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Don't You Wish You Could Pay More Attention to the Important Stuff?

Are You paying attention to the details?

By AnikPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Don't You Wish You Could Pay More Attention to the Important Stuff?
Photo by John Moeses Bauan on Unsplash

Are you the kind of person who feels like there's too much going on and not enough attention to pay to it all? Are you the kind of person who just wishes they could pay more attention to what really matters? If so, you might find it interesting that...

Focusing on what’s important

There’s only so much time in a day. So why does it always feel like there’s too much to do, but not enough time for any of it? That’s because we constantly try to do too many things at once. If you want to be more productive and successful in your career, it all starts with focusing on what really matters. Figure out what you should focus on—and ignore everything else.

Focusing on low-hanging fruit

Look at what you do on a daily basis, and then figure out how you can eliminate low-hanging fruit that is less important. For example, I just ordered a new cable for my laptop, because mine has started to break and it’s been making me mad having my laptop connection flake out when I need it most. It was an annoying inconvenience, but now that I’ve taken care of it, I don’t have to think about it anymore.

Focusing on possibilities

Part of focusing on things that matter is learning to eliminate distractions. In our fast-paced world, there’s a nearly endless amount of potential distractions clamoring for your attention. How are you supposed to stay focused when there are so many possibilities out there? is a question we get asked all too often. And it doesn’t just apply to businesspeople. How do experts decide what information and experiences are worth investing in? What if you had no choice but to focus on one thing or another—how would you know what was worth devoting time and energy into, and what was better off left alone?

Focusing on immediate tasks

It’s easy to focus on what’s most pressing, but it’s often not what will get you your best results. It can be easy to procrastinate on that long-term, ground-breaking project. If you find yourself stuck focusing on immediate tasks and have difficulty finding time for more important ones, try setting a timer. Each time a distraction presents itself (your phone dings), move your attention back to something productive until time is up.

The habits of successful people

They wake up early, they read a lot, they meditate and more. When you’re trying to determine what path you want your life to take and what sort of habits you want to develop it can be very helpful to look at successful people and try picking up their habits. The trick is knowing which habits will bring you success in whatever field or areas that interest you.

Take notes

Scientists at Harvard and Princeton have shown that people learn better when they take notes by hand instead of on a laptop. It’s an old study, but it’s one worth highlighting because it reveals something fundamental about how we process information. Most people think they can multi-task—and you might be able to pull off drinking your coffee while scanning your email. But you are always compromising some aspect of learning if you try too hard to multi-task—even if you think you can juggle tasks seamlessly.

5 signs you need a life coach

Every successful person needs a coach. This can be a teacher, mentor, or friend who helps guide them along their path. But what does it take to recognize that you need help? Here are 5 signs that you may need a life coach: 1) You frequently feel tired and unmotivated 2) Your work and personal life feels like they're out of balance 3) You often feel anxious 4) It’s hard for you stay organized 5) Time management is an issue with you

Bringing in an expert

It’s easy to get caught up in a project and not realize that you’re not dedicating enough time to important tasks. One solution is to bring in an expert who can make sure you stay on track, using their years of experience and wisdom.

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