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Creator life as a beginner

Important things to remember

By AhronPublished about a year ago 3 min read

"The Daily Life of a YouTube Beginner"

"Starting a YouTube channel can be exciting, but it also comes with its challenges. As a beginner, there's a lot to learn, from editing videos to promoting them. One month into my journey, I've already uploaded 13 videos. The longest-edited one is also the most disappointing; it's shriveled up and now I can't even bear to watch it. Despite the effort I put into it, it ended up being too elaborate and pretentious.

I consulted many acquaintances for advice, and they all told me to just put it up. However, I'm still not satisfied with the video and want to redo it. But with a busy schedule and other videos to work on, I had to put it off. The life of a novice YouTuber is not always easy, but it's a carefree routine that I enjoy.

My daily life now includes vlogging, and I even had the opportunity to go to a studio and take a profile picture. But as a regular person, I don't expect my views and subscribers to explode overnight like a beauty model. It's a harsh reality that even with a blog, it's the same thing. Many people start with good intentions but end up quitting due to the difficulties they face.

For me, I'll continue to pursue YouTube as a hobby and personal diary. It's a great way to document my life and share it with others, even if the views and subscribers don't come pouring in. So, here's to the daily life of a YouTube beginner, one month in and still going strong."

As a content creator myself, I have come to realize how social media has become an integral part of our daily lives.

It's a powerful tool that allows us to express ourselves and connect with others. However, as someone who has been working hard for the past two months to build a presence on platforms like YouTube, I've also experienced how social media can cause stress and anxiety, especially for beginners.

One of the biggest challenges for new creators on YouTube is the pressure to gain a large number of likes, views, and subscribers.

It may seem like just a numbers game, but it can have a significant impact on one's mental health and overall well-being. It's easy to feel like your worth as a creator is tied to your success on the platform, and this constant pursuit of likes and views can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

For some creators, this pressure can even lead to burnout and depression. Spending hours every day creating content and promoting your channel, only to see minimal engagement, can be demoralizing. It's especially disheartening for those who are passionate about their work and believe in the value of their content.

To combat the negative impact of social media on mental health, I believe it's important to encourage creators to focus on creating meaningful content that aligns with their values and passions. Creating content that has a purpose and brings value to others can give a sense of accomplishment and pride, regardless of the number of likes or views.

Another way to promote healthy social media habits is to encourage creators to take breaks from the platform and engage in other activities that bring them joy and fulfillment. Hobbies, spending time with loved ones, and other forms of self-care are essential for avoiding burnout and maintaining a healthy perspective on one's work.

It's also important to remember that social media doesn't reflect our true worth as individuals. Success on social media is often driven by factors beyond our control, such as algorithmic changes or popular trends. We should focus on our own goals and passions, rather than comparing ourselves to others on the platform.

In conclusion, social media can have a serious impact on the mental health and well-being of YouTube beginners.

Encouraging healthy social media habits, such as focusing on meaningful content and taking breaks from the platform, is crucial. We must also recognize that social media doesn't define our worth as human beings, and strive to maintain a healthy and sustainable relationship with it.

For all those who are starting their journey as creators, I hope that you stay true to your values and find fulfillment in your work.

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