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Don't Compare Yourself to Anyone

Story Of An Unhappy Crow

By Nouman MuzaffarPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

Comparing yourself to others can lead to sadness. Remember, you are special just as you are. Let me share a story that illustrates this important lesson.

In life, it's easy to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. When we do that, we often end up feeling unhappy. Think about it this way: if you constantly measure yourself against others, you're likely to feel like the saddest person in the world.

There's a story that highlights the harm of such comparisons. It's about a crow, a black one. Now, this crow wasn't happy. You might wonder why. Well, the problem was its color. Being black made the crow feel really down and unhappy. This crow cried a lot because of it.

One day, a wise monk noticed the crow's tears. The monk approached and asked the crow why it was so sad. The crow's response was revealing. It said that life was tough, especially because of its black feathers. The crow believed that nobody liked its black color, nobody likes me. “Have you seen anyone using a crow as a pet? No one gives me food, and I spend most of my time rummaging through garbage for food. I hate my life because God made me a crow”.

Curious, the monk asked the crow, "If you could be anything else, what would you choose?" The crow thought for a moment and replied, "I'd love to be a white swan. White seems so beautiful and peaceful." The monk agreed to help the crow transform into a swan, but with a condition. The crow had to meet a swan first.

So, the crow met a graceful swan and admired its pristine white feathers. But to the crow's surprise, the swan shared that it wasn't exactly happy either. The swan complained that its white feathers got dirty easily and that nobody liked white. It turned out that even being white had its challenges.

Undeterred, the crow and the swan went back to the monk. This time, the swan wanted to be a parrot, and the crow desired to become a peacock. They met a parrot, but it admitted that its bright green feathers weren't all fun. The parrot struggled to hide in the jungle because its green blended in too well. Then, they met a stunning peacock, known for its vibrant feathers. However, even the peacock had problems. Hunters pursued it for its feathers, which were then sold for decorations. People use its feathers to decorate their houses. The peacock wasn't happy with its life.

The peacock shared a truth with the crow: "You are the happiest." The crow was confused and asked why. The peacock explained that the crow's simplicity was a gift. No one sold crow feathers or meat, no one hunted crows, their color is unique and they didn't have the same troubles as other birds. Their life is simpler and, in its own way, happier.

This story carries a vital message. Comparing ourselves to others often makes us overlook our own blessings. Everyone faces their own challenges. You are one of a kind, and that's a wonderful thing. You're special just as you are. Remember, God made you exactly as you are for a reason. Embrace your uniqueness, believe in yourself, and recognize your potential to make a positive impact in the world. No matter how you look or where you come from, you have greatness within you. And always remember, none of us knows what the future holds, so cherish who you are and the positive influence you can have on the world around you. Just be yourself!


About the Creator

Nouman Muzaffar

I believe that every word has the power to spark connections, ignite curiosity, and provoke thought.

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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