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Dude... Just Keep Pouring

I'm Thirsty!

By Anthony FisherPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

I absolutely HATE when my lips are super dry. You know the type of dry lips shrinks up the skin and leaves you with crusty and ashy lips? Yeah, I hate it so much. So... I’ve discovered (in my opinion) probably one of the best type of chapstick, and that chapstick is "Burt's Bees'. OMG! It works so well and it makes my lips look so hydrated and healthy. Now you may be thinking to yourself "Anthony, why on heaven's earth are you talking about your ashy lips?" If you're thinking that, I don't blame you one bit because honestly, I'd be thinking the same exact thing. Trust me, it'll all make sense as you keep reading. Let's keep going!

Although it has 100% natural origin and is filled with vitamin E, I find it interesting that my favorite chapstick, when it comes to hydrated and healthy lips, can only make my lips LOOK hydrated and healthy. It's funny that the first thing most of us (including me) run to as a solution to dry lips is chapstick. Isn't it funny that over time, we find ourselves going back to the chapstick to make our lips look hydrated once they’re dry again? Has it ever dawned on you that maybe the chapstick isn't THE solution? Like maybe... There's something more beneficial that we can grab ahold to. I'm sure from the picture at the top, you already know where I'm going with this. Although chapstick helps the appearance of our lips, there's something else that we can obtain. That thing I am speaking of is (say it with me) "WATER.” I love that water doesn't just make our appearance look a certain way. You know, your skin gets smoother and clearer, you look more healthy, and not just your lips but YOU are hydrated. Ya know what I'm sayin'? Let's keep going!

Now that I'm actually typing this, I'm kind of chuckling a little. It's funny how we try to use a temporary resource as a solution that only the Source can fix (please read that again). Chapstick is only a resource when your lips are dry. It's normal to have chapstick in your pocket, I'm wearing a fanny pack right now with my Burt's Bees in it. Chapstick is made for chapped lips. However, when you're irregularly chapped, maybe it's time to go after the deeper issue (dehydration) and grab some water.

OKAY!! We're done with talking about lips! Let's talk about life. When it comes to this (life), I can only speak from my personal experience. I've had many "chapped" areas in my life. My finances have been "chapped", my fashion has been "chapped", my hair has been "chapped", relationships I've gotten myself into were "chapped", my emotional health, mental health, and physical health has been "chapped." Let's just say that I've had an all around "chapped life.” What have I ran to for a solution? I've tried the "get rich quick" schemes and they stole my money. I've tried cutting my own hair and I messed up my hairline. I've ran to pornography and it ruined relationships and caused me to damage myself and others. I was thirsty for something that seemed very distant and impossible to obtain. I was thirsty for water. I later found out that the "something" I was thirsty for was really "someone". How cray cray is that? Let’s get to the good stuff!

I know in my life, I’ve experience The One that doesn’t just make me look hydrated, He hydrates me. In fact, HE IS MY HYDRATION, and he wants to hydrate you. I believe that maybe you're reading this and you're thinking about "chapped" areas in your life. Maybe you've been running to grab Burt's Bees to fix the problem. It may make you look hydrated but maybe there's something that's deeper than you think. I want you to know that only The Source can fix that deep area. It's not another relationship, it's not the "get rich quick" schemes, and it's for sure isn't pornography. Let’s hear some good news!

There's an invitation waiting for you. It says “Whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.” So I encourage you to bring yourself to him. You don't need a cup or glass because to him you are the cup or glass. Ask him to Pour, if he asks how much, just say "Dude... just keep pouring! I'm Thirsty!" So good!


About the Creator

Anthony Fisher

I love God, love people, and love music. Cherish every moment ❤️

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