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Don't be afraid, young you

If fate is kind to you, try bowing and thanking it. If fate strikes at you, clench your fist and strike back.

By AnasPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

She's not alone.

She was a well-behaved girl who studied hard. After graduating from university, she studied for the postgraduate entrance exam. After failing the entrance exam twice, she began to look for a job.

But the strongest feeling she has expressed during her job search is fear.

Go to some children chess training institutions apply for, the head said the school has a number of campuses, she can go to which campus work. She was afraid to go to work, how even a fixed place? Some campuses are too far away for her to go. Then the talks fell apart.

She registered an account on an employment platform and felt very uneasy afterwards, fearing that her information would be leaked and used for things like loans.

Every time she looked for a house, she had to wait two or three days. She was always shy about dealing with strangers, and the stress of renting a house was too much for her.

These fears and anxieties have kept her from finding a job.

I didn't even think much about benefits and benefits in my first job, just that I had to start somewhere. When you were a student, your parents shielded you from all the wind and rain and made you fearful of the outside world.

This irrational fear is what cat owners call a "stress response" -- when a cat walks out the door after years in captivity, it scares the hell out of it.

How do you overcome it? How do domestic cats become active?

Isn't it in the wild, helpless, rain and wind to exercise out?

The more afraid you are, the more you have to take the first step and believe that you can do it.

I told the girl the story of my mother.

My mother went to college in 1962, and her whole school journey was hard.

Her primary school is three miles from home, and she has to make four round trips every day, a total of more than ten li. After finishing primary school, the first problem she faced was that there was no junior middle school in the village, so she had to go to a middle school in a neighboring village, ten miles away from home. Because she had to live on campus, she rented a stove and cooked for herself, returning home once a week. Later, she was admitted to the best high school in the city, which was the first glory of her life. But in the city, 50 miles from home, only once a semester.

Day by day, week by week, semester by semester... That's how she made her way through school.

I asked her, "Scared?"

"I'm afraid I can't get over it," she said.

Both sides of the country road are green gauze tents, there are snakes, there may be more terrible than the snake bad people. And her relationship with a good female classmate, not bad, but after primary school graduation does not go to school, because of fear, dare not a person to go to school, the family is afraid of girls have an accident. She walked bravely on the country road alone, hoping to fulfill her dream of reading through her own efforts.

Of all the difficulties, the most difficult was that she had to go to the commune for a stipend of five yuan a month.

The person in charge of the commune is very busy. He may not always be in the commune, but he may be in a production team. Sometimes the person in charge gives her the cold shoulder. She said to me, "I often can't sleep half the night before I go to the commune, thinking of the cold face I will suffer. On the way back, I often cried while walking."

But not without it. Unable to continue her studies, she has no chance at all of going to college.

After her mother's brave persistence again and again, she succeeded in going to college.

So what we need to do is: don't be afraid, be brave to try and experience.

If fate is kind to you, try bowing and thanking it. If fate strikes at you, clench your fist and strike back.

But anyway, the first thing you should do is say to yourself, "Don't be afraid."


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