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Find Out the Special Rules of Gem Purification According to Astrology

In astrology, gemstones are believed to have special energies that can affect various aspects of one’s life.

By Namo AstroPublished about a year ago 3 min read

In astrology, it is believed that gemstones possess unique energies that can influence various aspects of a person's life. To harness the full potential of these energies and experience their benefits, it is necessary to purify the gemstones before wearing them. This practice involves following several special rules that are based on the gemstone's planetary association, mantra, place, day, timing, intent, and ritual. In astrology, gemstones are believed to have special energies that can affect various aspects of one’s life. To activate these energies and receive their benefits, it is essential to purify the gemstones before wearing them.

The first rule of gem purification in astrology is to choose the right time. The ideal time to purify a gemstone is during a planetary hour that is favorable for the gemstone's associated planet. Each planet is associated with specific hours of the day, and performing the purification during these hours can help activate the gemstone's energies. For instance, if you want to purify a Ruby, the ideal time would be during the planetary hours of the Sun.

The second rule is to recite a specific mantra or prayer while purifying the gemstone. The mantra varies depending on the gemstone and the planet it is associated with. Reciting the mantra during the purification process is believed to enhance the gemstone's powers and help in the manifestation of the wearer's intentions. For example, the mantra for purifying a Ruby is "Om Suryaya Namaha," which translates to "I bow to the Sun."

The third rule is to choose the right place for the purification process. The place should be clean, quiet, and preferably in a temple or a sacred space. Using holy water or milk during the purification can also enhance the process's effectiveness.

The fourth rule is to select an auspicious day for gem purification. Each day of the week is associated with a planet, and performing the purification on the corresponding day is considered auspicious. For example, Sunday is the ideal day for Sun-associated gemstones, while Monday is best for Moon-associated gemstones.

The fifth rule is to purify the gemstone at the right time. The timing of the purification process is crucial and depends on the wearer's intention. For instance, if you are purifying a gemstone for wealth, you should do it during the waxing moon phase, which is associated with growth and abundance.

The sixth rule is to approach the purification process with a clear intention. The wearer should focus on activating the gemstone's energies to benefit themselves. The intent should be specific, and the wearer should visualize their desired outcome while performing the purification process.

The seventh and final rule is to perform the purification ritual. Different gemstones have different rituals associated with them, and these rituals are performed to activate the gemstone's energies fully. For example, for a Diamond, a puja ceremony may be performed by a priest or a trained astrologer.

Overall, the purification of gemstones in astrology is a sacred practice that requires careful attention to timing, place, and ritual. Following these special rules can help activate the gemstone’s energies and bring about positive changes in one’s life.

In conclusion, gem purification in astrology is a sacred practice that involves following specific rules to activate the gemstone's energies fully. The timing, mantra, place, day, timing, intent, and ritual are all critical components of this process. Following these rules can help the wearer experience the gemstone's benefits and bring about positive changes in their life. However, it is important to note that gemstones are not a substitute for medical or professional advice and should be used in conjunction with these services.

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    Namo AstroWritten by Namo Astro

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