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WE all have hearts as big as the universe, and we are determined to share every bit of wisdom we know.

By Kindred SoulPublished 7 months ago 5 min read
Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash

In a land of big dreams and endless possibilities, we are all on a mission to conquer the world. I believe in the magic of consistency, the secret sauce that turned ordinary folks into extraordinary achievers. WE all have hearts as big as the universe, and we are determined to share every bit of wisdom we know, for me, let me share five simple tricks about staying consistent with everything.

1. Have Clear Goals - The Treasure Map of Success

Imagine you're setting out on a grand adventure, like a pirate searching for buried treasure. You can't just sail the high seas aimlessly and hope to find gold. No, mate! You need a treasure map a clear plan, just like setting goals.

Goals are like your treasure map. They tell you where to go and why you're going there. But not just any purposes will do; they need to be SMART goals. SMART goals are like magic spells. They make your dreams come true.

Specific: Your goal needs to be super clear, like saying, "I want to find a chest filled with shiny gold coins."

Measurable: You need a way to measure your progress, like counting the steps on your map.

Achievable: Your goal must be something you can actually do, like finding treasure on an island, not on the moon.

Relevant: Make sure your goal fits your adventure, like not searching for treasure in a haunted forest.

Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline, like saying, "I'll find the treasure in three months."

So, instead of saying, "I want to write more," you could say, "I want to write a 500-word story every week for the next three months." That way, you're like a pirate with a clear path to that chest of gold!

2. Create a Routine - The Dance of Consistency

Picture this: You're learning to dance, and at first, your feet are all over the place. But then, you practice the same dance steps every day, and soon enough, you're gliding across the floor like a pro. That's what a routine does for you—it makes your moves smooth and effortless.

A routine is like a dance you do every day without even thinking. Let's say you want to be the best soccer player in the world. You can create a routine where you practice dribbling, shooting, and passing every morning before school. Over time, it becomes a habit, and you improve.

Over time, it becomes a habit, and you improve.

But creating a routine isn't just about doing things repeatedly; it's about finding the best time, place, and way to do them. If you're a morning person, you can practice soccer in the morning. If you love the park, go there to practice. And make sure to kick away any distractions like video games that might try to steal your focus.

3. Track Your Progress - The Quest Log of Success

Imagine you're on a heroic quest to save the kingdom from a fire-breathing dragon. How would you keep track of your adventures? You'd write them down, of course! That's exactly what tracking your progress is like.

Tracking your progress means keeping a record of everything you're doing to reach your goals. It's like writing down your quest log in a video game. You can use calendars, journals, or even a particular app to keep track. Every time you practice or make progress, mark it down like a brave knight marking defeated dragons.

Sharing your progress with friends and family is like having a party in Kingdom Square. They cheer you on and give you energy. And don't forget to celebrate your wins, no matter how small. It's like enjoying a delicious cake after a long day of dragon-slaying.

don't forget to celebrate your wins, no matter how small.

4. Be Flexible - The Superhero Who Adapts

Imagine you're a superhero with a super-plan to stop the bad guys. But suddenly, a giant alien spaceship crashes in the middle of your city. What do you do? You adapt, of course! Being flexible is like changing your superhero costume to fit the situation.

Life is full of surprises, like spaceships crashing into your plans. Instead of giving up, you must be like a superhero and change your strategy. Let's say you can't play soccer because it's raining. Be flexible and have an indoor game or practice dribbling in your garage.

Instead of giving up, you must be like a superhero and change your strategy.

And if something big comes up, like a school project that needs your attention, adjusting your goals for a while is okay. You're like a superhero with a secret identity—sometimes you need to focus on being a student, and other times, you can be the soccer star.

5. Learn from Mistakes - The Wisdom of Wizards

Imagine you're a wizard learning new spells. Sometimes, your spells go boom instead of poof! That's okay; it's how you learn. Learning from your mistakes is like discovering a new, more powerful spell.

Mistakes are like hidden treasures in the forest. They might look scary at first, but they hold valuable lessons. When you make a mistake, please don't run away; face it like a brave adventurer. Ask yourself, "What went wrong, and how can I make it right next time?"

Mistakes are like hidden treasures in the forest.

Mistakes aren't there to stop you; they're there to teach you. So, if your dragon-slaying sword breaks, learn how to forge an even stronger one. Every mistake you make is a step closer to becoming a legendary hero.

Every mistake you make is a step closer to becoming a legendary hero.

Now that you've learned the secrets of staying consistent, you're like a fearless explorer in a world full of treasures. Remember, you can achieve anything with clear goals, routines, progress tracking, flexibility, and the wisdom of learning from your mistakes. So, go out there and conquer your dreams, one adventure at a time!

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About the Creator

Kindred Soul

I am learning from my experiences and I would love to share the journey that I travel... To inspire, motivate, and to educate.

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  • Jahid Hasan7 months ago

    nice story

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