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Embracing Risks and Taking Chances

By Shehzad GrafixPublished about a year ago 6 min read

Article Outline

1. Introduction

2. Embracing Risks and Taking Chances

• The Importance of Passion and Avoiding Settling for Less

• The Concept of "Having Something to Fall Back On"

• Falling Forward and Gaining Clarity

3. Consistency and Pursuing What You're Passionate About

• The Significance of Dreams and Goals

• Overcoming Failures and Learning from Mistakes

4. Embracing Failure and its Inevitability

• Failure as a Stepping Stone to Success

• Failure in the Acting Business and Personal Experience

5. Guts to Fail and the Persistence to Succeed

• Going Beyond Fear of Failure

• Catching Breaks and Opportunities

6. Unfulfilled Potential and Regrets

• Imagining the Ghosts of Unfulfilled Ideas and Talents

• Seizing Opportunities and Avoiding Regrets

7. Making a Difference in the World

• Recognizing the Global Need for Help and Contribution

• Using Your Gifts and Taking Action

8. Embracing Failure as a Path to Personal Growth

• The Unpredictable Journey of Life

• Overcoming Challenges and Finding Direction

9. Conclusion

10. FAQs (5 unique questions)

11. Get Access Now

12. "Fall Forward: Embracing Risks and Achieving Success"


In life, it's often said that taking risks is essential to achieve anything worthwhile. Nelson Mandela once expressed the idea that playing small and settling for a life less than our capabilities is devoid of passion. Throughout our educational journey, we may have encountered advice to have a fallback plan. However, this article aims to challenge that notion by encouraging readers to fall forward, to take risks and embrace failure as stepping stones towards success.

Embracing Risks and Taking Chances

It is crucial to understand the importance of pursuing our passions and avoiding the temptation to settle for less. Rather than having something to fall back on, the focus should be on moving forward fearlessly. By doing so, we gain clarity about our true potential and purpose in life.

Consistency and Pursuing What You're Passionate About

Dreams and goals play a significant role in our lives. They give us direction and purpose. However, it is not enough to merely dream; we must set goals and work diligently towards them. Consistency is the key to turning dreams into reality, even in the face of failure and setbacks.

Embracing Failure and its Inevitability

Failure is an inevitable part of life, and everyone experiences it at some point. It is essential to recognize that failure is not the end but a stepping stone towards success. The acting business serves as an example, where failure is a common occurrence. Personal experiences emphasize the importance of not giving up and continuously striving for success.

Guts to Fail and the Persistence to Succeed

Having the courage to fail is an integral part of achieving success. Overcoming the fear of failure opens doors to new opportunities. It is through persistence and dedication that one can catch those much-needed breaks and create their path to success.

Unfulfilled Potential and Regrets

Regrets often stem from not pursuing our potential to the fullest. Imagining the ghosts of unfulfilled ideas and talents surrounding our deathbed serves as a reminder to seize every opportunity and avoid leaving regrets behind. Taking risks and embracing failure allow us to fully explore our potential.

Making a Difference in the World

Contributing to the world and making a difference goes beyond personal achievements. Recognizing the global needs for help and utilizing our unique gifts to create positive change is crucial. It is the responsibility of the younger generation to step up and make a meaningful impact.

Embracing Failure as a Path to Personal Growth

Failure is not a sign of defeat but an opportunity for personal growth. Life is an unpredictable journey, filled with challenges. Embracing failure allows us to overcome obstacles, find our true selves, and discover the right path forward.


In conclusion, embracing risks and failure is vital to lead a fulfilling life. By falling forward, we gain valuable experiences, learn from our mistakes, and pave the way for success. Success is not defined solely by accomplishments but also by the ability to make a difference and live without regrets.


1. Q: Can failure truly lead to success?

• A: Yes, failure is an essential part of the journey to success. It provides valuable lessons, teaches resilience, and helps in gaining clarity about what works and what doesn't.

2. Q: How can one overcome the fear of failure?

• A: Overcoming the fear of failure involves recognizing that failure is a natural part of life and a stepping stone to success. By reframing failure as an opportunity for growth, one can embrace risks with a positive mindset.

3. Q: What role does consistency play in achieving goals?

• A: Consistency is crucial for turning dreams into reality. By maintaining focus, taking small steps each day, and staying committed to goals, one can steadily progress and achieve long-term success.

4. Q: How can failure in the acting business be seen as a positive experience?

• A: Failure in the acting business teaches resilience, perseverance, and the importance of continuous improvement. Each failure provides valuable lessons that ultimately contribute to growth and success.

5. Q: How can individuals make a meaningful difference in the world?

• A: Making a difference starts with utilizing one's unique gifts and talents. By identifying global needs and taking action, individuals can positively impact the world around them, regardless of their field or background.

6. Taking risks and embracing failure is not limited to personal growth; it also extends to making a positive impact on society. The world is filled with areas of poverty and need that require our help. Whether it's South Africa, the Middle East, Japan, or various regions within the United States like Alabama, Tennessee, Louisiana, or Philadelphia, there are countless opportunities to contribute and make a difference.

7. It is not just about the amount of resources or wealth one possesses; it's about how we utilize our time, talents, prayers, and treasures to create a better world. Each individual has unique gifts, whether it's in business, theology, nursing, sociology, or simply possessing qualities like kindness, patience, or love. The key is to take action and use these gifts to positively impact the lives of others.

8. While this message may resonate more with young individuals, it is a reminder for everyone, regardless of age or experience, to reflect on what they can do with what they have. It's not about the quantity of what we possess, but the quality of our actions and the impact we make on others.

9. Now, let's delve deeper into the concept of failure as a path to personal growth. Sometimes, life takes us on a journey that is far from a straight path. It is common to face obstacles and experience setbacks along the way. Many successful individuals, including myself, have encountered moments of uncertainty and failures that seemed insurmountable.

10. Looking back at my educational journey, I started as a pre-med student at Fordham University. However, I struggled with a course called cardiac morphogenesis. It became clear that this path was not aligned with my strengths. I explored different avenues, considering pre-law and journalism, but my academic performance suffered. With a 1.8 GPA, the university suggested taking time off.

11. At the age of 20, I found myself at my lowest point. However, a chance encounter at my mother's beauty shop changed everything. An older woman, considered an elder in the town, approached me. She prophesied that I would travel the world and speak to millions of people. Little did I know at the time that her words would ring true.

12. Despite the setbacks and failures, I didn't give up. I continued to pursue my passion for acting, taking auditions one after another, even facing rejection repeatedly. Through perseverance and prayer, I stayed determined. And eventually, I caught a break—I landed a role in the play "Fences" on Broadway. What made it even more remarkable was that it took place at the same theater where I had failed my first audition 30 years prior.

13. The story of my journey is not unique. It serves as a testament to the power of persistence and the willingness to fall forward. Failure is not the end; it is a stepping stone on the path to success. It teaches us valuable lessons, molds our character, and fuels our desire to push harder and go beyond our limits.

14. Throughout life, we must remember that failures are inevitable. We will face losses, embarrassments, and moments where we may feel like we are not good enough. However, these experiences shape us, build resilience, and provide the opportunity for growth. It is through failure that we gain clarity, discover our true passions, and find the strength to keep moving forward.

15. So, as you embark on your own journey, remember the words of Nelson Mandela: "Your life will never be a straight path." Embrace the twists and turns, the ups and downs, and have the courage to fall forward. Take risks, pursue your dreams, and never be discouraged by failure. It is through these experiences that you will uncover your true potential and make a lasting impact in the world.

16. In conclusion, the journey of life is filled with uncertainties, risks,


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