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Earn Money Blogging

Revenue Streams

By Scott ColesonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

There are plenty of people out there who have started their own blogs. Many have started them just for fun as a way to keep their friends and anyone else who may want to read updated on their daily lives. Then there are a lot of people out there who seek to have a blog that is more than just a daily rehashing of the things that happened throughout the day. These individuals want to actually make money from their blog. The problem is that these individuals more often than not fail to earn any reasonable amount of money because they either do not know how to make money through their blog, or they try to do way too much on the same blog and are unable to keep up.

There are a lot of ways to make money through blogging, but not every method works for every blog. Here are a few of the ways you can make money through blogging.

Google Adsense

Google Adsense is likely the most recognized and most used form of monetizing blogs of all sorts. All you have to do is sign up through Google and enter the codes that are provided by Google directly into your blog in the sidebar or wherever you would like on your blog. These ads that will be posted on your site will be targeted to be relevant to the topics on your blog. Google then will share the revenue that is earned through these ads. The great thing about Adsense is the simplicity of the program and the ease of setting it up.

Affiliate Programs

Another very well known method of earning money through blogs is through affiliate programs. There are a lot of affiliates out there to choose from. Some of the most well known are Amazon, Clickbank, and Blogvertise. The idea behind these affiliates is similar to Google Adsense. For example, you have a blog and are set up as an affiliate for Amazon. Your blog features ads from Amazon for different products. If someone clicks on one of the links on your blog and makes a purchase on Amazon, then you will get paid a percentage of that sale, because you referred them from your blog. This is another very simple way to earn money blogging.

Paid Advertisements

Advertisements can be sold on your blog much like they are sold on print publications and other websites. You can post on your site the opportunities to advertise for a certain fee. Your readers have the opportunity to advertise their businesses or their blogs on your site. The thing about paid advertisements is that most blogs starting out may not have as much success with this form of revenue because you will most likely not have a very broad readership. The more traffic your blog receives, the more money those advertisements can command. The bigger the audience, the more money there is to be made.

Product Sales

Most bloggers are not going to have products to sell but there are a lot more opportunities to sell products than you may think. It's much easier to think of products to sell if you run a craft or DIY website. You can have a store to sell some of your handmade creations. However, don't overlook the opportunity to earn money by writing and publishing an e-book related to your blog topics (it's much easier than you think). Another way that I have seen people incorporate sells with their blogs is by selling budget or family planner templates. These can easily be created with your own computer software you probably already own and sold. Since it's a digital product, the money you make is nearly pure profit.

Use Your Blog As A Resume

Something many people may not think about as a way to earn money when it comes to blogging is to think of your blog as a resume. Your blog is a portfolio of your work. When you are writing, keep in mind that there will be people from all over the world (that's what we're going for anyway, right?) looking at your site. Let people know that you are available to do guest posting on other blogs or that you are available to do freelance writing for other companies/blogs.

There are a lot more ways out there to earn money through blogging, but these are some that can be used for most blogs in one way or another. One final thing to keep in mind when thinking about starting a blog is to be realistic in your expectations. Chances are slim that you will get rich by starting a blog (although I would not say it's impossible). But blogging should be done first and foremost because it's something you enjoy. If you enjoy what you are doing, then any money you make off of it will be great. If you're in it just for the money, you will be very disappointed.


About the Creator

Scott Coleson

I am a husband, father, follower of Christ and pastor. I love all things Disney. I am most at peace when I’m outdoors. You can find me hiking, climbing and going on random adventures most of the time.

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