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Damaged People Cannot Spread Healing!​

Let us heal first and lead second.

By Allata GonsalvesPublished 6 years ago 3 min read

I often thought that I could help people heal without being healed myself. I was broken, and all the pieces of the puzzle of my life laid at the doorstep of everyone who had hurt me. So, on my journey to help others, I was further breaking things, adding salt to their wounds and sticking a new knife inside because all I had to offer them was bitterness and anger. I poured my hurt into them, thinking I was helping them heal. I was damaging the very people who never hurt me. It was not until many, many years later that I realized just how broken and wounded I was, and many years after this realization that another fact came to me, I couldn't help anyone heal being in this condition, and I can't love anyone with these untreated wounds.

I had to recover from what hurt me, from who damaged me, and that meant that I had to face those wounds, I had to admit that I was broken and in need of repairing and help. I did not want my hurt to pull people down, stealing from their basket because mine was empty. I wanted my basket to be full again; I wanted my wounds to heal, even if it meant that I had to get a doctor to strip away the temporary bandages I used to dress my wounds. The bandages that were causing more harm than good.

It's funny that the process of being healed is one of the most painful procedures you will have to go through. I cried, I became angry, bitter, and frustrated all during the healing process, as the doctor stripped away my makeshift bandages—alcoholism, cutting, cursing—all the temporary fixes had to be removed to expose the wound so that the healing process can begin.

Once all the infection in the wound was cleared away, I started feeling better, my injuries were now exposed, but I didn't care; it was like a weight lifted from me. You never know much being broken weighs you done until you begin to heal. My advice to everyone out there: Please, please make sure that you are whole before attempting to help others, do not go around spreading your hurt to others. Sometimes we have to realize when we are the toxic ones. Heal first! Moreover, when you are healed, fight like hell to protect your peace!

How can we make a lasting change if all we do is spread infection and contamination? We must isolate and eradicate the disease before it becomes an epidemic that cannot be controlled. We have so much desire to see the world change, but that change must begin with you. Look in the mirror, see the log in your eye before you point out the speck in someone else's. Many times we do not even realize that we are the one that is toxic, the one causing all the problems because we fail to evaluate ourselves; we fail to look in the mirror.

We are scared to evaluate ourselves. We are afraid to tear off the mask that we wear in public. We hide our toxic traits behind this mask because we want people to believe that we are so perfect. But no one walking this earth is perfect, if we were, there would be no problems. We must realize that we are no better than anyone. We have no reason to judge anyone because they sin differently than we do. Some people wear their toxic traits on their sleeves, while others know how to dress up their wrong ways. But the time has come where we deal with those wrong ways and begin the process of healing. Let us work toward intentional healing, not being healed to criticize, but recover to help other heal also.

That's how we change the world.


About the Creator

Allata Gonsalves

just a girl with a lot to say!

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