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Everything Is Temporary

Three words that completely changed my life once I fully accepted them.

By Mariana GigliottiPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Life is a cycle. Not only because we follow 12 months, 365 days, 7 days a week... But because we are made of phases, moments, and crises.

Then comes the last month of the year and everyone begins to go through the same phase where nostalgia and dreams begin to become routine. You start to remember what you experienced earlier in the year and sleep think about what we can do on our list next year.

In 2018, I did not make any list.

I had some ideas and goals in mind, but I put a single goal in my year: not to live in vain.

If there is something that 2017 taught me is that we need to accept that we don't live forever (as cliché it may sounds). We forget about it and live for many days without being thankful for at least waking up or having health. I did not want to live like this anymore.

We carry this constant idea that we need to be happy or that good things need to happen all the time, every day — all day. And that's exhausting.

I lived hard times in the past three years when it was impossible to be grateful, but I lived. I knew that I had to live all that. We need to learn how to stop complaining and let life happen naturally.

We are made up of cycles and phases, goals, and dreams— but do not wait for the year to end to begin to realize them. START TODAY. Now, with what you have at your hands.

When we think of life in terms of things being impermanent, it has the ability to shift our perceptions. You are a little older and wiser after the time it took you to read this. Not to mention you cannot get back the five minutes you just spent reading it either. And for that I am thankful.

What this tells all of us is that NOW is the time. Because right now is temporary.

It reminds me to never get too caught up in any one thing or person. Each moment is fleeting and passing along with whatever it contains. Let us stay focused on the present moment because it is all we truly have. Each moment passes us by and changes and although it may seem slow at times, the clock still ticks and the time still passes.

Let us not take for granted what and who we have in our lives because it could all be gone tomorrow. Let us hold on as tightly as we can to that which makes us happy. Let us remember that problems don’t stay problems, they always turn into something else eventually; be it a lesson, insight or a new way of living.

Be grateful and celebrate every achievement. Accept your moments and be kind to yourself. Do not wait for next year to do all this. Every day we are gifted in some way, we just need to learn how to realize it, and have patience. Some days are easier, others we will be able to be thankful sometime later, some days will make us suffer but they also will pass.

Do not expect 2018 to end to begin your dreams. Do not wait to feel free.

Love now. Embrace. Ask for forgiveness. Thank, have fun, organize, donate, write, care, work, change, and rest. Enjoy everything that is happening in your life now. Make a list of what you can be grateful for and embrace yourself. This is not getting lazy or irresponsible. It is living the present.

It's not miss anything, even if you do not have everything.


About the Creator

Mariana Gigliotti

I’m Mariana, a Brazilian, a wife, and a future mom who loves baking, writing/reading and be crafty. I love to share my ideas with other people, I hope you feel welcome and enjoy my writings. Thank you for your visit!

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