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Dear me,

a goodbye 2020, hello 2021 letter to myself

By A. D. DOUGHTY Published 3 years ago 3 min read

Dear me,

(a goodbye 2020, hello 2021 letter to myself)

Hey there mama, you made it another year! You have been gifted another year with your family, your babies, your friends...

I know that old habits die hard but I don’t want you to stress about that this year. You tried your best, you are not perfect and that is okay.

You got to live to see another day.

Time goes by faster the older you get. Remember how fast 2020 went? There is only 365 days - make each one count!

I reflected back on the tremulous year of 2020 and how it affected the world and you. After doing so, I wrote these goals for you, going in to 2021 ----->

_____ _____ _____ _____


This past year was filled with extreme ups and extreme downs. It is quite funny how each card pull that was done last year said exactly that *in deep genie- like voice “your year of 2020 will have both positives and negatives throughout”. I suppose psychic reading is not pseudoscience after all? Or the readings matching exactly how your year played out was just coincidence... I guess we will never know... Either way, do not stop believing. Believe that the universe is working with you. Believe that your guardian angels and those who have passed on are the ones that are showing you signs. Believe that it was her who flew past you as a monarch butterfly and him whistling in the basement. Believe that there is a God. Believe in love, hope and miracles.

Continue Trying

I know you feel bad when you take this life for granted. When you need a break away from the kids. When you are too tired to cook or do the dishes.

I know you feel guilty. I know that you know that you are lucky to be here.

I want to take the time right now to remind you that it is okay to have human emotions and just because you have been given the gift of life does not mean that you have to be perfect. All that I ask of you is to try. Continue trying.

Do Not Spend Time On Negativity

Going into 2021, I want to remind you how precious life on this earth is. Each day could be our last. You know this more than anyone and I wish that you realized this when you wasted energy on small things that simply do not matter. Write that down - do not waste energy this year on small things that do not matter.

Break Old Habits

The scans have been spaced apart, you are beating the odds; no reoccurrence, no residual. Please try not to let the scans worry you so much this year but also do not let the clear MRI results allow you to be lazy and discontinue your hard work. Each day is a new day and an opportunity to be a better version of yourself.

Self Care & Self Love

Get off social media. Continue taking detox baths and meditating. Get outside more this year and go to see places in nature that you have put off seeing. Try to spend money more more frugal this year. Cook more homemade meals that will restore your health and give you energy. Go on more dates with your husband. Read more books. Take care of your skin girl (you are not 16 anymore, stop picking your damn face).

Write More Often

Stop procrastinating with that book, that website, that blog. Nuff said.

Kick Butt @ Homeschool | Parenting

I am so proud of you during this quarantine! You created an entire home-school for your children during a worldwide pandemic for your health and the health of your family...and you rocked it! You’re still rocking it! Lets make this year even better than the last. Create a goal chart for the kids and you to check off as you go along to keep track of the progress you are creating together. Soak up this time that you have with those precious humans and enjoy every single second that the three of you have together.


Your biggest goal of all is to just be here for those beautiful people who love you and need you here. Whatever that takes.


About the Creator


I write a little bit of this and a little bit of that.

I take pride in my unique writing style and adaptability. I hope that you will too!

A small tip is always appreciated :)

Ghost Writing | Content Creating | Short Stories/ Poetry

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