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Follow the path of whatever makes you happy at that moment!

Writings of Love

By Brandon Michael Richard JacobsonPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

If a moment seizes you with aesthetic arrest or invites contentment when you are in that moment,


No stutters. No second guesses.

No worries of timeline or the uncertainty of choice.

Do not stop to consider if you have the internal infrastructure or external support for it.

Inside each one of these is the experience a bold rich life which if ignored will pass by without any fanfare but if participated in with a clear mind will reveal itself without persuasion.

Whatever disciplines or tactics you invoke be sure to approach them in a way as to elevate your participation in it to a level of art.

Always be completely mindful; detached yet interested; in the moment yet outside of it; fully aware yet gleefully disinterested; confident yet humble in what you do.

Keep your mind hungry but your soul nourished.

Act as though you are a conduit of everything and purveyor of nothing, performing subjective actions as an objective observer

In this way there is no doubt you will have done well whatever it is you want to do, achieving mastery of all things with of sense of ease and inherent air of expertise.

Your value to this existence will be sought out.

It is important that we tackle life in the order outlined.

If approached in reverse which is to say ‘I need money’ let me think about what I can do.

You will have tied yourself to a wicked, painful, and unforgiving journey with insurmountable obstacles.

Do not mistake following your bliss as being unnecessarily impulsive.

Be sure to employ forethought with as much information as you have at that moment.

And always do the work necessary.

In short, if you want the pot of gold, learn about the structure of rainbows and bring a sickle to cut back the thicket

Do not mistake the path for the destination.

If this one leads to a dead end or it has been made impassible take a left or a right. It wasn’t a waste, you needed that path to find the next one.

Also, to understand where you are, where you were and where you want to be, keep in mind that we are always just a sum of our decisions with the more recent one having more impact as older decisions fade. And knowing that, know that only two influences can cause a new decision: Fear & Aspiration.

Aspiration is big and lofty and can’t wait to see what’s next.

But Fear is always closer with a shorter life span, very demanding and usually in a bad mood.

Fear is enhanced by allowing ourselves to be influenced by the daily ups and downs of a day. The more credence you give to the small daily obstacles,

the more you will be influenced to lose sight of the big picture.

Do not let Fear drive, it will always choose the detours and side‐roads and get you lost. Aspiration has the big picture roadmap built into it and it is not affected by road closings or bumps in the road.

So make sure when look over from the passenger seat that it is really Aspiration driving,

..because I was told he used to be a professional racecar driver...

(....and my Mom says she saw in the internet that he does all his own stunts)

We inherently understand that we as humans are meant to revel in the beauty of life's moments - each one a special one. And we know in our souls that it is true because when we consider the most impactful moments of our lives, they are free of anything else beside the magic of the eternal to us, and us to each other.

However we are wired in a such a way that upon the start of each serendipitous moment, which is naturally prone to offer us the magic the seek, we instead can't resist figuring out how to rape the other of all they have so that we will be happy with that instead.

This I feel, is the human condition. Forces at odds, the body which has a need to survive, signaled by the mind to act, while the soul the whole time remains a dormant, sometimes forgotten, and dare I even say, an unknown entity in ones life.

However, if one makes a commitment to mindfulness - being conscious of every moment no matter how insignificant or seemingly inconsequential - things begin to spark and the spirit lights up.

More than church which requires we be mindful only one hour for one day a week, this is truly walking in the spirit. Being awakened means one is walking in the only awakened light that all other see-ers before him has seen.

Meanwhile the trends of market economics and insistence from our organic being that we find joy in the next new thing, pins the unmindful down, and can really only result in the high-highs and the low-lows of a repetitive painful cycle.

These are the real moments.


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