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Embrace Who You Are

One day you will inspire someone.

By Shauna CampbellPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

Never change who you are just to make other people like you. It is so important to be true to yourself.

You weren't placed on this earth to please anybody.

So many people never really take the time out to get to know who they really are, so they embrace any title or belief that people have of them. They never reach their full potential and they limit themselves. When you don't really know who you are and know your worth, then anyone can come along in your life and attach any kind of label to you. People will be able to call you anything and you will believe it.

Stop believing what people have to say about you and start to take time out for yourself. Learn to love yourself. Then and only then will you know and believe in your heart that you deserve the best. If anyone tries to put you down and call you anything that is not your name, learn to shut them up. Stop them instantaneously.

Know that you are special and there is no one on this earth that is like you and there will never be. No one can do what you do; all you need to do is be the best you that you can be.

Be true to yourself.

Embrace your flaws for this is what people tend to use against you. When you embrace your flaws, you are taking back the power that they may have over you. They won't be able to break you because the power will be in your hands.

Let them talk about you and say all manner of evil against you. You can’t stop people from talking about you. They are just jealous of you and scared of what you could become. You have something they wish they could have; that is why they are spending so much time trying to bring you down. Don't let them get to you. Don't let them break you. Don't be fooled by those same people who talk about you because little did you know that they themselves are not satisfied with who they are. People hate you when they are threatened by you, they wish they could be you or they hate themselves. Instead of embracing their own flaws they rather point down others to make themselves feel better. This is the wrong thing to do.

Don't bring people down just to make yourself feel better.

Don't except anything less than respect from people.

If you believe in yourself, then it will eventually rub off on everyone else around you and they will believe in you too. They will see the light that is shining within you. We teach people how to treat us.

You have to know who you are and embrace it.

Love yourself, FLAWS and all!

There is so much more to you than your flaws, but you have to embrace who you are first before you will ever be able to see past your flaws and see who you really are and the potential that you have within you.

Your flaws don't define you, you are so much more than them.

Believe that you are Great.

Free the you that is hiding deep down within you. Connect to that and birth it out of you. There is so much of you that you have not yet connected to. It is time to free that.

It’s time to run; it’s time to fly.

Be confident in your own skin.

Love yourself.

Embrace all of you.

Be strong.

When you know who you are then will your purpose be clear, and you will see how much people you will inspire when you are shining your brightest.


About the Creator

Shauna Campbell

I am a writer and I love to inspire others with my work. We were all born with something to impact the world and that is what I want my work to do.

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