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Filthy Language

- David Stidston

By David StidstonPublished 3 years ago 6 min read
"Filthy language is used by people who don't have the maturity or intelligence to express themselves with better words." - Nouman Ali Khan

Gone are the days where your parents would ask you to wash your mouth out with soap and water if any swearing ever came from your lips, it seems. Nowadays, you only just need to pass a group of school kids on the street, or in a shopping centre, and it's pretty much a given that you will hear them swearing their heads off. In fact, it's no different when passing by adults either. Expression in the form of filthy language has become yet another one of society's acceptable standards of behavior. Swearing is seen as being "cool". If you don't swear, or if you are against people swearing, you are basically laughed at, criticized, mocked, ridiculed, and belittled. Everybody swears, right? So if you don't swear, you're classed as abnormal. That's society for you! If you don't believe, if you don't act, if you don't behave, and if you don't follow, all in the same manner as most other people, then you are categorized as being weird, and ultimately, ridiculed for it. It's no surprise that a celebrity like Gordon Ramsay can attract a multitude of viewers to his television shows. It's not because of his cooking experience and talent, it's because of the way he talks to people on the show. He constantly swears at them, but his ratings are high because people think it's cool and funny. An intelligent way of earning ratings and cash indeed, but he's degrading his character in the process. No one deserves to be spoken to the way he does to people on the show, but again, it's all for the sake of ratings, because people relate to swearing. The man has incredible talent in cooking, why the need to resort to swearing to sell himself? Whilst you may believe it's cool, acceptable, normal, and helpful to swear though, what is it really proving?

Today's quote sums up the act of swearing perfectly, and it provides us with an accurate reality check on our character and our level of intelligence. It's true, that if we seriously cannot find words, other than profanity, to better express ourselves and our feelings, we completely lack intelligence and maturity. Some people might be okay with that fact, and admit to being immature and lacking in intelligence, without it even bothering them in the slightest, but where exactly does immaturity and a lack of intelligence lead in life? That's an easy one to answer; nowhere. Without intelligence, there is no purpose, no creativity, no sense, and no success. Without maturity, there is no education, no growth, no development, and again, no success. Let's face it, being unintelligent is just a polite way of saying that someone is dumb, dense, brainless, or mindless. When we are unable to control what comes out of our mouths, such as our inability to restrain from profanity, we are acting brainless and mindless. It's unnecessary to express oneself in such a way. Rather than speaking constructively and effectively, we resort to having to swear in order to express our feelings and emotions, because we lack the intelligence to express our feelings and emotions in a more mature way. So many people possess the belief that maturity is automatically achieved with age, however this is a myth. Maturity is when one reaches an advanced stage of mental and emotional development. Everyone ages, but not everyone matures with age. Mental and emotional development is about being able to express one's emotions and feelings in a calm, civil, and controlled manner. It's having the awareness of what our circumstances may be, what feelings we are experiencing from them, what thoughts they are generating in our head, and what impact they have on our life, but then being able to acknowledge them, understand them, and suppress them. That's called emotional control, and that comes from mastering your mind, better known as mental development.

So why is swearing so bad? How is refraining ourselves from swearing going to better our lives in any way? As I said above, lacking in intelligence and maturity ain't going to lead you to success. We are fooled into believing that our education ceases the moment we walk out of those school or college gates for the last time, when the truth is, that's the moment our education actually starts. Education isn't about sitting in a classroom, with a teacher standing in front of a blackboard, and a text book sitting on our desk. Education comes from experience. Experience is about trying things for ourselves, doing different things, learning different cultures, making mistakes, you name it. Success isn't derived from textbooks or grades, it's derived from within ourselves. You don't need good grades to be successful, always remember that! What you need is the right behavior, the right attitude, and the right mindset. Mastering your mindset is that mental development I talk of. It's being in control of your feelings, your thoughts, your emotions, your decision making, and something as easy as being in control of what words come out of your mouth. As a parent, do we really want our children growing up to be swearing their heads off? Is that the level of intelligence that we really want to be setting the standard for in the future? I can't sit here on a pedestal and pretend I don't swear, as I am guilty. I have, however, been working hard on myself to refrain from ever swearing around my daughter, and now, even when out in public. I get angry and frustrated, like we all do, and I occasionally will let out the F bomb, and in all honesty, it only angers me more that I let my guard down, and sink to such a level. Why? Not only does it show I still lack that maturity and intelligence I need to become successful and respected, but also because I know I'm better than that! It's about disciplining ourselves to eradicate profanity from our vocabulary, because it's not useful or beneficial.

Why do we swear? Other than what I stated earlier, about our need to fit in with society, we mainly do it either to offend someone, to release anger and frustration, or to intensify the meaning of something. Offending someone, or releasing anger and frustration, what does that honestly tell you about a person? Firstly, they are disrespectful and weak minded, and secondly, they are filled with negativity. Cursing is a proven negative emotion, and what results do negative emotions and a negative mindset deliver? Negative ones. You may think you feel better after a good swear, just so you could let some steam out, but all you are doing is flooding your mind with negativity, and allowing your emotions to consume you. That's not a win! Fitting in with society, and swearing with the motive to be liked and respected by others, only proves that someone is insecure, and lacks the ability to be their true selves. As for using swearing to intensify the meaning of something, well that again proves a lack of intelligence, because they are mentally unable to use a more appropriate and proper way of intensifying that meaning. Filthy language is futile! It serves no purpose, it sounds trashy, and only reveals a lack of maturity and intelligence, so why continue to do it? Like I am doing, work hard on yourself mentally, engage in personal development and mindset training, and continue focusing on controlling your mind and your emotions, because it's doing simple things like this each day that can be the difference between a life of failure, misery, unhappiness, and negativity, to a life blessed with success, happiness, and fulfillment. Each time you go to swear, just check yourself. Challenge yourself to not swear for the entire day, then two days, then a week, and so on. The more you practice this control, the more it will become habit! Use your words to inspire, uplift, and encourage others! Controlling your language is a great start to controlling your mindset!

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About the Creator

David Stidston

My name is David Stidston, and I live in the beautiful city of Hobart, in Tasmania, Australia. My aim is to inspire and motivate as many people as possible, to pursue their goals, and create a future blessed with happiness and fulfillment.

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