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Do the fucking work.

Just start.

By SilviaPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

What excuses are you currently making for not reaching your goals? What truths are you avoiding? What lies are you telling yourself every day? Is it comfortable…living in your own damn comfort zone and rarely leaving it? Well, here’s the ugly truth for you: no one else is going to chase and accomplish your goals for you. No one. Let that sink in for a moment. No one is going to make your dreams and goals true. No one is going to save you. It is up to you. Only you. Remember that the next time you look at the mirror. The reality and seriousness might not sink in immediately, but let it simmer. Leave it on the backburner of your mind.

So what does it mean? It means that you need to get off that couch and start doing things that matter, things that take you closer to your goals. Whether it is starting or finishing your degree, whether it is learning a new skill required for a new job you want or whether it is fitness goals…it does not matter. You still need to get off that couch and start doing. Stop being passive, and start being active. Active about your dreams, your goals, your goddamn life. Start taking control over your own life. Stop letting the course of your life be determined by other people. Stop letting your dreams stay dreams. You will never achieve them if you do not start actively pursuing them. No one is going to hand opportunities to achieve your goals on a silver platter. You cannot afford to wait for things just happen. I mean what are you waiting for? For next Monday? For next year? For a better situation? For a sign? Well, let this be your goddamn sign. Get going!

Start where you are and use what you have and can at this very moment. Just start. I am not asking you to achieve or complete the whole goal or project right now tonight, but I am asking you to start. And I know that it can often be the hardest part. It almost always is. But it is also the most crucial part of achieving a goal. You need to make an initiative. You need to take a step, no matter how small, towards achieving what you want. And keep doing that every single day. What you will find is that the missing puzzle pieces of the huge complex goal that you were too afraid to face and start will slowly start to appear and make sense. It always is like that. It is almost like some sort of magical universal law. But in order for it to happen, you have to initiate and take a step (or a couple) towards the goal. And then slowly, one by one, things will start to make more sense. And before you know it, you will be equipped with more puzzle pieces that enable you to solve the complexity of the situation and ultimately achieve your goal.

I know what it feels like not even knowing where to start. And that is okay. And it is okay to feel scared or lost. But there is always something you can do. Whether it is gathering research about the topic, making a call or sending an email to someone, registering your name on a course, attending the event etc. There is always something. And once you do that, find the next small thing to do and do it. And you will soon see other things to do that will lead you toward accomplishing your goal. You just need to be active about it.

However, as the title suggests, you also need to be willing to put in the damn work. Because most great things will not always be achieved easily and even though you might be taking steps and being active about your goals and dreams, they also require hard work at times. But trust me, the results will be worth it. Be willing to grind and put in the work in order to enjoy the results later and be able to tell that ‘I did it. I fucking did it’. Make yourself proud. No one is going to do it for you. Be the person you want to be and go do the fucking work.


About the Creator


I tend to have quite "unpopular" opinions and this is the place I have decided to write about them. All stories will be based on my personal values and life experiences. I hope to find like-minded people here.

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