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Do These 5 Things For An Hour a Day To Become Rich And Successful

Do you work for a company but want to leave and start your own business? Or you just want to change the field of activity, but you cannot quite a profitable job. How to be? The solution is very simple — take your hours after the main work with the necessary things and you will get what you want very soon.

By Michail BukinPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Do These 5 Things For An Hour a Day To Become Rich And Successful
Photo by Executium on Unsplash

Many people believe that their professional growth is due only to working hours and that efforts should be made only during this time. They believe that their careers depend on the company or the boss.

However, your future depends only on you, not on the boss or the company you work for. Your professional growth and possible prospects for promotion, job change, or starting your own business directly depend on the efforts that you put in between 6 pm and 12 pm.

And that is why it is so important to use time wisely after the main work in order to achieve the desired goals. And this will not take as much time as it seems at first glance — only 1 hour a day and your life will gradually become the way you want it. These simple rules were tried by the richest Chinese in the world, the founder of Alibaba, Jack Ma.

1. Your evening makes your future.

Analyze — what do you do after the main work before going to bed? Most people do not attach any importance to this and believe that they have done a good job at their main job and have the right to spend the evening at their own discretion. And this is everyone’s choice — to lie on the couch and watch TV or to do their own self-development. After all, evening time is an opportunity to learn something new or raise your professionalism to a higher level. This knowledge will subsequently help you climb the career ladder, find a more interesting and promising job or start your own business. The secret is that you will have a lot of knowledge and stand out favorably from the rest of the staff.

Jack Ma also followed this path — working in the main specialty “marketing”, in the evening he studied design and took design work at home to improve his skills. When he became boss, he stopped designing and returned to the marketing industry. But he never stopped learning. And if he developed only during working hours, he could not become a creative director and product manager, as well as teach marketing to MBA students. All successful people follow this path. Your success will be determined by what you do from 6 pm to 12 pm.

2. Read, read, and read again.

Reading can profitably develop you and make your head and shoulders above your peers. Most successful business people confirm that reading is the foundation of your future success. Those who read a lot are more versed in different branches of knowledge and this can be useful for the company. You can successfully build a career in an existing company or plan a new business based on new knowledge.

Anthony Robbins said:

“If you gain knowledge on a topic for 1 hour a day, a year later you will know more about it than 99.999% of people in the world.

Even if you have 30 minutes every night, you can easily read one book a week.

You will not become an expert, but I promise that you will know more than your colleagues. “

3. Participate in different projects.

If your current company does not give you the opportunity to realize all your abilities, create them yourself. Participate in other projects as a volunteer or freelancer. Communicating with other people on a different team will help you put your knowledge into practice.

You will be able to see how to complete assignments on time, get feedback and learn from the lessons. This experience is much more valuable than your calm and measured life with a miserable salary.

4. Make connections actively.

Connections can help accelerate your career or build your own business. If you have a small social circle and do not have a large number of acquaintances, then the time has come to find them. After all, communicating with different people and learning their opinions, you gain invaluable experience that you cannot get anywhere else, establish possible partnerships and increase the opportunities for additional income.

Instead of rushing home or to the bar after work, you can make the connections you need and spin in certain circles. There are many interest groups that can help you in your career or business. It doesn’t take long for this. Once a week, you can have coffee or have breakfast with new friends. Track their career or business development on LinkedIn or other professional social media platforms. Create together a mentoring group in specific professional fields. Maybe your new employer or business partner will be among them?

If you have time to lie on the couch in front of the TV, then you will find time to build connections. After all, the right connections are your asset for future work.

5. Forget tomorrow — start now.

It is very easy to postpone all your beginnings until tomorrow or Monday. After all, when you come home from work, you are tired and want to rest, and even more so you do not want to follow the instructions of others.

You can turn off your brain like your work computer, or you can get smarter, stronger, and make new acquaintances. Get started today — set aside just 1 hour a day to do it. And success will not belong in coming. But the choice is always yours, so choose consciously!

self help

About the Creator

Michail Bukin

Creative Writing Expert and Ambitious Stutterer

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