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Five reasons to start blogging

Let your blogging adventure begin

By Christina EpperlyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Five reasons to start blogging
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash

I have been blogging since 2015 and I truly love it. When I tell people that I blog sometimes they tell me that they wouldn't know what to blog about if they were to blog. Some people underestimate how interesting and informative their stories really are. Everyone has stories to tell and knowledge to share even if they are not yet aware of it. I wish more people would start blogging. Below are five reasons why you should consider giving blogging a try.

1. The blogging community - blogging has connected me to some great people. I love reading other bloggers posts and connecting with them. When I scroll through the blogs that I follow I’m filled with inspiration. I also love the supportive comments that I receive from readers. In my experience the blogging community's attitude is much more positive and supportive than what I have seen on social media. I’m not saying that all bloggers are this nice. However, personally I have less negativity in the world of blogging then I have on social media sites.

2. Being able to help and inspire others – all of us have something valuable to offer others, even if we don't know it yet. You may have experienced something that someone else is thinking about doing, such as adopting a pet or attending a big music festival. Your experiences can help others decide if something is right for them or not.

3. Blogging can help you with Self-discovery- The more I blog the more I discover. You are never too old to learn something new. Even if you are learning about yourself. For example, I have started my own book club on my blog. Even though I have a hard time keeping up with my book club posts, I have discovered that I enjoy writing about books and I have also discovered what kind of books I like reading the most. As you think up ideas for new blog posts it's easy to discover interests that you did not know that you had.

4. Self-care and blogging go well together – In my personal experience, I have found that blogging is great for relaxation and stress relief. It can be very comforting to get lost while you are writing a new and exciting blog post. Putting your time and energy into something productive can give your mood a boost of happiness. I often have a great feeling of accomplishment when I finish a blog post. I often find myself spending a lot of time thinking about ideas for blog posts. Blogging has helped me to express my creativity and has even helped to increase my confidence. If you are looking for something new to add to your self-care routine, Blogging is a good thing to consider.

5. Blogging is fun! - Blogging is a lot of fun! You can do many different things with a blog. You can use it as a journal, a photo or art gallery, and much more! Blogging is a great way to keep in touch with friends and family that you do not get to talk to as often as you would like too. Think of it as one of those end of the year family newsletters that some people include with their Christmas cards but a with a lot more time and space to tell your unique stories. When you have a blog, it is like having a piece of clay in your hands that you can mold any way you want to. I love brainstorming ideas for fun and exciting new posts for my blog.

I hope the reasons above have given you some inspiration.

Happy Blogging!


About the Creator

Christina Epperly

Hello There ! I'm a blogger, writer and bucket lister! My bucket list has over 300 items on it. I am big believer in enjoying the little things in life. I also love collecting toys.

John 3:16

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