed to resolving your fatigue issue.

I'm hoping today taught you something new.


About the Creator

Ian Sankan

I am a writer with proven writing ability in various fields. I consider writing a passionate career and a platform through which I extend my intellectual ability.

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