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For the World

I write for me. I write to make a difference. I write for the world.

By Ashley Hayden Published 3 years ago 3 min read
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My mother often read me stories when I was younger. The idea behind stories is to ignite the imagination. It was to create a waterfall of creativity, but picture books can only do so much.

I never intended to write. Had you asked my five-year-old self what I wanted to pursue, you probably would have gotten an answer like a veterinarian. Now, that's a great career, don't get me wrong. However, it's not who I am.

There's no making a difference in a generic career. You work nine to five, come home, eat dinner, repeat. There's nothing wrong with this lifestyle, but I grew up with picture books. That life can't possibly be for me.

I strive to be heard. I want to be listened to, or rather read. You can find fragments of my soul in my writing, pieces of my imagination, worlds I have created from scratch. If one was to ask me who I am, what I stand for, I couldn't possibly tell you but my writing can show you.

No, I don't write memoirs or non-fiction, or lifestyle books. My taste isn't that exquisite. I don't think I've ever read a lifestyle book. Instead, I write about the world, what it could be, what it was. I call it Dystopian.

This piece is supposed to be about something that calms me. Something that I can focus on when I'm stressed. As strange as it may seem, writing about the future of the world calms me. There are endless possibilities. It's an ocean of unknowns. Though, most of the unknowns lead to the end.

I remember taking a personality test in high school, just last year actually. My top trait was futuristic. I remember thinking, "Man, that's the one word that defines me." That's only partly true. I can think of plenty more words that describe me: sarcastic, creative, introverted, bossy. The list goes on. But at the moment and every moment since, it's so calming to think of the future.

Thinking of the future not only calms me, but it gives me means. It makes me want to make a difference in the world we live in now. With all of the possibilities of how it could end, it gives me meaning to focus on how it can begin.

There are so many beginnings to this Earth. The beginning of life, the beginning of a chapter, the beginning of a movie, you name it. I'm sure you've heard the phrase where death is only the beginning. So, while focusing on the end gives me satisfaction and peace, the beginning gives me a desire for change.

There have been plenty of problems in society. Need I mention the year 2020? Humanity is a pattern of disaster. It's nothing new to this world, never was. I'm sure you've heard this quote by Gandhi, "Be the change you want to see in the world." Yet, being the change we want to see in the world is a challenging task. We must break the practices of society, the ideals, the beliefs. We must reform ourselves.

As you might've noticed, this piece has seemingly gotten off-topic. It hasn't.

Writing this right now is soothing the battlefield of my mind. It's putting my work into practice. It's quite literally practicing what I preach. To make a difference in the world, I must write. That is what I am doing, or at least trying to.

I write for me as it calms me. I write to make a difference as it soothes the ideas of the future. I write for the world. I write to change the world.


About the Creator

Ashley Hayden

Young writer

Aspiring author

Dystopian fanatic

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    Ashley Hayden Written by Ashley Hayden

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